Where does your moral compass point?

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
40 years....long time.
LOOOOoonNG time.

I've followed and cheered for this team for 40 years. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. Some of you have done it for much longer than me. The idea of leaving behind something that has been with you since your childhood, then adolescent, then teenage, then young adult, and then adulthood stages of life is daunting. Something that has been a part of you for so long that you really can't remember a time when it wasn't...what would that look like?

How would that play out?

Would it be like a breakup? Would you hope for the worst for them? Would you be happy for them at their best? Would you move on to someone else but always have a soft spot and wonder what could have been if you'd stayed?

What if the relationship was toxic and you knew they were just terrible people? Would that make moving on easier? I think so, but still a tough endeavor when it's all you have ever known.

Well previous fellow Cowboys fans, tomorrow I take the plunge.

For years this has been a stagnant relationship. Going through the motions....good night honey, morning honey, have a good day, hey honey how was your day, what do you want to do for dinner tonight, what do you want to do this weekend, good night honey, morning honey, have a good day.....................................but it wasn't terrible, it just....was.

Then came the drinking, the yelling, and finally, the hitting.

At this point, I find this ownership to be completely misaligned with everything that I believe in and stand for as a human being. So I have made the decision that I will no longer support it. I'm not going to find a younger, sexier model, but I'm just not going to root for this team to succeed. I don't necessarily want them to fail either, after all these years of abuse, I still love them, but I just can no longer be there for them.

Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.

I'm sure some of you will have some snide comments for this decision to put my thoughts into writing and withdraw my support of this franchise, and that's fine. I certainly don't expect anyone to follow my lead as your morals and perception of this team and ownership is likely far different than mine, and that's fine too, free country and all that. Some of you will be supportive and feel the same and that's good too.

My moral compass points to neutrality/apathy. Where does yours point?
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I feel this so deeply, but I'll still watch and be around. One of the main reasons is that I find Jerry's meltdown so intriguing and want watch the wheels come off even more when the Niners and Falcons run all over us.

That Packers playoff game really broke me as a fan. Yeah the losses to Seattle, both Aaron Rodgers playoff games, the Niners playoff games, the Rams playoff game, etc. were all really tough. But I had just left a funeral the day before that game, woke up in the middle of the night, and drove 10 hours from NY state to watch that absolute drubbing at the hands of the 7 seed Packers. It was such an unforgivable experience that I haven't even touched any of my Cowboys gear this year and removed all Cowboys memorabilia from my home office. Statistically, I should outlive Jerry - so that gives me a small glimmer of hope that better days could be ahead of us someday.


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Football is now officially aligned with gambling. It’s been aligned with the number 1 cause of domestic abuse, alcohol, for years. There is nothing “moral” about watching football, whether Cowboys or any other team.

nate dizzle

Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Football is now officially aligned with gambling. It’s been aligned with the number 1 cause of domestic abuse, alcohol, for years. There is nothing “moral” about watching football, whether Cowboys or any other team.
Solid points that cannot be dismissed. I do like gambling though....

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Yours is more a common sense decision, mental health release ..Than a moral issue

Now if the 11th commandment said....thou shall not abandon JJ....then its a moral issue

JJ only understands empty seats, no jersey sales...
Ethics then? I dunno, I just know supporting anything that touches Jerry feels slimy to me at this stage.


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We are likely around the same age, and have been fans for the same amount of time. Although there is not a game I will miss, I have become numb to the success or lack thereof of the team. In years past, I would sit on the edge as a game winded down to the last XP or FG, and it would either ruin or make the next 24 hours of my life. Living in Canada my exposure to Cowboys news is limited to the ESPN's of the world and games, so I am protected by the local media of the team who have lkkely tip toed around ownership for years. A loss to me now is to be expected, and I have become numb to our wins as well. As much as I root for this team year after year, the middle finger that the Jones family has given to fans/players of this franchise has disenchanted many, including myself. I no longer look to buy merch, I have no player to identify with as being a "Cowboy", and I expect everything from the draft to our 17-game regular season to be a failure.

As I have stated numerous times on this board, it's not the wins and losses that determine my fandom for this team, it's simply the fact that this team is no longer the Dallas Cowboys, it's a franchise run by an old demented owner who doesn't give a crap about anything but $$$, and this attitude has been passed down to his players. I cannot tell you how jealous I am of the young teams/franchises that are being run as a professional NFL franchise right now, and how envious I am of the WFT that have a stud at QB with all the pieces around him to be a force for a decade. The minute they were able to run the clown owner out of town, was the minute the needle ticked up for them.

