Where does your moral compass point?


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40 years....long time.
LOOOOoonNG time.

I've followed and cheered for this team for 40 years. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. Some of you have done it for much longer than me. The idea of leaving behind something that has been with you since your childhood, then adolescent, then teenage, then young adult, and then adulthood stages of life is daunting. Something that has been a part of you for so long that you really can't remember a time when it wasn't...what would that look like?

How would that play out?

Would it be like a breakup? Would you hope for the worst for them? Would you be happy for them at their best? Would you move on to someone else but always have a soft spot and wonder what could have been if you'd stayed?

What if the relationship was toxic and you knew they were just terrible people? Would that make moving on easier? I think so, but still a tough endeavor when it's all you have ever known.

Well previous fellow Cowboys fans, tomorrow I take the plunge.

For years this has been a stagnant relationship. Going through the motions....good night honey, morning honey, have a good day, hey honey how was your day, what do you want to do for dinner tonight, what do you want to do this weekend, good night honey, morning honey, have a good day.....................................but it wasn't terrible, it just....was.

Then came the drinking, the yelling, and finally, the hitting.

At this point, I find this ownership to be completely misaligned with everything that I believe in and stand for as a human being. So I have made the decision that I will no longer support it. I'm not going to find a younger, sexier model, but I'm just not going to root for this team to succeed. I don't necessarily want them to fail either, after all these years of abuse, I still love them, but I just can no longer be there for them.

Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.

I'm sure some of you will have some snide comments for this decision to put my thoughts into writing and withdraw my support of this franchise, and that's fine. I certainly don't expect anyone to follow my lead as your morals and perception of this team and ownership is likely far different than mine, and that's fine too, free country and all that. Some of you will be supportive and feel the same and that's good too.

My moral compass points to neutrality/apathy. Where does yours point?
I have been a fan for 40+ years as well. What first made me a fan was Tom Landry. His stoic presence on the sidelines and of course the hat. There was something right about the team. The players were apart of something bigger than themselves.

Now Dallas is a TV reality show. Seems like the participants are a collective group of has-been reality actors trying to get their last 5 minutes of fame.

This team needs true leadership. Not only to directionally steer the football operations but to provide trust in the team for the fans. I can live with failures and I have seen plenty over the last 40 years. We need to know their is an honest, intelligent, and focused plan directing the team forward.

Sadly, we are stuck with Jerry TV reruns.


Well-Known Member
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40 years....long time.
LOOOOoonNG time.

I've followed and cheered for this team for 40 years. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. Some of you have done it for much longer than me. The idea of leaving behind something that has been with you since your childhood, then adolescent, then teenage, then young adult, and then adulthood stages of life is daunting. Something that has been a part of you for so long that you really can't remember a time when it wasn't...what would that look like?

How would that play out?

Would it be like a breakup? Would you hope for the worst for them? Would you be happy for them at their best? Would you move on to someone else but always have a soft spot and wonder what could have been if you'd stayed?

What if the relationship was toxic and you knew they were just terrible people? Would that make moving on easier? I think so, but still a tough endeavor when it's all you have ever known.

Well previous fellow Cowboys fans, tomorrow I take the plunge.

For years this has been a stagnant relationship. Going through the motions....good night honey, morning honey, have a good day, hey honey how was your day, what do you want to do for dinner tonight, what do you want to do this weekend, good night honey, morning honey, have a good day.....................................but it wasn't terrible, it just....was.

Then came the drinking, the yelling, and finally, the hitting.

At this point, I find this ownership to be completely misaligned with everything that I believe in and stand for as a human being. So I have made the decision that I will no longer support it. I'm not going to find a younger, sexier model, but I'm just not going to root for this team to succeed. I don't necessarily want them to fail either, after all these years of abuse, I still love them, but I just can no longer be there for them.

Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.

I'm sure some of you will have some snide comments for this decision to put my thoughts into writing and withdraw my support of this franchise, and that's fine. I certainly don't expect anyone to follow my lead as your morals and perception of this team and ownership is likely far different than mine, and that's fine too, free country and all that. Some of you will be supportive and feel the same and that's good too.

My moral compass points to neutrality/apathy. Where does yours point?
Good for you… for finally seeing the light
Trust me you’ll feel much better now as what this team does will no longer affect you.

Unfortunately, there are many « fans » who will label you a traitor a hater. As they will state you stand by your team through good and bad.

As they are too blind to see that JJ only cares about one thing… keeping his team in the news = more money


Well-Known Member
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hey dont do neutral or apathy!!!!!

do anger!!!

crap all over jerry and stephen support the media if they have the gut to call out jerry make sure they both know every one hate them and wont put up with the crap any more it is time for change!!!!!
Unfortunately, the media will rant about a topic which Jerry orchestrates while smiling and watching his bank account and team get richer

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Unfortunately, the media will rant about a topic which Jerry orchestrates while smiling and watching his bank account and team get richer
You see this a lot with the media and the Ultra wealthy. They never ask tough questions and when they do they let them off without any challenge or follow up to their answers. True journalism died years ago.