When you look at the big picture


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Gee there were some really bad signs today and Romo headed this list as he looked rusty as anything and nearly killed Dez with a really bad throw. Hopefully it is just rust as he has had little real game time and was held out for most of the Pre season.

On the upside and Yes i am clutching at straws the D was not to bad in the second half and held the Niners to 0 points which is a huge plus like the O.P mentioned. After the terrible picks/fumble late in the game the offense got going a bit but it was all to little to late, Romo would honestly of struggled to hit the side of a barn today. D Street looked good when on the field and Carter was passable at MLB in the place of Sean Lee. Secondary is still a mess and we play off our opponents to much allowing easy 5yd completions all the time. Murray was awesome with a 5yd per carry average on the way to 100yds but still he did not get the ball enough on the goal line as Garrett was passing all the time. :mad:

We will not beat the Titans on the road next week and i see a 2-4 win season coming up this year. Anything can happen in division games but i do not fancy us to beat anyone of Philly / GMen or Skins.

So as we all know and have expected it will be a very long season this year, but if it see's the end of Garrett and a Top 3 draft pick i still have hope for next season.


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When you look at the big picture the Cowboys are in trouble. The offense should have put up a lot of points on a depleted SF defense. I'm not convinced SF is all that good a team right now. Romo didn't look good and I said during the summer his best years are probably behind him after having back surgery. He could be headed for a down season and the first where signs of decline are starting to show.

Murray ran the ball for over 100 yards but the Cowboys are not going to have an explosive high scoring offense with the game plan we saw today. They're not going to win many games eating up 7-8 minutes to score a TD down by 18 points. When the Cowboys start getting behind they need to get the ball down the field.

This game so reminded me of the game vs Jacksonville @ home a few years back- the same year Wade was fired. Mindless turnovers giving the other team no choice BUT to score, the offense moving the ball at will only to self destruct. The defense sporadically showing signs of life and then yielding a big gainer.

The Niners are a good team yes, but we played about as mistake prone football as I've seen in the Wade/Garrett era.


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I was flabbergasted at just how poorly they BOTH played. Played off way too far and couldn't tackle for squat. Neither of them looked like they cared much what happened today.

And HOW MUCH MONEY are we paying these two? I think they'd be sitting the bench for half the other team in the league right now.

In my opinion, the secondary, especially Mo and Carr, had far and away the worst performance of the game, unfortunately something we have had to witness for almost 2 years now. HOWEVA, there was clearly a RUST factor that both Mo and Carr had to deal with considering the fact that both guys missed the entire preseason after partaking in maybe a quarter of training camp, albeit for different reasons. Now, do these considerations give them an excuse for their abhorrent play? Absolutely NOT. Hopefully they'll pick it up and get better as the season progresses but I am not the least bit confident that they can, and I'm generally a very positive fan. As much as it pains me to say this, I think the reality that this team could truly be as bad as everyone has been predicting will start to show itself as each week goes on BUT hey, i've been wrong before and i can honestly say that I hope that I am wrong on this one.


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Throw away that zone defense and take risks Marinelli. Horrible decisions today.

waving monkey

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More moral victories. A few more of these and we'll be turning the corner...sometime...maybe...I think.

why is it understandable to talk about building a winning play off attitude but not moral victories?
it is time to win but next year win bigger


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From a protect your injuries set of glasses, the big picture looked like this:

Front view:


Inside view:



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It's sad as Cowboys fans that the only takeaway we get from our season opener is a moral victory.

I've noticed expectations have fallen to the point under Garrett where this is the only thing we get.

'Well, it was bad, but at least we didn't lose by 40 points'

Felt this way during the Campo era. Cheering for individual players to get some stats, hoping for an improbable win against a good team, happy when the team is merely competitive despite the result and eagerly awaiting the offseason for a chance to start anew with a good coach and a good draft.

I don't how you can get a moral victory after years of these performances. At some point you need to acknowledge that you're lying to yourself.
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0-1 > 1-0 ?

Thankfully it is a 16 game season and they square off twice. Last seasons dirty defense helped the team almost sweep the East. I see more of the same this year. And a much, much better Defense. Dallas wins 10 games Phi 2nd Wash and NY fight it out for the cellar


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The 49ers played ultra conservative in the 2nd half. The game was already won so you can't blame them for being conservative. I find it hard to judge the defense based on the 2nd half.

The 9ers did play conservative in the second half, however, the cowboys still moved the ball easily in the first half. The turnovers pretty much derailed any chance of winning that game. The 9ers dont really look elite, the Cowboys just look bad.


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49ers are not the team they were 2 years ago and they have a lot of injuries. Having said that, they are still a better team than we are from top down, including coaching. But, we could have beaten them, we were just sloppy and undisciplined and for my money, that is on Garrett.......again.

I like Garrett as part of the Jerry GM team. Would bite on HC interviews this week if I was old man Jerry. But I'm not interested in mass coaching changes and That! could cause a problem for the new guy coming in. Poor JG, I like him. This team looks pretty good this year as I expected. 1st game cohesiveness issues aside if Romo can get his groove going we will be more than fine.


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you will see that

1. Defense held the Niners offense to zero pts in second half

2. Offense ended the day on a good note by putting an effective drive together and getting another TD

So what looked like was going to be a 51-3 game 2 hours ago only turned out to be 28-17 which is a good thing headed into next week. After a loss, if the defense and offense ended on a good note, then that should make us all feel good going into next week. Anyone agree?

No, 1) Romo looks like a QB who did not get his reps in the pre-season!
2) Decision making by Romo is at an all time low.
3) Romo likes to throw when the best part of the offense is the running game!


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49ers are not the team they were 2 years ago and they have a lot of injuries. Having said that, they are still a better team than we are from top down, including coaching. But, we could have beaten them, we were just sloppy and undisciplined and for my money, that is on Garrett.......again.

They are not in Seattle's class anymore for sure. They'll lose both those games although I've heard thru the grapevine Seattle is not the same team on the road.


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From a protect your injuries set of glasses, the big picture looked like this:

Front view:


Inside view:


What's that big blue dot thingy? Modern art from Gene's collection?


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I like Garrett as part of the Jerry GM team. Would bite on HC interviews this week if I was old man Jerry. But I'm not interested in mass coaching changes and That! could cause a problem for the new guy coming in. Poor JG, I like him. This team looks pretty good this year as I expected. 1st game cohesiveness issues aside if Romo can get his groove going we will be more than fine.

Pretty good? Training camp is for cohesiveness. JG has been at it for 4 years and we are still looking at trying to smooth things out. Its a joke now. 49ers lost a group of their top guys and still figured it out. We are always looking for excuses..."if only..."