whats your worst sports injury?

This one time I was running outside without shoes, and stubbed my toe.. does that count?
big dog cowboy;3282748 said:
I was playing some hoops at the local playground. After a missed shot by my team, I got the rebound and went back up strong and made a thunderous dunk. On the way back down someone undercut me. I tried to brace my fall but took full impact on my elbow. I was never sure what damage was done but I couldn't bend my arm and it bothered me for the longest time.

...damaged your bursa sac. Did that to myself in hockey landing on the ice without elbow pads. Took about a year to recover.
Tore my ACL and part of my meniscus during a pickup game of basketball at the gym. Did rehab until Dr. said I could play again, first time out, got undercut after a steal going up for a layup and tore my meniscus fully and partially tore my ACL (small tear) again.

Now I'm playing all sports again. :)
...crash in a Indy Lite racing car.

I've talked about it once before in this forum. Around two years ago, about 23 years aftert he crash, I finished the last of the surgeries to repair all that was damaged to my face with rhinoplasty. There were multiple broken bones and an extended hospital stay that threw my university graduation on the back burner for a year.

I love sports and I continued to play after the incident, but it was a real eye opener to me that I would never wish on anyone.
Sarge;3286698 said:
Multiple concussions in football and tore my right ankle to shreds in lacrosse. My ankle hurts to this day.

I know the feeling my good man as I'm about to document.

I haven't had a ton of injuries to a ton of areas of my body but I do believe I can lay claim to quite possibly having the weakest set of ankles in the history of ankles.

Let me list some things here. It's not going to be as long or cool as some folks lists but it's bad enough for me I suppose.

First the easy one.

- 12 stitches above my right eye from playing soap ball (this was indoor football, on the wrestling mats, with a bar of soap we heavily tapped up with athletic tape) when we were going to run a reverse and the guy running it with me cut his part in WAY to tight and we wound up smacking heads. These are the only stitches Ive ever had to have.

- Hyperextended my left knee. I assume that is what I did anyway as I never had it checked out. While playing a game of pick up flag football, with some buddies from work, nearly 3 years ago now. It was raining and a fast guy playing with us caught a short pass, cut inside to try and go up field, but he lost his footing and started going down. It just so happens I was running up to try and flag him so as he went down he went head first (the top of his head) right into the knee cap of my left knee and my leg just bent backwards.

My foot hung in the ground so there was no give. That was the second most intense pain I've ever felt in my life for the first few minutes after it happened. i was pretty scared cause I was just certain when I tried to get up I wouldnt be able to walk on it or anything cause I was just sure he'd blown my knee out.

After a few minutes I got up, was able to walk, with a serious limp, and could stand and stuff so I kept playing. i couldn't run, or jump, or anything so I just went to playing QB and standing stationary and passing.

It took it a few weeks for that to heal enough for me to be able to run and stuff again. Of course it didn't help that at the time I was also about 310 pounds adding even more stress to the area.

Now the long list of ankle injuries.

- Cracked my left ankle my junior year in high school playing some backyard basketball. Went up for a shot, came down wrong, cracked it.

That injury didn't really hurt much but it took well over a year to fully heal because I wouldn't stay off it. I still had to go to school, had to work, and of course i refused to give up the pick up games of basketball and football over a cracked ankle so I kept playing on it. Set the healing back a long way no doubt.

- Broke my left ankle

- Broke my right ankle

- Sprained my left ankle to such a degree that the doctor forced me into a cast for 6 weeks cause he said it wouldn't heal properly if he didn't put me in one.

And now the biggy...

- Shredded and destroyed all the ligaments and tendons in my right ankle. Basically just blew the thing up, entirely.

In the 6th grade we were playing football in my front yard. I jumped up to catch a pass, came down, and I came down right on the side of my right ankle with my entire body. I thought I was going to die.

There was a disgusting sound that honestly sounded like someone shot at me (that was the sound of the bone at the back of my foot, that makes the L-Shape, dislocating apart.

The pain was immediate and so intense I honestly thought I was going to throw up. I've never felt anything even remotely close to being as painful as this.

I went to the hospital and they put me in a wrap and stuff and had to wait for the swelling to go down to do much else. A few days later they put it in a splint and I had to keep off it obviously as I could put no weight on it.

Well as if that wasn't bad enough I went back to school, on crutches, and I had classes upstairs and downstairs. One of the first days back, while trying to go downstairs, the crutch slipped and I went tumbling down the stairs. More intense pain. Go back to the doctor I've damaged what was already pretty much shot, even further.

So now they put me on Homebound (Teachers had to come to me 2 times a week with my homework) for 2 months. It sucked. I couldn't do anything but sit in a chair with my foot proped up and wait.

I also had to sit out my 7th grade year of football cause they wouldn't clear me to play. They told me if I hurt it again during that time frame that the next injury would result in me having to have it surgically repaired cause I'd screwed it up so much.

