Where do we go from here to improve the team?


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The staff isn't very good in FA.
They used to be.

The same Jerry Jones who now routinely declines to participate in big-name free agency once went after and got Deion Sanders and Charles Haley. Instant impact players instrumental in winning Super Bowls.

Of course, the salary cap now prevents Jerry from simply whipping-out his checkbook and spending money like a drunken sailor on marquee players.


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They used to be.

The same Jerry Jones who now routinely declines to participate in big-name free agency once went after and got Deion Sanders and Charles Haley. Instant impact players instrumental in winning Super Bowls.

Of course, the salary cap now prevents Jerry from simply whipping-out his checkbook and spending money like a drunken sailor on marquee players.
Deion was not instrumental in winning the super bowl, and paying him was a huge reason why that team fell apart.

Kudos to Jerry for getting Haley, good acquisition.

Deion was acquired in 95. Salary cap was introduced in 94.


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What will Dallas do? or what do we think they need to do?

I have to be honest. I don't know what they will do this year. I believe they will absolutely try to extend Dak and CeeDee. I think Dak is a no-brainer (that they will extend him). I am curious to see if CeeDee accepts and extension from Dallas. If he turns it down we know we have the start of a big problem.

The first tell is if Jerry clears a ton of CAP space before free agency. I don't just means getting under the CAP which is the first problem. I mean if he clears enough to get under the CAP and them maybe $30 million more. That will be a sign he may go big in free agency. If he doesn't clear tons of CAP space, it doesn't mean he won't go big in free agency, but it could be a sign we are in for more of the same.

I think Dallas has to go big in free agency. I don't mean signing 5 top tier players. I think 2 might be enough. First, he needs to get a top tier impact DT. I like Chris Jones because he plays big in big games. But I think I like Christian Wilkins more. both will cost a lot but if you want to fix the problem, and not just apply a patch, this is the position where the money should be focused. I like Madubuike too. He gives a push from the middle which we have not had for a while.

The other free agent, I might sign is a WR. They need a guy who makes plays at WR2. Cooks is WR3 or WR4. Gallup has never developed into what we thought he could be. Mike Evans will be expensive, but He can be a WR1 or WR2. HE gets open and makes plays.

Of course they have to sign some of their own FAs. Gilmore or Lewis. Fowler or Armstrong. Maybe they go mid-tier FA on the edge.
They should try to sign a LB. I like Queen but he will be too expensive, I agree. Jewell might be a good option, or even Jordan Hicks from Minnesota.

In the draft I focus on C, LB, Edge. But BPA is also a good strategy.

One more thing not mentioned, Mazi Smith. I have no idea what the plan is for him, but they had better figure it out. I think he is too light at 293. They should get him back up to 320 or more and let him play at that weight. There is nothing wrong with two big bodies on the inside.


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No to 30 year old RB's. Draft is the answer.
I think you have to do both. I think they need a vet TB in here for a year or two and then draft a guy.

We have little to no depth as it is at TB. Pollard is likely gone. Dowdle is a nice 3rd TB. Davis? Yeah, he's a practice squad game. Ideally you bring in a vet for a short stint and draft a kid. So in that sense, I have zero problems bringing in a guy like Henry for a year. Then you pluck a kid in the draft.


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  • Draft some monster LBs and DL that can be play immediately.
  • Draft a RB that can play immediately.
  • Draft at least two OL that can play.
  • I would consider drafting a QB early but we all know that will never happen here.
  • Whatever holes remain must be filled with FA starters (won’t happen- SJ will tell we can’t do it because of cap restrictions)
too much dependency on a homerun draft.
Can't do all that in one year.
Need 2-3 FAs and 2-3 hits in the draft.


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I fell like we do this every year and nothing ever changes.
Bigger and stronger up the middle on defense. DT and linebackers especially.
Our safety play could use improvement also.
Stronger in the O line and draft a physical runner.
Run the ball better and we are going to need a shutdown defense to be a serious contender.


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This is an exercise in futility because we know that the Jones won't do squat in FA other than some bargain signings. And they are missing a few middle round picks due to trades. But I'd love to see them spend a little in FA and possibly even consider a trade down in the 1st to add a couple more picks.

In FA, I think you have to bring in DT help (regardless of what Hankins decides), an inside LB and a vet TB. And they can make some moves that don't break the bank here. So no, they don't have to (nor would they) go after a Chris Jones at DT or a Josh Jacobs at TB (although with Jerry, it would be pretty predictably stupid that the first time he spends big in FA in years would be on a running back). Patrick Queen is going to get a ton in FA at LB, so put him out of your mind.

DT - Rankins is a guy to look at but if you look at Spotrac, which tries to estimate contracts, they have him at a $10MM AAV. So he's probably a non-starter. Kinlaw is an interesting guy. Not sure what the 49ers are going to do with him. Justin Jones is another name though he might get paid. DaQuon Jones is another name. We will likely settle in the Linval Joseph, past his prime bucket, if we bring in DT help at all.

