When MM get Fired, which type of HC do you want? OC/DC or retread?


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I do not want another retread... especially 80-year-old Belicheat. My hope is Texas wins the NCAA National Championship so that Steve Sarkisian might come to Dallas and bring his staff. He is only 50 and has an exceptional football mind.

The Natural

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Jerruh liable to do some **** like this


chicago JK

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I say don’t eat the cheese. Jerry would like nothing better to blame this on Mike and then get a restart next offseason.

The head coach won’t change anything. Just lipstick on a pig. Sure there are better coaches than others but in the big picture is there needs to be drastic changes inside the organization first. Getting a new coach won’t change anything


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Defensive minded. than hires his clone as a DC and a genius OC/.yup easy PZ.

Noone in mind yet But Vrabel, Flores come to mind a parachute pick is Bill Belichick


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I want someone from the Shanahan coaching tree. Fix this run game and start getting wide open wrs.

Then invest in the dline and draft.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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He had issues working with the GM for the Titans.......lost a power struggle but do like him. Saban is my first choice......
Jerry Jones and other GM's are different people with different personalities and philosophies. Mike Vrabel knows exactly who Jones is IF he accepted a job offer from him. Vrabel can only blame himself if he could not bend himself to Jones' transparent nonsense.

I was only giving my opinion of who Jones might hire out of the OP choices. It would not shock me if none of them stand a chance of getting the job. However... Nick Saban? And Jerry Jones? That would be a partnership--no matter how short or long it would last--that would definitely shock the fool out of me.


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I want someone from the Shanahan coaching tree. Fix this run game and start getting wide open wrs.

Then invest in the dline and draft.
Even if they got Belichick, I still want them to go the Shanny coaching tree offensively.
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My most serious answer….anyone selected by a previously hired GM who will actually be able to pick his own staff and be allowed to control the locker room without Jerry’s interference.

While we are in fantasy land my top choices are Brian Flores, who as a dime dropper Jerry won’t even allow in the building for an interview, or Mike Vrabel who Jerry has probably never heard of.

The actual choice is going to be someone who no one else would ever hire as a HC, so they will agree to Jerry’s meddling….like Rex Ryan.

I just can’t wait to see what a joke he makes of the Rooney Rule yet again. Maybe that one finally catches up to him.
Flores is interesting, he certainly has had success against the 49ers.


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Young, ambitious, alpha. It's the holy grail I know...but...it's the only antidote to Jerry. Jerry CAN be outvoted if you can win Stephen and Co.'s confidence. We need someone who can rally the troops against Sauron.

Sauron is Quenyan which when translated means "the Abhorred"


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Any from this list... but Saban would be at the top
Saban was a complete bust as a HC before, but I think he could attract a strong staff.

I know Bellicheck would fix this defense in a hurry, but I am worried who he may hire as the OC, don't want Josh McDaniels running the offense.

This leaves me to one of those modern OC's and hope they can attract a quality DC.


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The money is invested on the offensive side of the ball— so the next HC has to get the highest possible return on that investment.

Ben Johnson would be fine. Or another young OC that has a proven track record.

Creativity, innovation, toughness, balance, discipline all need to improve.

The defense? Yeesh. Bug work in progress. I would honestly trade Parsons for max draft capital and build from the trenches out. There needs to be an influx of young talent on that side of the ball to balance out the cap cost on offense.

Young, hungry, fast, tough, disciplined, balanced, and cheap would work great. Signing Micah to a max contract really inhibits the growth of this team long term. Send him to an AFC team and thank him for his service and hit on the 2-3 draft picks that you get to replace hin


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Just a matter of time in which MM gets fired, could be in-season or after the season is completed. What type of Head Coach do you hope the Cowboys hire as MM's replacement?

-Modern OC like Detroit's Ben Johnson, Kubiak from the Vikings, Slowik from the Texans
-Former HC with a DC background: many are from the Bellichek coaching tree, including himself: Bellicheck, Vrabel, Flores, Saban*
-College-Lincoln Riley, D. Sanders, etc.
He won't get fired. His contract will come to an end.

What good coach, who has options, would want to come to the Big Circus to be micromanaged by GM Jethro??? Who expects you to find a way to win through the draft and with unwanted FA's.

Seriously, who wants that job, if you are a legit coach and has options???

Why would the next Jimmy Johnson come to Dallas??? Do you even think Jerry would want the next Jimmy Johnson as our HC? I don't.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Just a matter of time in which MM gets fired, could be in-season or after the season is completed. What type of Head Coach do you hope the Cowboys hire as MM's replacement?

-Modern OC like Detroit's Ben Johnson, Kubiak from the Vikings, Slowik from the Texans
-Former HC with a DC background: many are from the Bellichek coaching tree, including himself: Bellicheck, Vrabel, Flores, Saban*
-College-Lincoln Riley, D. Sanders, etc.
we will win a few games, and MM will get extended for 10 years


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I want someone from the Shanahan coaching tree. Fix this run game and start getting wide open wrs.

Then invest in the dline and draft.
Kubiak fits that bill, his father worked with the older Shannhan for years.
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