1. I've never been a fair weather fan in my life & I'll call it like I see it
2. Well maybe it's time the coaces find out who can be a consistent pass rusher. If there isn't one on the team well maybe we haven't drafted as well as we all seem to think we have. Aren't the coaces paid to teach tecnique...Ware has the speed and moves....coach him up.
3. Well try a few different blitz packages for the safeties and LBs maybe you will get results.
4. I see what you are saying....but if plan A isn't working shouldn't you have 1a plan B in place.. Smoke & mirrors, Ummmm.....well we seem to have been doing that for years trying to cover our deficiencies on the OL. Why not D.
The Smoke & mirror plan got us the #1 D in 2003.
Bottom Line we are in our 2nd year playing the 3/4 D it should not have to be a game time coaching decision. We should have a plan A, B, & C in our game plan plus the best coaches are those that can make adjustments.