This thread is hilarious in its absurdity; not the subject its self but the way people who in 2004 still think so primitively.
You got a ‘grown up’ who had to be put in time out because he was so ignorant and another (Tass) who made an attempt to try to teach us about slavery and racism and thinks that people of African decent are less likely to be in positions of leadership because they are not ‘able’ to handle important decisions based on what he (or she) may have wittiness at a church service.
As far as the issue, the bottom line is that in athletics the obvious overall goal is to be victorious and that means putting the best athletes on the field. As controversial as it may seem people of African decent have been better in the areas of athletics, at least affordable athletics.
One of the biggest hurdles the African American community faces is not the inherent racism of America but the people (like the afore mentioned) who may be in positions of authority, i.e. Politicians, Judges, and something that relates to most of us HR Managers. Its hard to believe that there are actually people still alive in 2004 who think this way.
BTW Eddie, don’t you worry. After Athens the Asian culture will definitely get the respect it deserves in the area of athletic competition. You got a bubby on the other side of the states that will welcome you anytime. Thanks for making this thread worth reading.
As far as the Gluteus Maximus’s of Brazian women I take exception to them being singled out…
But, damn that Joana Prado for making have to do so much research on her!