There is no hope for the Dallas Cowboys, so as I continue to swear at my television, the success of the team no longer is an expectation and I only expect things to get worse as there is NO sign of anything changing.


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hey dont do neutral or apathy!!!!!

do anger!!!

crap all over jerry and stephen support the media if they have the gut to call out jerry make sure they both know every one hate them and wont put up with the crap any more it is time for change!!!!!


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I've watched every game since I was 8 in 1974. I was consumed with it and pissed off a lot. Then life happened...family, job, travel, investments and an unfortunate tragedy in our family....all these made the game just a way to spend some time and decompress. Don't get me wrong, I love the Cowboys and as I have stated before have had the chance to get to know and even become friends with some of the greats....I just don't worry about it much. Maybe things will change as I get older...but for now, I won't let Jerry ruin it for me.


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Being a fan is getting harder and harder because I don't respect egomaniacs but my ties to the team are based more on the bond my brother (now deceased since 2016) and I shared being fans of the same team. But ultimately I think if he were still alive he'd share my feelings about it. I'm not ready to cut ties yet but it might not be long.


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All that is left of my old team is the laundry the uniform the star on the helmet.

Nothing else even resembles what I grew up with as a boy and idolized.

Roger Staubach and Tom Landry Great Men who fought for our country and represented everything good in sports LED my team America's team.

Now it's just Jerry's team Jerry with the morals compass of an alley cat.
Jerry who has ruined my team corrupted their moral compass with his culture.
If this team for some reason changed its name and logo I would be completely done because that's all I have left of my old team is the Dallas cowboy name and uniform


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This year I'll just go one game at a time.

I don't have any expectations of winning or righting the ship. Everything that frustrated me during the off season has come to fruition. I'd be blown away if they somehow turned it around, as it doesn't appear we have the players or coaching to do so.

I'm not taking time off work or rearranging my schedule for this sloppy effort. When the game stops being fun to watch I start working on my to-do list, and it becomes back ground. When it gets flat out embarrassing I turn it off and check scoring updates.

I'll figure out next year next year. I'm still here for it, but I'm not going to participate if it's not fun. This year has had a couple of those already.


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It's too late for me, being a Cowboys fan is a life condition.

My excitement for the team and the games have diminished to be sure. I become less and less disappointed when they lose. I've become more used to having little expectation they will re-emerge as an annual competitor.

The team is run by people that feel zero commitment towards building the best possible team and doing everything in their power to win Super Bowls for the fans and community they are supposed to be representing. It's all about self-gratification and money.

This team is severely handicapped by amateurish management.


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My moral compass says that its just a game and getting too angry about it is a mistake.

Overall though my interest in the team has gone up and down as situations change. Right now its on a downswing. A high draft pick and a new coach would reverse that, regardless of Jones' ownership.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Football is now officially aligned with gambling. It’s been aligned with the number 1 cause of domestic abuse, alcohol, for years. There is nothing “moral” about watching football, whether Cowboys or any other team.
There’s no influence on the players whatsoever


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I've watched every game since I was 8 in 1974. I was consumed with it and pissed off a lot. Then life happened...family, job, travel, investments and an unfortunate tragedy in our family....all these made the game just a way to spend some time and decompress. Don't get me wrong, I love the Cowboys and as I have stated before have had the chance to get to know and even become friends with some of the greats....I just don't worry about it much. Maybe things will change as I get older...but for now, I won't let Jerry ruin it for me.
No, that’s a common sense. Moral normal response. Not extreme high-end or low end . I’m right there with you. It’s just a way to pass time. I love the game as much as ever. I enjoy watching teams. I don’t like lose as much as I like watching the Cowboys win. I don’t know why people let it ruin their day because they don’t like Jerry, I get a laugh coming here. Some of these people are really cuckoo. Internet road rage, LMAO.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Internet road rage, lol. Is it funny or is it sad. I find it hilarious.

nate dizzle

Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
This year I'll just go one game at a time.

I don't have any expectations of winning or righting the ship. Everything that frustrated me during the off season has come to fruition. I'd be blown away if they somehow turned it around, as it doesn't appear we have the players or coaching to do so.

I'm not taking time off work or rearranging my schedule for this sloppy effort. When the game stops being fun to watch I start working on my to-do list, and it becomes back ground. When it gets flat out embarrassing I turn it off and check scoring updates.

I'll figure out next year next year. I'm still here for it, but I'm not going to participate if it's not fun. This year has had a couple of those already.

My decision isn't about the football that's being played. I expected this year to be bad and so far it is, but bad football isn't the issue. I've made it through a lot of bad football with this team. This is simply me no longer being willing to support Jerry Jones. He's just an utter garbage human being.
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