Which do you prefer to be the news on Monday, preparing for WC game or JG not being retained


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Why can't it be both, darn it!?

I can almost GUARANTEE that the ONLY way Garrett’s not gone next year is if the Boys run the table. We know that’s not gonna happen, so let’s embarrass the Deadskins, then laugh at the little mouth breathers in Philly as they go down AGAIN!


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Not even close.

If Barry Switzer... Chan Gailey... whoever... was coaching, I'd still want a chance in the post season.

Good question, though, and thanks for asking.

It defines real fans from those who just use sports as an outlet to feel powerful and smarter than everyone else, ostensibly because they don't get to do that in any other part of their lives.

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Well-Known Member
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Not even close.

If Barry Switzer... Chan Gailey... whoever... was coaching, I'd still want a chance in the post season.

Good question, though, and thanks for asking.

It defines real fans from those who just use sports as an outlet to feel powerful and smarter than everyone else, ostensibly because they don't get to do that in any other part of their lives.

Actually its the opposite bro.

My degree at UT is in Psychology and if you study "fan hood" not just in the US, but around the world, you notice that the "fanatics" (fans that cheer wildly for the laundry no matter what) typically have one common trait, that is they use their team as an emotional replacement.

You especially see this in Europe with soccer when not only opposing fans are assaulted but the referees as well if the home team loses. The "fanatics" that are diehard fans that paint their face and cheer and yell at the top of their lungs use sports as an emotional replacement. They live vicariously through the accomplishments of others, mainly the players on their favorite team. Studies have shown that when their team wins they actually have an increased level of endorphins released into their blood stream. Likewise, when their team loses, they take it as a personal defeat, and can become increasingly irritated and aggressive. Hence, the assaults on opposing players and referees I mentioned earlier. Fans that are not that emotionally involved in the game typically have other areas of their lives that they deem just as, if not more, important than the game, mainly their family, their career, ect...

So you see, you got it backwards. If you study the literature on the subject you would know that it is the die hard fans that are typically lacking in other areas of their lives and use sports as an avenue for emotional replacement. And if you think about it, this makes perfect sense. If you have a great family life, wife, kids, a great job, making decent money, do you really care that much if your favorite team wins or not? Are you going to go beat up the ref when your team loses? Obviously not.


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This team doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs. If you cant beat Philly's practice squad, you got no business being in the playoffs.

So no, I am not sitting here hoping that the Giants can do what we couldn't, beat Philly.

So obviously I am hoping there is no playoff games, the season ends Sunday is what I prefer.