Where does your moral compass point?


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I was young kid in the 90s. About 7 when they won their first super bowl that I witnessed. I fell in love with everything about the Dallas Cowboys! Everything! Then I got to high school in the year 2000. I'm in California, so that's around the time the Raiders started making deep play offs runs. It was hell going to school. I kept my head up and didn't stop rocking my Dallas Cowboys gear no matter how bad, Chad Hutchinson, Clint Storener, or Drew Henson had looked. I always felt hope back then or had some kind of shining light at the end of the tunnel. So that kept me here, that light is no longer there, this team is not a football team. It's a traveling circus now. I'm ashamed of what's become of my passion. The thing is also, that it's not too hard to fix this. I just don't think Jerry truly cares about winning. I'm done devoting all my days to this team, I deserve better.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm glad I had the 60s-80s Cowboys to grow up with. The new millennium version not so much. Now we have senility to deal with.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
In the end, it’s truly just a game.

It’s very disappointing to see what the franchise has become. No question. We all would like to see the Cowboys have success like the days of old. A win on any given week just adds a cherry on top of everything, but never has a big impact on me and my life overall. There are much more significant things in my life that deserve attention. Health, family, friends, happiness…. the list goes on and on but when all is said and done, at least for me, the success of the Cowboys is something I have no control over, thus falls towards the bottom of the list of important things in my life.

In the end, it’s truly just a game…


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.
49 years for me, and I have already been tinkering on the edge of apathy for the past 15 years. Full blown apathy set in almost 10 years ago, and honestly, it's not as difficult as you think. There was a time I would get upset and angry at losses, so antsy for night games I couldn't sleep, but those days are long gone. I don't even watch the night games and haven't stayed up to watch one since early on in the Garrett years. I go to sleep then check the box scores the next day.

What got me to this point was the realization that Jerry truly didn't care about winning or what the fans think, and that was the day his drunken video about why he hired Parcels started making the rounds. It was followed up by Jerry hiring Wade Phillips' staff for him, then cemented in place by the hiring of Garrett, the most unqualified coaching candidate the NFL has ever seen.

Sundays are much easier when you watch the games for entertainment than through the rose colored fan glasses that used to worn.
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Yours is more a common sense decision, mental health release ..Than a moral issue

Now if the 11th commandment said....thou shall not abandon JJ....then its a moral issue

JJ only understands empty seats, no jersey sales...
Football is an exciting, addictive but violent sport venue that can severely injure or in some instances permanently cripple athletes. We knowingly watch, support or enable it. No point in being hypocritical or someone bringing up morality whether from religious, political and other contradictive doctrines including the New Order of Mystic Parrots.


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Want is this?

Why do I have a feeling that if we were undefeated right now and stomping people, and had won a couple of SuperBowls in the last 10 years, all this talk of quitting the team wouldn't exist, even if Jerry were doing the exact same thing he's doing and saying now?

Let's not try and repackage this as some sort of moral stand. You people haven't had a SuperBowl in 30 years so you're giving up. THIS IS RESULTS DRIVEN...NOT MORALITY DRIVEN!

michael Irvin and his crew were inhaling Coke(a Cola) like it was nasal spray, and bagging prostyTOOTS by the dozen in the 90s, and you were all as happy as pigs in slop, weren't you? BECAUSE THEY WERE YEARLY WINNERS. Now....the team sucks on the field, so you're bailing. YOUR SPOILED, AND CANT HANDLE THE DOWN YEARS.

THIS is why other fans despise the. Cowboys and its fans: THEY'RE SOFT! QUITTERS! BANDWAGON FANS! FRONTRUNNERS!

go look a Buffalo Bills fan in the eye and whine. Go look a Cleveland Browns fan in the eye and complain and moan. THOSE ARE A RABID, HARDCORE FAN BASE...no matter what, and they've never won ANYTHING. 30 years is NOTHING to them. They look at you, a Cowboys fan, with so many SB appearances and trophies, whining and sniveling, and they want to PUKE on you. Like a spoiled little rich kid whining.

