whats your worst sports injury?

In 6th grade my basketball team made it to the finals and we were only had five girls to play. One was at a funeral and one was puking every 10 minutes. We couldn't afford an injury. Well, their biggest girl landed on my foot in the third quarter and I lied about being OK to play. I couldn't put weight on it, let alone run on it so I stayed towards the middle of the quart playing defense as best I could, fighting back tears and we ended up winning going onto the championship game.

Picture the blackest bruise you have ever had and times it by a 100. Dad wanted me to go to the ER immediately. He thought I broke every blood vessel in my foot plus the top bone. The entire top of my foot from my toes to my ankle was BLACK and SWOLLEN. It was DISGUSTING, but I refused to go to the ER. I knew doctors wouldn't let me play on it.

I showed up for the championship game and first thing my coaches want to see is my foot as I was limping - badly. I said it wasn't a wise thing to see. They about passed out when they saw it and said I couldn't play on it and we would take the forfeit. I said absolutely not. I didn't go to the ER last night and I am playing on this foot. Four quarters later --- WE LOST, but I didn't quit and we didn't have to forfeit. Limped for the next four months with my foot wrapped until the bruise and swelling went away.

Following summer in softball I hit one out to the fence with the bases loaded and like a dummy was watching how far my ball went and not where I was running. BOOM! Ran right into the short stop. Knocked me out cold. Ball was still rolling -- came to a few minutes later with my third base coach waving me to get to third. Pretty much crawled there and then the ball bounced to the catcher. Ump asked me if I was OK and took a time out to get my composure. Was fine with a big bump on my head and even bigger one on my leg. Went onto the next game for the night and first time up to bat freaking sprained my ankle running to first. Bad night for me!

And they think my spontaneous lung collapse at 14 (worst pain ever and they cut you open while you are awake and shove a tube into your lung) was from playing too much softball from a pneumonia scar a few years earlier. We had league and tournament play for two weeks straight and was playing almost everyday. It was too much on that lung.

Torn meniscus in my right knee
Bursa rupture same knee (looked the worst)
2 dislocated fingers - 3 broken fingers


Hairline fracture right leg
Too many ankle inj. to list :)

Wife (Playing mercy - she still has yet to make me say it :laugh2: )

2 Broken ribs
1 dislocated finger
daschoo;3282450 said:
just right off the bat when i say football i mean soccer.

anyway the reason i thought of this thread is i'm currently unable to play football as i'm resting my ankle after sustaining ligament and soft tissue damage playing seven a side football at the beginning of the month. it was a strange one as i felt it at the time but was able to run it off and continue playing for around three quarters of an hour. by the time i got home and went to bed it was starting to hurt and then i woke up at 3 in the morning with the pain. went to a&e (you call it e.r.?) the next day as i couldn't put any weight on it whatsoever and ended up having to use a walking stick for a few days just to get around the house.

also had a couple of ankle sprains in the past and years ago pulled a muscle in my groin area , no s******ing at the back, which i never allowed to heal properly and was back playing football weeks before the doctors were wanting me doing anything more strenuous than walking (i was about 14 or something, wouldn't be so stupid now). to this day it hurts in cold weather and if i don't warm up properly before a game it tends to play up, also tends to bother me when i go hillwalking.

last year i had to spend a day lying on the floor because i twisted something in my back trying to squeeze through a gap between two defenders that wasn't there. also had a couple of concussions, one drink related the other from a clash of heads going for a high ball that also resulted in a broken nose and of course the usual scrapes and grazes from being tripped and a few cuts from studs catching me on the legs and a few on the ribs.

anyway i'm sure some of you guys most have some worse injuries/better stories than that playing such a high contact sport.

Basketball I chipped of part of the ankle bone and had a floating piece in my ankle for a year because they kept telling me their was nothing wrong with my ankle despite all the weird stuff going on with my ankle (dam HMO's) finally got to the specialist I had him yank that bad boy out. Ankle is never been the same but it better than with the ankle chip
Kristi;3283248 said:
In 6th grade my basketball team made it to the finals and we were only had five girls to play. One was at a funeral and one was puking every 10 minutes. We couldn't afford an injury. Well, their biggest girl landed on my foot in the third quarter and I lied about being OK to play. I couldn't put weight on it, let alone run on it so I stayed towards the middle of the quart playing defense as best I could, fighting back tears and we ended up winning going onto the championship game.

Picture the blackest bruise you have ever had and times it by a 100. Dad wanted me to go to the ER immediately. He thought I broke every blood vessel in my foot plus the top bone. The entire top of my foot from my toes to my ankle was BLACK and SWOLLEN. It was DISGUSTING, but I refused to go to the ER. I knew doctors wouldn't let me play on it.

I showed up for the championship game and first thing my coaches want to see is my foot as I was limping - badly. I said it wasn't a wise thing to see. They about passed out when they saw it and said I couldn't play on it and we would take the forfeit. I said absolutely not. I didn't go to the ER last night and I am playing on this foot. Four quarters later --- WE LOST, but I didn't quit and we didn't have to forfeit. Limped for the next four months with my foot wrapped until the bruise and swelling went away.

Following summer in softball I hit one out to the fence with the bases loaded and like a dummy was watching how far my ball went and not where I was running. BOOM! Ran right into the short stop. Knocked me out cold. Ball was still rolling -- came to a few minutes later with my third base coach waving me to get to third. Pretty much crawled there and then the ball bounced to the catcher. Ump asked me if I was OK and took a time out to get my composure. Was fine with a big bump on my head and even bigger one on my leg. Went onto the next game for the night and first time up to bat freaking sprained my ankle running to first. Bad night for me!

