Where in the world is Jerry Jones (Plane Tracking)

5Stars said:
Hey, if you have a lovely wife like #8 does...if she wants dinner in Las Vegas, well then, OK! Lets go!


Michael irvin have a plane? I'd be intersted in knowing where he is....maybe with TO right now, lol.
BigDFan5 said:
Troy Aikmans plane is on the way to Las Vegas right now (serious)

Troy Aikman owns a NASCAR team that is racing in Las Vegas on Sunday.
EveryoneElse said:
Michael irvin have a plane? I'd be intersted in knowing where he is....maybe with TO right now, lol.

Big Mike could have a plane...and if T.O. is on it, you can bet that they are both wearing Dallas Cowboy jerseys!

I don't want TO to become a Cowboy, but, if he does, I have no problem with that, at all! The man is a knucklehead, but, the man is a player!

I just hope that Big Mike brought some Pepsi...not Coke!
According to Flightaware Jerry's plane just landed back in Dallas. According to them, he was only in Fla for a half hour.
I don't think his trip to Florida was "house" related...you would have difficulty getting out of the airport in and back take off again in 30 minutes...He's picking up someone...or having someone picked up for him.
5Stars said:
Big Mike could have a plane...and if T.O. is on it, you can bet that they are both wearing Dallas Cowboy jerseys!
If TO is coming he better be wearing a #88 jersey when he steps off that plane. Irvin has really been pimping him.
All this talk of Jerry in his plane makes me realize that he seems to have forsaken his bang bus.
I just seen where he arrived about 40 minutes ago from Fort Walton Beach Florida. Wonder whats going on there?
mbanx said:
I just seen where he arrived about 40 minutes ago from Fort Walton Beach Florida. Wonder whats going on there?

Spring Break!!!!!!!:D
Obviously none of you guys are married.

That's probably Jerry's wife going with the grandkids down to Destin for Spring Break.
Cbz40 said:
Spring Break!!!!!!!:D

Thanks alot Cbz I am to old for spring break now and you just brought back some great memories, the few I have left from spring breaks. I cant remeber any of the girls names but I think they were good looking....I hope. :D
mbanx said:
Thanks alot Cbz I am to old for spring break now and you just brought back some great memories, the few I have left from spring breaks. I cant remeber any of the girls names but I think they were good looking....I hope. :D

Heck!!!!! They didn't have Spring Breaks when I was in school.....:(

I had to create my own....:laugh2:

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