Yall do what you want....but when people say Cowboys fans are soft bandwagon fans, you better say "Yep, spot on"

And if the team somehow gets very good again in 5 years and yall start scurrying back with your Cowboy jerseys on again, you better put "Bandwagon Fan" on the back where the players name should be!

FAKE MORALITY ALERT!!! I can ONLY imagine if we had won the SB last year and were 6-0 right now. Jerry could be selling powders and whisky to 10 year old orphans in 3rd world countries, and clubbing seals, and all of you would be growling and strutting obnoxiously in your silver and blue gear just as happy as you could be!!!!!!!


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Want is this?

Why do I have a feeling that if we were undefeated right now and stomping people, and had won a couple of SuperBowls in the last 10 years, all this talk of quitting the team wouldn't exist, even if Jerry were doing the exact same thing he's doing and saying now?

Let's not try and repackage this as some sort of moral stand. You people haven't had a SuperBowl in 30 years so you're giving up. THIS IS RESULTS DRIVEN...NOT MORALITY DRIVEN!

michael Irvin and his crew were inhaling Coke(a Cola) like it was nasal spray, and bagging prostyTOOTS by the dozen in the 90s, and you were all as happy as pigs in slop, weren't you? BECAUSE THEY WERE YEARLY WINNERS. Now....the team sucks on the field, so you're bailing. YOUR SPOILED, AND CANT HANDLE THE DOWN YEARS.

THIS is why other fans despise the. Cowboys and its fans: THEY'RE SOFT! QUITTERS! BANDWAGON FANS! FRONTRUNNERS!

go look a Buffalo Bills fan in the eye and whine. Go look a Cleveland Browns fan in the eye and complain and moan. THOSE ARE A RABID, HARDCORE FAN BASE...no matter what, and they've never won ANYTHING. 30 years is NOTHING to them. They look at you, a Cowboys fan, with so many SB appearances and trophies, whining and sniveling, and they want to PUKE on you. Like a spoiled little rich kid whining.

Yall do what you want....but when people say Cowboys fans are soft bandwagon fans, you better say "Yep, spot on"

And if the team somehow gets very good again in 5 years and yall start scurrying back with your Cowboy jerseys on again, you better put "Bandwagon Fan" on the back where the players name should be!

FAKE MORALITY ALERT!!! I can ONLY imagine if we had won the SB last year and were 6-0 right now. Jerry could be selling powders and whisky to 10 year old orphans in 3rd world countries, and clubbing seals, and all of you would be growling and strutting obnoxiously in your silver and blue gear just as happy as you could be!!!!!!!
Do you not understand the difference between taking an apathetic stance and outright quitting? Quitting is what @Rockport did after Dallas got beat by the Niners in a playoff game a few years ago, and now claims he never said it even though he has been provided with links to the posts that HE WROTE.

Unlike @Rockport, Nate didn't say he was quitting, just that he was stepping into full blown apathy towards Jerry and the team. The care of whether they win or lose is gone, and frankly, many of us have already been at that point for several years. Jerry is the one who brought this on, not the fans, so quit taking it out on us. The passion for winning should start with him and as each year passes it becomes more and more clear where Jerry's mind is at. It isn't on winning and you can't provide proof that is is.

If we're all 'quitters' like you claim, then why the hell would any of us keep coming here sharing our thoughts on the team?

In case no one has pointed this out, do you realize that 3 of the teams you have in your avatar have just as many bandwagon fans as Dallas?


