Where does your moral compass point?


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My moral compass points me in the opposite direction of the NFL. But I don't watch sports looking for morality. What I want is just some enjoyment watching a sport played by the best in the world that I once played and enjoyed as a high school student. I think there was a time years ago when football represented a lot of good things. But today, I think for the most part those are gone. It has become a business. It's always been a business, but it just seems like years ago the game came first. Now, greed has taken over the sport.

As for the Cowboys., it's like I said in another thread, and I have experienced it as a fan of baseball. We root for the team. The players and coaches come and ago, some we miss, some we forget. The owners come and go too. The Cowboys will remain. Jerry is nearing his expiration date. What comes next is unknown. Of course we are pessimistic because Jerry has offspring. But you never know what will happen tomorrow. I am not giving up on my team. I may give up on this season, but I will continue to hope they get better next year. After almost 60 years of being a Cowboys fan, it would be silly for me to give up my investment now.

Right now, I do believe this team needs a bad season. I think they will finish with about 6 wins which would give them a top 10 pick in the draft. That's what they need if they don't mess it up.


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Fun rant, but no.

I will give you that in my youth I didn’t pay much attention to the off field stuff of the players. Looking back, Irvin and a lot of players on that team were pretty terrible human beings. As I've gotten older I've come to realize that who and what you support is reflective of who you are as a person. The company you keep...etc.

So no, it's not about a bad year (I've been here for the 1-15, the 3-13, the 4-12, the multiple 5-11's, the one and dones... and no, it's not about if we had won a SB last year.

This is about who Jerry Jones is as a person, and having finally seen enough of it.

You can sling whatever names or insults you want at me. I know I'm doing the right thing by setting the Cowboys to the peripheral until this man is gone.

Not asking you to do the same so not sure why you are so upset about it. Do your superfan thing, I'm not trying to stop you.
I should have caveated....my retort wasn't at YOU personally...rather the reputation of us Cowboys fans as bandwagoners, frontrunners.

Your post was very compelling. I'd usually skip over a post that long...but I read every word here. No insults to you personally at all. And in fact, if you're walking away for good, that's ur choice. I'm sure YOU won't be one of those cockroaches that "walks away" from the down years, then RUNS back for the glory years. U sound like you've had an epiphany and are just walking away, and you'd be walking away EVEN if thebteam were 6-0 and had just won a SB in last 5 years



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40 years....long time.
LOOOOoonNG time.

I've followed and cheered for this team for 40 years. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. Some of you have done it for much longer than me. The idea of leaving behind something that has been with you since your childhood, then adolescent, then teenage, then young adult, and then adulthood stages of life is daunting. Something that has been a part of you for so long that you really can't remember a time when it wasn't...what would that look like?

How would that play out?

Would it be like a breakup? Would you hope for the worst for them? Would you be happy for them at their best? Would you move on to someone else but always have a soft spot and wonder what could have been if you'd stayed?

What if the relationship was toxic and you knew they were just terrible people? Would that make moving on easier? I think so, but still a tough endeavor when it's all you have ever known.

Well previous fellow Cowboys fans, tomorrow I take the plunge.

For years this has been a stagnant relationship. Going through the motions....good night honey, morning honey, have a good day, hey honey how was your day, what do you want to do for dinner tonight, what do you want to do this weekend, good night honey, morning honey, have a good day.....................................but it wasn't terrible, it just....was.

Then came the drinking, the yelling, and finally, the hitting.

At this point, I find this ownership to be completely misaligned with everything that I believe in and stand for as a human being. So I have made the decision that I will no longer support it. I'm not going to find a younger, sexier model, but I'm just not going to root for this team to succeed. I don't necessarily want them to fail either, after all these years of abuse, I still love them, but I just can no longer be there for them.

Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.

I'm sure some of you will have some snide comments for this decision to put my thoughts into writing and withdraw my support of this franchise, and that's fine. I certainly don't expect anyone to follow my lead as your morals and perception of this team and ownership is likely far different than mine, and that's fine too, free country and all that. Some of you will be supportive and feel the same and that's good too.

My moral compass points to neutrality/apathy. Where does yours point?
I’ve been Apathetic for years. And we can still root our team on while ridiculing our owner.

Apathy presents an entirely different mindset though. I’ve had practice with this mentality for decades with my Alma Mater. We went 50 years In between just winning a conference championship. We called it a Miracle.

Basically your expectations are lowered expecting to lose and hoping to win. It doesn’t mean you still aren’t rooting your team on. You also come to realize that the leadership is main cause for this lack of more success.

Meaning it’s not all of the players fault . The guys you’re rooting for but those in charge which for 60 minutes each game you can kinda shut out. And cheer the players on hoping they can overcome the dysfunction.

