When officials pick up flags

Not even talking about the calls just yet but didn't you find it odd that every single flag pick-up was intended for us and didn't get called? Every single one. I was just asking if that had ever happened to our opponents before because I know it'd be recited ad nauseum if it had.
so confusing to identify as a cowboys fan
I actually thought it was one of the better officiated games this season and didn’t impact the result.
Take nothing away from tonights win. The best team won, but when they picked up the holding penalty flag, I new the NFL wasnt going to let us lose tonight.
The refs tried to change the outcome of this game. Those pick up flags are nothing more than the refs wanting to give a penalty on Dallas. Too bad we just dominated it.

Did everyone notice the holding calls and that PI call in the endzone that wasn't called?

Our offense was off and yet we could have easily put up 40 against them.
The clipping call should have been picked up as well. That was like a, "the games headed for a blowout! Slow them down a bit!" call.
so confusing to identify as a cowboys fan
Ain't it? That one dude is actually MAD that we couldn't be victims this game after he and the other 'spiracy crew tried to build it up before the game due to their own FEAR to have an excuse on reserve. So the oddity of 3 picked up flags that all favored us gets them so prickly because they know they look like fools for being chicken littles. Imagine being upset after a big win because you couldn't win with your victim stance intact. "What do miserable mean?" Lol.
The officiating, as usual, was abysmal last night. Way too many flags.

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