when did you first know you were a cowboys fan?

8 years old I moved to NJ and all of the older kids I played sports with were Cowboys fans. That's all they talked about, I was hooked !
DeathToTheSkinS said:
My father is a big cowboy fan and i can remeber when we beat the steelers in the super bowl back in 96' and my father just goin crazy with his aikman jersey and me with mine from that past christmas. So from then (6 yrs old) i new i liked the cowboys but i truly found out i was a cowboy fan when i first felt the pain and actual anger of loseing to the Commanders on that thanksgiving day afew years back. 16 now and hate every team except the Cowboys, ive been harassed for being a cowboy fan and living in central maryland my entire life...I wouldnt have it ne other way.

Not as bad being in NY and rooting for the Cowboys...but close. I'm sure you must deal with some serious abuse in Commander country.

Worst part for me is that I'm also a Yankee fan...so people just assume, I'm a front runner...they don't realize that I started rooting for the Yankees in 1965 when the were AWFUL....and the Cowboys the same year...

The Cowboys werent awful...but in those years, they gave their fans one heart breaking loss after another in big games...
As a 10 year old when we played the Colts in the Super Bowl. Somethign about the silver and the star I guess. Kinda funny since I grew up 30 miles from Lambeau but never cared about the Packers.

My fav teams in other sports were developed about that time too. The Pirates, after beating the Orioles in the WS and the Bucks with Lew Alcindor and the Big O winning it all.

Good thing I picked the Cowboys instead of the Colts though, considering the lack of success over the years of the other 2 teams I picked. Without the Boys, it'd have been a long 35 years. ;)
Juke99 said:
Not as bad being in NY and rooting for the Cowboys...but close. I'm sure you must deal with some serious abuse in Commander country.

Worst part for me is that I'm also a Yankee fan...so people just assume, I'm a front runner...they don't realize that I started rooting for the Yankees in 1965 when the were AWFUL....and the Cowboys the same year...

The Cowboys werent awful...but in those years, they gave their fans one heart breaking loss after another in big games...

Juke, u have no idea. People dnt think im a front-runner cuz well, im an o's fan hah. Living around all these Commanders fans is quite a treat tho, walkin into school in an old worn down Woodson Jersey were the "2" is half off, with a huge smile on my face...then crap thrown at me durin lunch. Boy did i take it when we lost that monday nighter.
DeathToTheSkinS said:
Juke, u have no idea. People dnt think im a front-runner cuz well, im an o's fan hah. Living around all these Commanders fans is quite a treat tho, walkin into school in an old worn down Woodson Jersey were the "2" is half off, with a huge smile on my face...then crap thrown at me durin lunch. Boy did i take it when we lost that monday nighter.

OH MY! Bombarded during lunch. You're a brave soul! :eek: :D
Juke99 said:
Worst part for me is that I'm also a Yankee fan...so people just assume, I'm a front runner...they don't realize that I started rooting for the Yankees in 1965 when the were AWFUL....and the Cowboys the same year...

Me too! But I'm legit because my family lived in Irving and New Jersey.
Always been a Cowboys fan, but was enlightened during the Ice Bowl.
My 3 older brothers, kept on going on and on about the GB and Bart
Starr. I was 8 years old and it was making me crazy, so I started rooting for the Cowboys. And even though it was a tough loss, I stuck with them. I was a prophet and didn't know it, as I told them "the Packers are history was will soon suck for years and the Cowboys are the team of the future and will win and win and win" or I said something to that effect. Oh, how right was I. This was in Ohio.
Like several others.. From birth...I was born into an ultimate Cowboys family.

I was born in Dallas, raised in Irving near the stadium.

My grandpa got me into football when I was 3 yrs old when I ran into the “football” room and hollered "Touch Down - Cowboys" in front of the TV and started doing a little dance... after that, I got to sit with him and watch every game (they got beer and I got apple juice in a beer mug).... He spent a lot of time teaching and explaining the game to me....

I got lucky… I grew up during the most exciting time in Cowboys history – The 70’s. I got addicted to watching Roger, Drew, Harvey, Too Tall, Cliff, Billy Joe, Walls, White and the other legendary players. And having Tom Landry at the helm at the time was an awesome experience.