LB - Jewel from Denver seems like an ideal option. Probably won't be expensive and is a solid, if unspectacular LB. You could also see what Bobby Wagner is up to. With Carroll now out as HC, wonder if Wagner might be up to one last run here? Put Queen and White out of your minds. We ain't paying either of those guys.

RB - I get he's older but we only need him for a year or two - Henry. He's not going to get a lot (at least I don't think he will) given the market will be dominated by Barkley and Jacobs. With Kyren Williams being such a big success in LA, Ekeler will likely not be back with the Chargers but I am not sure he's what we would want at TB right now. Will be interesting to see what Philly does with D'Andre Swift now that Moore is the OC. Maybe a bruiser like Gus Edwards out of Baltimore?

I am sure they will also look at CB in FA as they typically do, whether that means Gilmore is back or they settle on Bland outside and look for a slot guy (please, not Jordan Lewis).
They need to add a couple of Elite Alpha-Dawgs even if zero other players are added.

Envision if Fred Warner and McCaffrey had been on the 2023 Cowboys roster.

Players like Warner & McCaffrey have intelligence and mental toughness that guys like CeeDee Lamb don't possess.

Having said that, SF probably won't win vs Mahomes...


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If we're going w/ the current cast, the first step would be to extend Dak and kick salary down the road. Now, I'm not for that, but I don't see any other way to bring in the required talent.
Based on the last 30 years we will all be left perplexed by the JJ's. Just do enough to keep DC relevant during the season and hope for the best. You can through common since out the window for dam sure.


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Thats the only way.

I could argue that the right QB can carry 1 & 2, but i have no faith in the GM to find that QB
Spot on bro.
It's all I've been repeating over and over.

Yes Jerry has the lion's share of blame for team failure.

And I totally agree with you that the right QB does cover over many team warts.
Sometimes to include GM'ing and coaching.
So you can't tell me a great QB and great HC duo couldn't overcome even Jerry...

For even one ring that is.
In my opinion they could.

Im with ya again on if we're talking would Jerry ever hire this type great HC and draft the right QB then that's its own conversation by itself.

Appreciate ya.


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Jewell got a 2 year 11mil contract last FA and had two good years in 22/23. Would be a good vet to sort of be a bridge LB.

Curious if even he is above what the Cowboys would want to spend on a FA.


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Need a plan that addresses offense and defense adequately

Im using 3 things as the basis of what I suggest

1. The Joneses will be aggressive in FA (i know, i know, so save it)

2. For the team to succeed with Dak at QB, our run game cannot be adequate, it has to be good enough to ge able to get yards when the defense knows we will run and to allow us to take the ball out of Daks hands when he has the yips in high pressure games early on

3. This draft has cant miss OL talent and we are better at drafting OL


1. Sign Lewis, Armstrong, Hankins, maybe Gilmore
2. Sign starting caliber 1T DT
3. Sign starting caliber LB
4. Get a starting caliber RB1. Not slop.

1. OT
2. C
3. RB (like Allen)
5. LB


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to the house, and then come back next season talking big about the Super Bowl and the draft and preseason, then back to the house.

You can't fix crap, when the genius in charge doesn't know it's broken or doesn't care.


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Need a plan that addresses offense and defense adequately

Im using 3 things as the basis of what I suggest

1. The Joneses will be aggressive in FA (i know, i know, so save it)

2. For the team to succeed with Dak at QB, our run game cannot be adequate, it has to be good enough to ge able to get yards when the defense knows we will run and to allow us to take the ball out of Daks hands when he has the yips in high pressure games early on

3. This draft has cant miss OL talent and we are better at drafting OL


1. Sign Lewis, Armstrong, Hankins, maybe Gilmore
2. Sign starting caliber 1T DT
3. Sign starting caliber LB
4. Get a starting caliber RB1. Not slop.

1. OT
2. C
3. RB (like Allen)
5. LB
Doubt they bring back both Lewis and Gilmore. If Gilmore is back, Bland likely goes back inside, you have no use for Lewis.

I am just not a Lewis fan but there are obviously worse options. Would depend on his cost.


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Need a plan that addresses offense and defense adequately

Im using 3 things as the basis of what I suggest

1. The Joneses will be aggressive in FA (i know, i know, so save it)

2. For the team to succeed with Dak at QB, our run game cannot be adequate, it has to be good enough to ge able to get yards when the defense knows we will run and to allow us to take the ball out of Daks hands when he has the yips in high pressure games early on

3. This draft has cant miss OL talent and we are better at drafting OL


1. Sign Lewis, Armstrong, Hankins, maybe Gilmore
2. Sign starting caliber 1T DT
3. Sign starting caliber LB
4. Get a starting caliber RB1. Not slop.

1. OT
2. C
3. RB (like Allen)
5. LB
We don't have the salary cap to sign those guys.