And they think my spontaneous lung collapse at 14 (worst pain ever and they cut you open while you are awake and shove a tube into your lung) was from playing too much softball from a pneumonia scar a few years earlier. We had league and tournament play for two weeks straight and was playing almost everyday. It was too much on that lung.

Aren't you in a wheelchair now? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Jon88;3283404 said:
Aren't you in a wheelchair now? Or am I thinking of someone else?

No, you are right. I am in a wheelchair now. This was pre - paralysis. I was a sport nut (still am, but more of a watcher now) before I got hurt. I was in softball, basketball, and volleyball. Played a year of soccer, but had to choose between basketball and soccer since they were both in the fall and I could shoot a basketball better than I could kick a goal. I was also one of those few girls that looked forward to gym class.
Kristi;3283428 said:
No, you are right. I am in a wheelchair now. This was pre - paralysis. I was a sport nut (still am, but more of a watcher now) before I got hurt. I was in softball, basketball, and volleyball. Played a year of soccer, but had to choose between basketball and soccer since they were both in the fall and I could shoot a basketball better than I could kick a goal. I was also one of those few girls that looked forward to gym class.

Well that's a shame. Sorry to hear that.
I say may ankle but some people tell me ripping my Arm Pit open and having to get it sewn backup was bad
Different kind of sports.

team roping accident--knee hit a 4 inch metal post. I was on a running horse at the time ---When I looked down my kneecap on was on the side of my leg. They stuck a needle in my knee and sucked out 60 cc of blood.Wanted to to surgery to see what was wrong--I told them if they didn't know forget it

Roping accident ---shattered my calcaneous(sp heel bone)
Surgery that required 10 plates, 12 screws and a bone graft.and a permanent affect to my life. My foot was black --I waited about 10 days to go to the Doc.I thought it was just sprained a little..Spent 2 and 1/2 months with my leg elevated so the swelling would go down and the incision would heal

Younger days -bull stepped on my foot cracked and bruised the bone --hurt like ----

Thats most of the serious stuff:D
My right knee was completely destroyed. I spent 2 weeks in a wheelchair, 6 months on crutches, and then another 12 months walking with a cane. I still have a limp and my right leg is smaller than my left leg. I'm pretty good at hiding the limp though. It ended my football dreams before they ever really got off the ground.

The worst part about it for me, is that I was not playing football when it happened. That has always been the worst part of the injury.
HoleInTheRoof;3283778 said:
My mouse clicking finger felt a little sore once after a marathon session of internet poker.
now that is a serious sports injury:D
Hostile;3283769 said:
My right knee was completely destroyed. I spent 2 weeks in a wheelchair, 6 months on crutches, and then another 12 months walking with a cane. I still have a limp and my right leg is smaller than my left leg. I'm pretty good at hiding the limp though. It ended my football dreams before they ever really got off the ground.

The worst part about it for me, is that I was not playing football when it happened. That has always been the worst part of the injury.

What did you do to your knee?
Similar to Hostile, I ripped my left knee apart between my junior and senior years in high school (summer of 85). Tore the ligament completely, severed the nerve and damaged tendons. Was on crutches for six months and had to wear a brace on my knee and under my left foot for two more years. My left foot still drags a little and I still walk with slight limp. I did it chasing a fly ball during summer baseball.
Scranton Tiger;3284889 said:
Similar to Hostile, I ripped my left knee apart between my junior and senior years in high school (summer of 85). Tore the ligament completely, severed the nerve and damaged tendons. Was on crutches for six months and had to wear a brace on my knee and under my left foot for two more years. My left foot still drags a little and I still walk with slight limp. I did it chasing a fly ball during summer baseball.

That'll do it every time.
I messed up my knee and had it scoped, but I think my worst was my sophmore year in Highschool when I colided with another player during hitting drills and my facemask busted inward, breaking my nose quite nicely. Carried a somewhat crooked nose for about a year and couldn't breathe out of one side before finally getting it fixed.
Not all sports related, but I have had 10 or 11 broken bones, (not counting when they sawed my breastbone in half for open heart surgery) over 100 stitches, 5 concussions, double hernia surgery, torn rotator cuff, blew out my knee.

But the worst was when my left SI went out. I could not stand up, sit down, bend over or walk up a step for 3 days.

I was stuck, ... it was nasty.

If I had to choose between having the SI or open heart surgery again, I may take the OHS.
WV Cowboy;3286406 said:
Not all sports related, but I have had 10 or 11 broken bones, (not counting when they sawed my breastbone in half for open heart surgery) over 100 stitches, 5 concussions, double hernia surgery, torn rotator cuff, blew out my knee.

But the worst was when my left SI went out. I could not stand up, sit down, bend over or walk up a step for 3 days.

I was stuck, ... it was nasty.

If I had to choose between having the SI or open heart surgery again, I may take the OHS.

What's an SI?
Jon88;3286414 said:
What's an SI?

I hope you never find out.

The sacroiliac joint or SI joint is the joint in the bony pelvis between the sacrum and the ilium of the pelvis, which are joined together by strong ligaments. In humans, the sacrum supports the spine and is supported in turn by an ilium on each side. The joint is a strong, weightbearing synovial joint with irregular elevations and depressions that produce interlocking of the two bones. The human body has two sacroiliac joints, a left and a right joint, that often match each other but are highly variable from person to person.
Multiple concussions in football and tore my right ankle to shreds in lacrosse. My ankle hurts to this day.
Oh, forgot.

I was playing volleyball and jumped for the ball. My feet went out from under me and I landed on my head and pelvis, breaking my pelivis in half. At work I could barely step up onto things. I could feel it pulling apart.

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