When I used to travel attending Cowboy games I saw Apathy all across the NFL from Detroit to bags over their heads in New Orleans. It’s part of being a fan. After being a fan of the Cowboys for 60 years it’s just not a state of mind most anticipated.

History tells us these things run in cycles which can go on for decades, even a lifetime.

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I should have caveated....my retort wasn't at YOU personally...rather the reputation of us Cowboys fans as bandwagoners, frontrunners.

Your post was very compelling. I'd usually skip over a post that long...but I read every word here. No insults to you personally at all. And in fact, if you're walking away for good, that's ur choice. I'm sure YOU won't be one of those cockroaches that "walks away" from the down years, then RUNS back for the glory years. U sound like you've had an epiphany and are just walking away, and you'd be walking away EVEN if thebteam were 6-0 and had just won a SB in last 5 years

No worries, I'll be back when he is gone. It's weird, I want the team to win, but I want him to lose every game for the rest of his wretched life... I can't square that, so here I am.


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How does this pertain to us?

That's like a 800 lb morbidly obese man, looking at his neighbor who is an 810lb morbidly obese man, and saying "hey, look at that fatso"

Besides...I think the other fans aren't obsessed with us, they just can't resist clowning us and have no repsect for us as legit diehard fans.. Shame on them for not resisting an easy target though
You know You don’t fool anyone don’t you?


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Here you go. You've earned them. One of these days you will realize that Jerry doesn't give a damn about you or how hard you wave these things.

Oh no...... you are confused ma' friend

I would BEAT jerruh with those pompoms. He's a senile, selfish, narcissistic, INCOMPETENT, attention seeking little boy trapped inside a wrinkly, liverspotted, yellow toothed, URINE SOAKED corpse of a body. He's pathetic, and so weak that he'd rather lose, than win, if it meant someone else might get part of the credit. To think, he knows there a millions of other human beings that would get so much joy from us winning, but he puts HIS pride over MILLIONS of other souls. Why? Because he feels he's more important than millions of other individual people. That's beyond sick. He's the sort of person that could be a tyrant in a 3rd world country, if he were given the opportunity.

BUT....I WONT QUIT!!!! When I finally drop dead in 50 years, we'll have no more SuperBowls under our belt than we do now, and there will STILL be one of Jones's nepotism-fueled ancestors running running the Cowboys (poorly), BUT THEY'LL NEVER MAKE TheGreatCowboysGeorgiaLakersFan quit ....EVER!!!!


PA Cowboy Fan

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Other fans hate Cowboy fans because they are delusional about the state of the team. It has nothing to do with bandwagon fans. Doubt the Cowboys have many any more. Saw that clown SAS on ESPN last week. He was barely contained his glea watching Cowboy fans suffer. I felt nothing. Detroit did us a favor by beating us like they did. This team has nò heart and they take the lead from their owner. He doesn't care about winning as long as he and the team is in the news. I Don't blame any fan that wants to bail. I understand it. You Don't owe JJ anything. If I had been smart I would have left when Jimmy left. When his teams eventually fell that was the real end of the Dallas Cowboys.


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No worries, I'll be back when he is gone. It's weird, I want the team to win, but I want him to lose every game for the rest of his wretched life... I can't square that, so here I am.
I’ll share with you something my good old buddy Couch Coach RIP spoke of years ago which resonated with me as we both shared same feelings for our ownership.

He said it’s like a double whammy of sorts. Or dipping the stick on both ends.

He still found some entertainment rooting on the team trying to retain some hope they could overcome the toxic atmosphere our owners dysfunctional ways created.

And when losing he also found some satisfaction watching our owners despair and ridicule he endured. Like a win win however it fell.

I’ve come to feel the same way. I do get some satisfaction watching him lose and can still enjoy the team winning. It is a double edged sword. Like still wanting your kids to succeed but get a chuckle when your ex wife struggles.

Perhaps there’s a better way of saying it. But it’s not these players fault they were drafted into this environment. All they can do is try to make the best of it.

That’s how I rationale it all. Hope that helps.


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At some point, you let go of your emotions, and hope they learn from their mistakes.
Like many here, I’ve been wait long for 25+ years for that to happen.


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Football is now officially aligned with gambling. It’s been aligned with the number 1 cause of domestic abuse, alcohol, for years. There is nothing “moral” about watching football, whether Cowboys or any other team.
It’s neither good nor evil.
It is what it is, depending on how you use it.


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My moral compass points me in the opposite direction of the NFL. But I don't watch sports looking for morality. What I want is just some enjoyment watching a sport played by the best in the world that I once played and enjoyed as a high school student. I think there was a time years ago when football represented a lot of good things. But today, I think for the most part those are gone. It has become a business. It's always been a business, but it just seems like years ago the game came first. Now, greed has taken over the sport.

