Shotgun Dave;2839684 said:In my opinion, and it is only my opinion and not a statement of fact, some of you are missing the point.
That is, harmless fun for Bennett or not, when black people continue to use such racially sensitive descriptions about their own race it undermines the historic struggle for equality. I happen to agree. I find the N-word completely unacceptable and demeaning regardless of who's saying it. I also believe that people will tend to treat you with the same degree of respect that you treat yourself (and, of course, them). I hate racism in ALL its forms, and I don't understand why black people would glamorize such a hateful word that so many others have struggled and, in some cases, lost their lives to defeat.
Maybe I'm missing something though.
Four;2839691 said:it doesn't undermine anything, white people make fun of other white people all the time and no one *****es and moans, the minute a black dude does it white people get all bent out of shape about it.
That's pretty ridiculous.
Shotgun Dave;2839684 said:In my opinion, and it is only my opinion and not a statement of fact, some of you are missing the point.
That is, harmless fun for Bennett or not, when black people continue to use such racially sensitive descriptions about their own race it undermines the historic struggle for equality. I happen to agree. I find the N-word completely unacceptable and demeaning regardless of who's saying it. I also believe that people will tend to treat you with the same degree of respect that you treat yourself (and, of course, them). I hate racism in ALL its forms, and I don't understand why black people would glamorize such a hateful word that so many others have struggled and, in some cases, lost their lives to defeat.
Maybe I'm missing something though.
Shotgun Dave;2839694 said:You do know that the author is black, right? Many, many others - black and white - share his opinion.
Am I bent out of shape about it? No, I think it's sad.
Bleu Star;2839697 said:Dave,
Trust me when I say this.. You will never ever ever stop every black person, or every white person that pretends to be otherwise, from using the word ***** as a term of endearment. I'm an educated black man that find no enjoyment in using it. I never have and never will. However, I often find myself in places where it's used and it doesn't bother me one bit. Example: I play semi-pro football. We just took a 6 hour bus ride to Macon and back yesterday. I think I might have heard the word ***** a few times on the bus as playful banter existed throughout... No big deal to me. It's a part of certain cultures and no level of hand wringing is going to change it. JMO.
Do I like hearing it? No. I also don't like hearing the word ******. Thankfully, the latter doesn't pierce my eardrums or is mumbled low enough for me to ever hear it.Bottom line, "that's my *****" has been a term that has transcended time and won't be going away anytime soon. I think MartyB is just being himself and putting a fun spin on some otherwise very sensitive situations. If his thirst for shedding a comedic light on a subject helps one child to see the light then it wasn't all for naught.
Shotgun Dave;2839708 said:Bleu Star,
Cool. I respect your opinion on this matter of course. I'm not trying to eliminate the word from all society - I know that isn't possible. I do, however, refuse to accept it in my presence. I didn't speak to my mother for 2 years because of her racism. I take it very seriously. But I definitely respect where you're coming from. Thanks for the reply.
Four;2839677 said:I completely disagree there is a double standard.
the difference only lies in people's own perceptions, and 9 times out of 10 its white folks complaining that there is a double standard.
Matter of fact, I don't think I have ever heard a black person use the double standard argument.
xWraithx;2839721 said:Then perhaps you'd be interested to know that the author, Jason Whitlock, is in fact black. lulz
JackMagist;2839724 said:I have not had time (nor the inclination for that matter) to read this entire thread. But I did read the article and it expresses exactly how I see the issue. The writer of this article is completely right when he points out that Don Imus was crucified for saying nothing worse than Bennett simply because he is white and Bennett is black. It is a double standard that can only hold up for so long before it backfires on those who employ it (i.e. the rappers and morons like Marty B).
He is NOT saying that white people should be allowed to use racial stereotypes. He is saying that no one should use them. And that it should not be acceptable for anyone to use them. I don't believe that this article was meant for white people to even read or care about. It was one black man talking to the rest of the black community.
I do feel very strongly on this one point though. This is an issue to be decided by society at large not by any government mandate or law. When society stops laughing at the comedians and listening to the rappers and buying their crap music this behavior will go away.
JackMagist;2839724 said:I have not had time (nor the inclination for that matter) to read this entire thread. But I did read the article and it expresses exactly how I see the issue. The writer of this article is completely right when he points out that Don Imus was crucified for saying nothing worse than Bennett simply because he is white and Bennett is black. It is a double standard that can only hold up for so long before it backfires on those who employ it (i.e. the rappers and morons like Marty B).
He is NOT saying that white people should be allowed to use racial stereotypes. He is saying that no one should use them. And that it should not be acceptable for anyone to use them. I don't believe that this article was meant for white people to even read or care about. It was one black man talking to the rest of the black community.
I do feel very strongly on this one point though. This is an issue to be decided by society at large not by any government mandate or law. When society stops laughing at the comedians and listening to the rappers and buying their crap music this behavior will go away.
Aikbach;2839730 said:I agree that a double standard exists but I think race tension doesn't go away until people quit bringing up racial tension and thus fabricating a controversy.