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I was young kid in the 90s. About 7 when they won their first super bowl that I witnessed. I fell in love with everything about the Dallas Cowboys! Everything! Then I got to high school in the year 2000. I'm in California, so that's around the time the Raiders started making deep play offs runs. It was hell going to school. I kept my head up and didn't stop rocking my Dallas Cowboys gear no matter how bad, Chad Hutchinson, Clint Storener, or Drew Henson had looked. I always felt hope back then or had some kind of shining light at the end of the tunnel. So that kept me here, that light is no longer there, this team is not a football team. It's a traveling circus now. I'm ashamed of what's become of my passion. The thing is also, that it's not too hard to fix this. I just don't think Jerry truly cares about winning. I'm done devoting all my days to this team, I deserve better.
Yes Jerry has made it embarrassing to be a Cowboys fan.

There was a time when you were the proudest fan on the planet to be following the Dallas Cowboys America's team led by the greatest most respected men in their profession.

Now our leaders are greedy money hungry retreads grasping to hold on to what's left of their careers.
Our owner and general manager is an unscrupulous individual who has no respect at all for the fans of this team treats us like a bunch of sheep.

This whole team is just one big business decision a culture cultivated and nurtured by our horrible owner.

You are 100% right it would not take that much to fix it just a desire to build the team in a proper functional fashion.

There are certainly enough successful examples out there to follow. Many of our old teams offer classic examples.

But you have to really want it and want to put in the time to assemble a winning team and all Jerry wants is a profitable team that keeps him comfortable at all times.
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Football is now officially aligned with gambling. It’s been aligned with the number 1 cause of domestic abuse, alcohol, for years. There is nothing “moral” about watching football, whether Cowboys or any other team.
But it makes the immoral acceptable for 4 hours during a game as strange as it seems. No entertainment gives a person a free pass literally to drink, fight, curse, and act like a child for a few hours. Whether it happens at stadiums, bars, parties or home the consequences/punishment is mild because it's football.
It's always been my mindset........enjoy the games. Players come and go.......


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THIS is why other fans despise the. Cowboys and its fans: THEY'RE SOFT! QUITTERS! BANDWAGON FANS! FRONTRUNNERS!
And yet those other fans (in particular Eagles fans) are so over the top obsessed with the Cowboys that they hang out on here and pretend to be Cowboy fans and make their snide little remarks. Even after all of these years of no Super Bowls and disappointment they can't stop thinking about the Cowboys 24/7. That is just a sickness if you ask me


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This year I'll just go one game at a time.

I don't have any expectations of winning or righting the ship. Everything that frustrated me during the off season has come to fruition. I'd be blown away if they somehow turned it around, as it doesn't appear we have the players or coaching to do so.

I'm not taking time off work or rearranging my schedule for this sloppy effort. When the game stops being fun to watch I start working on my to-do list, and it becomes back ground. When it gets flat out embarrassing I turn it off and check scoring updates.

I'll figure out next year next year. I'm still here for it, but I'm not going to participate if it's not fun. This year has had a couple of those already.
This is close to where I am.........one game, then move to the next one and see where we are at the end of the season. But I have way too much good ______ going on in my life to let Jerry ruin it (LOL).
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And yet those other fans (in particular Eagles fans) are so over the top obsessed with the Cowboys that they hang out on here and pretend to be Cowboy fans and make their snide little remarks. Even after all of these years of no Super Bowls and disappointment they can't stop thinking about the Cowboys 24/7. That is just a sickness if you ask me
How does this pertain to us?

That's like a 800 lb morbidly obese man, looking at his neighbor who is an 810lb morbidly obese man, and saying "hey, look at that fatso"

Besides...I think the other fans aren't obsessed with us, they just can't resist clowning us and have no repsect for us as legit diehard fans.. Shame on them for not resisting an easy target though


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Do you not understand the difference between taking an apathetic stance and outright quitting? Quitting is what @Rockport did after Dallas got beat by the Niners in a playoff game a few years ago, and now claims he never said it even though he has been provided with links to the posts that HE WROTE.