As for the Cowboys., it's like I said in another thread, and I have experienced it as a fan of baseball. We root for the team. The players and coaches come and ago, some we miss, some we forget. The owners come and go too. The Cowboys will remain. Jerry is nearing his expiration date. What comes next is unknown. Of course we are pessimistic because Jerry has offspring. But you never know what will happen tomorrow. I am not giving up on my team. I may give up on this season, but I will continue to hope they get better next year. After almost 60 years of being a Cowboys fan, it would be silly for me to give up my investment now.

Right now, I do believe this team needs a bad season. I think they will finish with about 6 wins which would give them a top 10 pick in the draft. That's what they need if they don't mess it up.
Well said.

Last time we were headed for a nice draft pick Jerry messed it up by trading for Amari.


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I've watched every game since I was 8 in 1974. I was consumed with it and pissed off a lot. Then life happened...family, job, travel, investments and an unfortunate tragedy in our family....all these made the game just a way to spend some time and decompress. Don't get me wrong, I love the Cowboys and as I have stated before have had the chance to get to know and even become friends with some of the greats....I just don't worry about it much. Maybe things will change as I get older...but for now, I won't let Jerry ruin it for me.
Well said and short of meeting some of the greats from our Cowboys teams, I feel the same way. I used to let it consume me but every year I feel less and less as there is so much more to life than the Cowboys. As we all know and I believe agree on, until JJ steps aside it will never change. I got the chance to watch the 70’s teams , watch the decline for eh 80’s teams. While at the same time living in DC and watching Gibbs build the Washington champions and then the ultimate 90’s teams. For me those 90’s teams were the best of the best. Football is way different now and I don’t think we’ll ever get that type of play again. For many reasons.


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I’ll share with you something my good old buddy Couch Coach RIP spoke of years ago which resonated with me as we both shared same feelings for our ownership.

He said it’s like a double whammy of sorts. Or dipping the stick on both ends.

He still found some entertainment rooting on the team trying to retain some hope they could overcome the toxic atmosphere our owners dysfunctional ways created.

And when losing he also found some satisfaction watching our owners despair and ridicule he endured. Like a win win however it fell.

I’ve come to feel the same way. I do get some satisfaction watching him lose and can still enjoy the team winning. It is a double edged sword. Like still wanting your kids to succeed but get a chuckle when your ex wife struggles.

Perhaps there’s a better way of saying it. But it’s not these players fault they were drafted into this environment. All they can do is try to make the best of it.

That’s how I rationale it all. Hope that helps.

I am often torn.


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Oh no...... you are confused ma' friend

I would BEAT jerruh with those pompoms. He's a senile, selfish, narcissistic, INCOMPETENT, attention seeking little boy trapped inside a wrinkly, liverspotted, yellow toothed, URINE SOAKED corpse of a body. He's pathetic, and so weak that he'd rather lose, than win, if it meant someone else might get part of the credit. To think, he knows there a millions of other human beings that would get so much joy from us winning, but he puts HIS pride over MILLIONS of other souls. Why? Because he feels he's more important than millions of other individual people. That's beyond sick. He's the sort of person that could be a tyrant in a 3rd world country, if he were given the opportunity.

BUT....I WONT QUIT!!!! When I finally drop dead in 50 years, we'll have no more SuperBowls under our belt than we do now, and there will STILL be one of Jones's nepotism-fueled ancestors running running the Cowboys (poorly), BUT THEY'LL NEVER MAKE TheGreatCowboysGeorgiaLakersFan quit ....EVER!!!!

Very nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I can ONLY imagine if we had won the SB last year and were 6-0 right now. Jerry could be selling powders and whisky to 10 year old orphans in 3rd world countries, and clubbing seals, and all of you would be growling and strutting obnoxiously in your silver and blue gear just as happy as you could be!!!!!!!
I draw the line at clubbing seals, bro.


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Football is now officially aligned with gambling. It’s been aligned with the number 1 cause of domestic abuse, alcohol, for years. There is nothing “moral” about watching football, whether Cowboys or any other team.

Unfortunately, true, but it's not something I can quit. The Cowboys are my team, and my football compass currently has a star magnet on it.


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I just love football and would prefer my team to be winning. 3 straight 12 win seasons and then you do nothing? This thing has now turned into one of the ugliest teams in football. Like Cleveland bad. It’s amazing you paid for two players and are getting nothing out of them now. They aren’t even on the same page and the body language is awful.

I’m pissed. And our Owner doesn’t care. I was a fan before him. He sucks at his job at GM and his idiot son is really the root of it all.