I grew up hearing stories about how great the Cowboys were from my grandpa... As far as my grandpa was concerned, there were only 4 Cowboys... Lilly, Dandy Don, Roger dodger, and Tom Landry.. Not a game went by in my childhood that I didn't hear his love for those players...

He was about as loyal a cowboy fan that you could have ever found.... and an even bigger fan during lean years... He loved Tom Landry and thought he was the best thing to happen to football coaching; respected Jimmy Johnson (after he got over Tom’s dismissal); thought Barry Switzer was a joke and made sure I did too. I think he would have loved seeing BP coach the team.

One of the last things my grandpa saw our last season together in 1995 was my son and I doing the same thing when he was 3 that I had done when I was 3. Except he did a wobbly-legged dance and spike of the ball that would have made any cowboy in the end zone jealous. My grandpa picked my son up and put him on his lap to watch the game. The tradition had made a full circle.

I don't only love the Cowboys as a team, but a link to the bond and memories I had with my grandpa that I still dearly miss.

When did I first know I was a Cowboys fan?? The first kick-off of every Cowboys game of my life
bbgun said:
Me too! But I'm legit because my family lived in Irving and New Jersey.

How many times have you heard "Oooooh that must be tough rooting for the Cowboys and the Yankees"

Well, when I started rooting, the Yanks were AWFUL in the mid 60's ( I was a Joe Pepitone fanatic)...and the Cowboys were the ultimate heartbreakers back then...
Juke99 said:
How many times have you heard "Oooooh that must be tough rooting for the Cowboys and the Yankees"

Well, when I started rooting, the Yanks were AWFUL in the mid 60's ( I was a Joe Pepitone fanatic)...and the Cowboys were the ultimate heartbreakers back then...

These younguns don't know the meaning of "Heartbreak Loses"........and by the way I was a Yankee fan also. Yogi.......Moose Skowren(sp), Hank Bauer,
Princess said:
I got lucky… I grew up during the most exciting time in Cowboys history – The 70’s. I got addicted to watching Roger, Drew, Harvey, Too Tall, Cliff, Billy Joe, Walls, White and the other legendary players. And having Tom Landry at the helm at the time was an awesome experience.

What great times those were to be Cowboys fans. We expected to win every game and contend for a Super Bowl every year.
Juke99 said:
How many times have you heard "Oooooh that must be tough rooting for the Cowboys and the Yankees"

Well, when I started rooting, the Yanks were AWFUL in the mid 60's ( I was a Joe Pepitone fanatic)...and the Cowboys were the ultimate heartbreakers back then...

Well, the Yanks pretty much sucked from 1982 to 1993, while the Boys stunk it up for much of the mid to late 80s. So yes, we have suffered.
I was born into a basketball family. My family was, and still is, rather apathetic about football. Now, basketball is still king......except for me.

My dad began pastoring a church in Oklahoma. Every year, that church would purchase a bunch of tickets for a Monday Night Football game, and drive as a group to Texas Stadium to watch a Cowboy's game. I remember Dad pulling me out of school early on Monday to go watch the Cowboys game.

I was the coolest kid in school for a whole two hours....I was going to watch the Cowboys!

I don't remember much about the game....we played Buffalo on a Monday Night in 1982 I believe....and we did win.

After that night, I was a diehard.....Even though I was considered unusual (and still am by most of the family) for my football fixation...I memorized the Cowboy's roster.

The next year I watched us lose the opener to the Pittsburgh Steelers. But I was still hooked. After that year, we moved to SW MO, and unfortunately, I've never made my way back to the promised land.

Oh, I still played basketball in HS, was all conference first team point guard, but football was always the sport I loved.

The Super Bowl win in #27 will always be special for me. I wasn't a fan of football in the first "Glory Days". I became a fan during the Danny White/Gary Hogeboom controversy. I cheered hard during the Steve Pelluer era. I remember being constantly razzed during the 1-15 season...The Super Bowl win was soooooo sweeeet!

There's nothing like the team you love actually winning it all! I felt that SB was as much my victory, as it was the team's (although, I know it's not).
Jan 21, 1979 Superbowl 13.

I was 8 years old. Still wet behind the ears and not really a football fan. We went over to my Uncle's house to watch the game. Most everyone there was rooting for the Steelers except for one of my cousins who was rooting for the cowboys. I didn't want him to feel left out so I joined him.