Unlike @Rockport, Nate didn't say he was quitting, just that he was stepping into full blown apathy towards Jerry and the team. The care of whether they win or lose is gone, and frankly, many of us have already been at that point for several years. Jerry is the one who brought this on, not the fans, so quit taking it out on us. The passion for winning should start with him and as each year passes it becomes more and more clear where Jerry's mind is at. It isn't on winning and you can't provide proof that is is.

If we're all 'quitters' like you claim, then why the hell would any of us keep coming here sharing our thoughts on the team?

In case no one has pointed this out, do you realize that 3 of the teams you have in your avatar have just as many bandwagon fans as Dallas?

You speak of Apathy as it's some sort of superior alternative to quitting.

Have you not read The Good Book?

"Ye are neither hot nor cold. Ye are LUKEWARM, so I shall SPIT YOU OUT"

as you see....it's more respectable to either be a life long rabid fan, or, if ye haven't the belly for it, then just quit forever and walk away...than to be "apathetic"....leaving the door open to come rushing back full force again, once they appear to be contenders, as if you'd been there all along!

Go to a Bills game. Go to a Browns game. Go to an Eagles game. You may see euphoria/mania.....you may see anger, even hostility.....but you won't see Apathy.

If you want to argue with The Good Book, it's up to you....just stand clear of me. I don't like lightning

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Want is this?

Why do I have a feeling that if we were undefeated right now and stomping people, and had won a couple of SuperBowls in the last 10 years, all this talk of quitting the team wouldn't exist, even if Jerry were doing the exact same thing he's doing and saying now?

Let's not try and repackage this as some sort of moral stand. You people haven't had a SuperBowl in 30 years so you're giving up. THIS IS RESULTS DRIVEN...NOT MORALITY DRIVEN!

michael Irvin and his crew were inhaling Coke(a Cola) like it was nasal spray, and bagging prostyTOOTS by the dozen in the 90s, and you were all as happy as pigs in slop, weren't you? BECAUSE THEY WERE YEARLY WINNERS. Now....the team sucks on the field, so you're bailing. YOUR SPOILED, AND CANT HANDLE THE DOWN YEARS.

THIS is why other fans despise the. Cowboys and its fans: THEY'RE SOFT! QUITTERS! BANDWAGON FANS! FRONTRUNNERS!

go look a Buffalo Bills fan in the eye and whine. Go look a Cleveland Browns fan in the eye and complain and moan. THOSE ARE A RABID, HARDCORE FAN BASE...no matter what, and they've never won ANYTHING. 30 years is NOTHING to them. They look at you, a Cowboys fan, with so many SB appearances and trophies, whining and sniveling, and they want to PUKE on you. Like a spoiled little rich kid whining.

Yall do what you want....but when people say Cowboys fans are soft bandwagon fans, you better say "Yep, spot on"

And if the team somehow gets very good again in 5 years and yall start scurrying back with your Cowboy jerseys on again, you better put "Bandwagon Fan" on the back where the players name should be!

FAKE MORALITY ALERT!!! I can ONLY imagine if we had won the SB last year and were 6-0 right now. Jerry could be selling powders and whisky to 10 year old orphans in 3rd world countries, and clubbing seals, and all of you would be growling and strutting obnoxiously in your silver and blue gear just as happy as you could be!!!!!!!
Fun rant, but no.

I will give you that in my youth I didn’t pay much attention to the off field stuff of the players. Looking back, Irvin and a lot of players on that team were pretty terrible human beings. As I've gotten older I've come to realize that who and what you support is reflective of who you are as a person. The company you keep...etc.

So no, it's not about a bad year (I've been here for the 1-15, the 3-13, the 4-12, the multiple 5-11's, the one and dones... and no, it's not about if we had won a SB last year.

This is about who Jerry Jones is as a person, and having finally seen enough of it.

You can sling whatever names or insults you want at me. I know I'm doing the right thing by setting the Cowboys to the peripheral until this man is gone.

Not asking you to do the same so not sure why you are so upset about it. Do your superfan thing, I'm not trying to stop you.


