Where in the world is Jerry Jones (Plane Tracking)

Wimbo said:
I am looking at flightaware, and it shows Jerry's plane currently flying over Utah in a NW trajectory. However, the logs don't show a flight scheduled anywhere buy Florida. Do you have enough experience with this website to translate?

It was a blip. The blue flight you saw was a VFR flight is Visual Flight Rules...no IFR or Instrument Flight Plan filed. In this case, because aircraft type is not entered by the controllers, one would expect that the plane you saw is not Jerry's N1DC. With the abbreviated callsign entered by controllers, it could be something like N251DC. We won't ever find out.If you look again it now shows him on the way to Florida
I also just noticed the updated the flight plans. His return to Dallas is now scheduled for about 6:00 PM which is also the time the plane lands in Florida. So it appears the plane is going to drop someone off and then return to Dallas
StanleySpadowski said:
I should have used "birthplace" as meaningless and that's what the listings were. When do you think the last time that Ty Law was in Alliquipa?

You're right. By "hometown," I meant where they're from or where they currently reside. We don't really care where they were born 25-35 years ago.
Holy crap. After reading above updates, I typed "Terrell Owens Florida" in Google and look what came up!?!?


I'm pretty sure I did the same search last night checking to see if he had a house there and this number did NOT come up. What are the odds that such a general search would return the exact city that JJ is flying back and forth to and what are the odds Ft. Walton would be the only Florida city that had a "Terrell Owens" ? I rule...
Sitting Bull said:
Holy crap. After reading above updates, I typed "Terrell Owens Florida" in Google and look what came up!?!?


Phonebook results for terrell owens florida

Terrell Owens, (850) 862-1898, 2015 Woodfern Path, Fort Walton Beach, FL

I'm pretty sure I did the same search last night checking to see if he had a house there and this number did NOT come up. What are the odds that such a general search would return the exact city that JJ is flying back and forth to and what are the odds that that would be the only Florida city that had a "Terrell Owens" ? I rule...

Dial the number & see who you get.
I did Google Earth the address. It's not a spider hole, but it doesn't seem like it could be his place.
BigDFan5 said:
I also just noticed the updated the flight plans. His return to Dallas is now scheduled for about 6:00 PM which is also the time the plane lands in Florida. So it appears the plane is going to drop someone off and then return to Dallas

or maybe pick someone up to bring back to VR??? hmmmmmm
DallasInDC said:
or maybe pick someone up to bring back to VR??? hmmmmmm

We have already established Jerry has a house in the area. He has traveled there like 10 times so far this year including before the season ended.
BigDFan5 said:
We have already established Jerry has a house in the area. He has traveled there like 10 times so far this year including before the season ended.

Maybe T.O. is holed up in Jerry's cabana out back...
BigDFan5 said:
We have already established Jerry has a house in the area. He has traveled there like 10 times so far this year including before the season ended.

Nah - that's probably just where Gene gets her hair done.
BigDFan5 said:
We have already established Jerry has a house in the area. He has traveled there like 10 times so far this year including before the season ended.

Yes, but in the spirit of speculation and conspiracy theories, maybe JJ gave the keys to the crib to a potential acquisition to ensure that said player would not be contacted by any other team and make certain JJ had first access to sign said player. yeah...yeah that's the ticket. :shades:
Jerrys jet is now officially in Florida and has a flight plan listed for an immediate return
BigDFan5 said:
Now I think jerry is screwing with us. he has a flight from Dllas scheduled to leave at 2:30 central. That plane never took off. The the return flight was scheduled to come back to Dallas at 4:30 central, now there is another flight plan logged to bring him home from Florida at 6:00 central.

So to recap his plane never left Dallas, but he has 2 flight plans listed to bring him back from where he never went

Here is something interesting from my post this morning about JJ's plane having one lit up Star under each wing! I emailed the Spags like I said I would and this is the conversation...now, it looks like JJ has a new plane, and maybe you guys are tracking his old plane?!!!!!

Stop!...You know, it just might. Not sure I’ve seen the newest one he utilizes. Previously there was a Cowboys blue star on the tail flap, so I’m guessing there might very well be one under the wings now. Don’t know that for sure, though.


Hi, Mr. Spagnola! Sir, I have a very unusal question for you. Are you ready? Does Mr. Jones's private jet have a bright star under each wing? I live under a flight path, and I saw a private jet come overhead one evening with one bright Star under each wing. Now, who else would have a private jet with that? Please, if you know, will you respond to me, and, if you don't know, will you find out? Please!! I'm counting on you, Sir! I know you will find this out for me! You are a man of Honor! A Top Notch reporter! Someone that I can count on! Someone that will answer this email...a true friend! You need some money, or anything? Please answer this to the best of your abilities...you are the man! Take care...and I know you will help me with this question...oh, and don;t publish this, OK? Thank you, Sir! I will be eagerly awaiting your response... Sincerely...
5Stars said:
Here is something interesting from my post this morning about JJ's plane having one lit up Star under each wing! I emailed the Spags like I said I would and this is the conversation...now, it looks like JJ has a new plane, and maybe you guys are tracking his old plane?!!!!!

Stop!...You know, it just might. Not sure I’ve seen the newest one he utilizes. Previously there was a Cowboys blue star on the tail flap, so I’m guessing there might very well be one under the wings now. Don’t know that for sure, though.


Hi, Mr. Spagnola! Sir, I have a very unusal question for you. Are you ready? Does Mr. Jones's private jet have a bright star under each wing? I live under a flight path, and I saw a private jet come overhead one evening with one bright Star under each wing. Now, who else would have a private jet with that? Please, if you know, will you respond to me, and, if you don't know, will you find out? Please!! I'm counting on you, Sir! I know you will find this out for me! You are a man of Honor! A Top Notch reporter! Someone that I can count on! Someone that will answer this email...a true friend! You need some money, or anything? Please answer this to the best of your abilities...you are the man! Take care...and I know you will help me with this question...oh, and don;t publish this, OK? Thank you, Sir! I will be eagerly awaiting your response... Sincerely...

I know I am tracking the right one because of its previous flights. It was in indianapolis for a few days during the combine. It flew to new york for the owners meetings, then flew to new york for the emergency cba meeting etc.
Jerrys plane is now back on route to Dallas, 25 minutes or so after landing in Florida lol
11 Minutes into flight and ascending at 11,000 feet. Expected arrival in Dallas is 9:00 EST

My guess is maybe he picked up an agent to start serious negotiations/signings?
BigDFan5 said:
I know I am tracking the right one because of its previous flights. It was in indianapolis for a few days during the combine. It flew to new york for the owners meetings, then flew to new york for the emergency cba meeting etc.

You are tracking a plane, no doubt about that...however, it seems that JJ has more then one plane! And, maybe like Snyder did, he disallowed some sort of "tracking device" on his PERSONAL plane?

Maybe the plane you are tracking belongs to Stephen, or someone else in the organization that uses his old plane? I mean, come on now...if you can do it, don't you think that an NFL organization don't have people that might just be doing the same thing?

Now, this is pure speculation...but, I saw what I saw...a private jet with a lit up STAR under each wing come through Utah last year...

In any event, I hope you are tracking the right plane, as it appears that JJ has more then one plane.

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