After that I didn't really follow the team, but would root for them whenever they was on TV. It wasn't till the last 80's when Jerry Bought the team and let Tom Laundry go that really sparked my interest in the team. I thought to myself here is a man with "balls" to let a legendary coach go like that and withstand the uproar it would bring in doing so.

When he brought Jimmy Johnson in, after seeing what he had done in Miami. I was interested to see if he could actually be sucessful in the NFL. So from that point on I was more focused on the team, trades, drafts, ect.
Worst part for me is that I'm also a Yankee fan...so people just assume, I'm a front runner..

I have the exact same problem. I was born into being a diehard Yankee fan and even have season tickets. Not my fault that my local team just happens to be the best baseball team in history :D

Back to football, my dad never was into it, so I picked it up by going to a superbowl party when I was 4 years old, and I remember wanting the Cowboys to win because, well I wanted to be a Cowboy (the western version, not the football player) so I stuck with them, and of course they kicked the crap out of Buffalo, so here I am today.
When the Cowboys lost to the Eagles in the '80 championship game. My brother was an Eagle fan and he made me cry because they beat the Cowboys. I remember faking a headache so my mom would tell him to stop. I was only 5. Been a diehard ever since.
Growing up in Silver Spring, MD I was a initally a skins fan like the rest of the family. One Sunday the skins were playing the Cowboys (I must have been about 4 years old) and I saw Tony Dorsett (it must have been his 1st or 2nd season with the team) whip through the Skins D for a long run. I was amazed by his speed and grace and instantly decided any team that guy played for I was cheering for. Plus they had cool helmets that just signified greatness in my young mind (A star! How great is that to a little kid?)

I knew was a fan when I discovered how upsetting a defeat was. By 6 years old I was living and dying with each game I could see on TV and checking box scores when games weren't on TV. I was always near tears (and actually broked down and cried in '81 w/the stupid catch and again when the Skins beat us in the NFC championship game in '83? Those loses were tough on a nine year old) when they lost games.
I was in the 1st grade in 1982 when I recall paying attention to football. My best friends dad was the local high school football coach and we got to be waterboys for the first time. We also went on to win back to back state titles in '82 and '83. We went to every game and even traveled with the team on the bus.

I remember watching my first Cowboys Commanders game in '82 and asking my papa who the team with stars on their helmets were. Thats the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team, he replied. I remember asking who #33 was and who #11 the quarterback was. Being named Daniel, it was love at first sight after hearing his name, admiring the stars on those helmets, and see those pretty cheerleaders in those short shorts. My papa was and is the only person that still calls me Danny. I remember the o line resetting, standing up and squating back down and immitating them while playing football in the yard. I remember how they stressed the Cowboys and Indians rivalry and the commercials with Landry in the saloon finding himself surrounded by Commanders.

I also remember in the 1st grade we had a pencil machine that gave you 2 pencils for .25 cents. The pencils had the NFL team names and helmets on them, later they had players pictures and their numbers on them. I know I cost my family a fortune buying at least a dollar or two worth of pencils everyday for the next 3 years. Landry and White invested in the oil company my papa worked for when I was in the 2nd grade. For Christmas my papa scored me a color autographed 8X10 of Danny White and a Danny White jersey.

In the 3rd grade the local police came to my school and handed out Dallas Cowboys team football cards, the cheerleaders had their own cards too. My papa was (is) a HUGE OU fan. Their qb was also a Danny (Bradley), of course I thought that was cool. The next year in '85, some qb named Troy Aikman :) got hurt and in came true freshman Jamelle Holieway running something called a wishbone. He became the next football player I would immitate in the yard. I got his jersey this year at Christmas. This crazy linebacker named Bosworth with colored stripes on his head used to run around knocking the crap out of people and they went on to win the National Championship. This is how I come to love the only 2 football teams I will ever cheer for. :cool: Sorry all you Texas fans had to hear that last part. :D
When I was like 6 or 7, I was pulling for the Steelers in a Cowboys/Steelers game because I liked the bright Yellow and black uniforms. My Father was of course watching the game. He was born and raised in Dallas and I was born in Dallas.

Dad sat me down right then and told me in no uncertain terms that I was a Cowboys fan, born and bred and that there would be no rooting for any other team under his roof.

From that day on, I've never pulled for another pro team unless it somehow benefited the Cowboys.

I've silently thanked my father for that many, many times.

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