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This team is like a long term relationship. You start out dating a 1-2, that in 10 years becomes a 10, and stays a 9-10 for a long time. Then your partner starts letting things slide for a few years and hits rock bottom on the ugly stick. They crawl their way back up to a 10 and the good times are rolling for a short while. Then, for the next 28 years, sliding up and down the ugly stick, but never quite getting back to back to 9-10.

Now it is 2024, you've been together for 64 years, and your partner is not even trying to climb out of the mess they made of themselves. Makes it hard to stick around, but you still hang on, hoping that one day they'll be back on top.

A true Cowboy's fan might complain and criticize a lot but will still be there through thick and thin.


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But it makes the immoral acceptable for 4 hours during a game as strange as it seems. No entertainment gives a person a free pass literally to drink, fight, curse, and act like a child for a few hours. Whether it happens at stadiums, bars, parties or home the consequences/punishment is mild because it's football.
It's always been my mindset........enjoy the games. Players come and go.......
Not so sure
I can imagine the amount of 4 letter words being muttered all over Cowboy Nation if i am any level indicator. Lol

It might well be driving people from morality in front of thier children.....to teaching kids a new 4 letter word every sunday.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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You speak of Apathy as it's some sort of superior alternative to quitting.

Have you not read The Good Book?

"Ye are neither hot nor cold. Ye are LUKEWARM, so I shall SPIT YOU OUT"

as you see....it's more respectable to either be a life long rabid fan, or, if ye haven't the belly for it, then just quit forever and walk away...than to be "apathetic"....leaving the door open to come rushing back full force again, once they appear to be contenders, as if you'd been there all along!

Go to a Bills game. Go to a Browns game. Go to an Eagles game. You may see euphoria/mania.....you may see anger, even hostility.....but you won't see Apathy.

If you want to argue with The Good Book, it's up to you....just stand clear of me. I don't like lightning
Here you go. You've earned them. One of these days you will realize that Jerry doesn't give a damn about you or how hard you wave these things.



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40 years....long time.
LOOOOoonNG time.

I've followed and cheered for this team for 40 years. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. Some of you have done it for much longer than me. The idea of leaving behind something that has been with you since your childhood, then adolescent, then teenage, then young adult, and then adulthood stages of life is daunting. Something that has been a part of you for so long that you really can't remember a time when it wasn't...what would that look like?

How would that play out?

Would it be like a breakup? Would you hope for the worst for them? Would you be happy for them at their best? Would you move on to someone else but always have a soft spot and wonder what could have been if you'd stayed?

What if the relationship was toxic and you knew they were just terrible people? Would that make moving on easier? I think so, but still a tough endeavor when it's all you have ever known.

Well previous fellow Cowboys fans, tomorrow I take the plunge.

For years this has been a stagnant relationship. Going through the motions....good night honey, morning honey, have a good day, hey honey how was your day, what do you want to do for dinner tonight, what do you want to do this weekend, good night honey, morning honey, have a good day.....................................but it wasn't terrible, it just....was.

Then came the drinking, the yelling, and finally, the hitting.

At this point, I find this ownership to be completely misaligned with everything that I believe in and stand for as a human being. So I have made the decision that I will no longer support it. I'm not going to find a younger, sexier model, but I'm just not going to root for this team to succeed. I don't necessarily want them to fail either, after all these years of abuse, I still love them, but I just can no longer be there for them.

Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.

I'm sure some of you will have some snide comments for this decision to put my thoughts into writing and withdraw my support of this franchise, and that's fine. I certainly don't expect anyone to follow my lead as your morals and perception of this team and ownership is likely far different than mine, and that's fine too, free country and all that. Some of you will be supportive and feel the same and that's good too.

My moral compass points to neutrality/apathy. Where does yours point?
Apathy w/ a little laughing thrown in for good measure. Not by choice, I had to withdraw my emotions to maintain at least a semblance of sanity.