To this day, much like you I'm sure Sarge, there will be days where it just hurts for no reason and the worst part of it, as the doctors let me know then that the best I could ever hope for was that it would be about 80-85% and it would never be better than that, is that still to this day I can be walking along and for no reason at all my right ankle will just give out and fold up under me.

It doesn't usually hurt real bad or anything, it's sort of like stepping in an uneven spot and it just giving you a bit of a pinch (though there have been times where it's hurt real bad) but it's annoying. I mean I can be walking in a mall, on perfectly flat surfaces, and the ankle, for no reason, will just fold over out of weakness.

None of these have kept me from continuing to play competive sports though. I play wallball once a week with friends, I play basketball when I can, and I've been playing in a competitive flag football league for a couple years now. This fall, should I be able to play again (possibly job change might force me to sit this fall out) will be my 3rd season. I wish they'd done a better job of advertising cause I had no idea that my hometown had a flag football league, it's been here for about 20 years, otherwise I'd have been playing since the day I turned 17 (which is our league minimum for age I believe. Could be 18.).
^ Ick. I've been blessed with strong ankles. There has been numerous times where I would come down on someone else's foot and my ankle would just snap back into the right position w/o any damage. I luckily went through my HS sports career w/o any kind of injury that kept me from playing.
ajk23az;3287279 said:
^ Ick. I've been blessed with strong ankles. There has been numerous times where I would come down on someone else's foot and my ankle would just snap back into the right position w/o any damage. I luckily went through my HS sports career w/o any kind of injury that kept me from playing.

Very blessed cause having your ankles go out like that absolutely sucks. It's a stupid risk I take every time I play a sport of any kind, risks I'm really not suppose to take on such weak ankles, but I refuse to let my body control what I'm willing to do.
In high school, I played intramural and as many pickup games as I could get into because football was always the best game of all. I always had some part of me swollen and hurting during football season but I loved it. No serious injuries but lots of ankle and knee sprains and jammed fingers. Later on when I was 30 I tore the front extensor muscles in both thighs, i forgot what they're called but they're the big long ones in front. That ended my football career.

When I was 40 I was playing in a makeup game of basketball and went up and got a rebound and on the way down someone cut my legs from under me and I landed square on my butt from way up there and it injured my sacro-iliac. I left the game and sat up against the wall for a couple of hours. It hurt a lot and was very scary but I didn't go see a doctor. It was very painful and it took weeks for it to clear up but it still comes back every few months. No more basketball.

I'm 70 now and no longer participate in sports but enjoy throwing a football around - or a frisbee. These days I prefer to walk rather than run.

It'll probably kill me but I would like to go snow skiing again. It's the most exhillerating thing I have ever done. I guess I'll have to start jogging again to get in shape for it. I ought to be ready by next year.
Compound fracture of my left leg. Got hit by a truck while playing football in the street on my way home from school. Should have looked both ways.
Kristi;3283248 said:
And they think my spontaneous lung collapse at 14 (worst pain ever and they cut you open while you are awake and shove a tube into your lung) was from playing too much softball from a pneumonia scar a few years earlier. We had league and tournament play for two weeks straight and was playing almost everyday. It was too much on that lung.

They are supposed to use lots of anesthetic before they do the incision through the skin and lots of anesthetic into the lining of the lung before it is cut open for the tube placement.

The reason why I point this out is lots of doctors undestimate how much to use or will forget to anesthetize the lining of the lung (called the pleura) which is exquisitely sensitive to pain.
Yikes. Lots of nasty, life-altering injuries in this thread. I got off easy.
bbgun;3290139 said:
Yikes. Lots of nasty, life-altering injuries in this thread. I got off easy.


I've never had a major injury... Just small stuff (swollen fingers, black eyes, lots of cuts and bruises, a lil tendinitis, and a few pulled muscles and sprained ankles). It's not as though I haven't engaged in my share of sports, fights and foolishness, I've just been very fortunate in that I'm either consistantly lucky or exceptionally hardy. It's probably the former lol.
ajk23az;3287279 said:
^ Ick. I've been blessed with strong ankles. There has been numerous times where I would come down on someone else's foot and my ankle would just snap back into the right position w/o any damage. I luckily went through my HS sports career w/o any kind of injury that kept me from playing.

just been out to buy an ankle support. back playing football tonight, gave myself 4 weeks rest after injuring it as i have a tendency to rush back so played safe this time.
scoami;3287712 said:
Compound fracture of my left leg. Got hit by a truck while playing football in the street on my way home from school. Should have looked both ways.

shoulda juked.:p:

One time while playing Football in the neighborhood around my house my buddy threw a sideline pass (for what ever reason) with out looking at the grass i went for it..interception..then *bam* hi mr mailbox. I went through that thing like it was smoke. I'm just glad it wasn't 100% metal or a brick one

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