Whitlock: Dak is just another Cooper Rush

Dak isn't as good as Cooper Rush.
Rush has the mentality it takes to lead an offense and make plays.
Dak chokes when the pressure gets too hot.
It's not personal; some guys just aren't leaders. Dak isn't.
Rush actually knows what he is supposed to be trying to accomplish when he is out there.
Dak's entire career is a PR campaign. All he is worried about is making people believe he is better than he is.
Rush is out there trying to do a job.it makes a huge difference.
Since Rush is an unrestricted free agent come March 2025 any team can sign him without have to compensate the Cowboys. If he’s as good a quarterback as you’ve described how much do you think he’ll be signing for with an NFL franchise for the 2025 season?
I mean if your issue with him is fighting dogs that’s fair enough. But Whitlock didn’t care about them dogs lol. Hes just a pathetic troll.

Vick did do his time. Didn’t take the easy way out and didn’t snitch to get out. Not sure what else he cousins done.
"What up Mike Vick, dont snitch, tell the judge he kills deers and that's real"...

Lol I do hate that he fought dogs tho, but I think he deserved a second chance
.....IF Cooper was the man, we would be in playoff picture. He's had more than half season to have proven so.

He's backup QB with adequate skills. For that, we can be content.

Comparing him to Dak, just feeds Confirmation Bias that majority seem to have. It's not his fault they made him highest paid player.
Dak was willing to play without contract. Jerry insisted to pay the man.
.....IF Cooper was the man, we would be in playoff picture. He's had more than half season to have proven so.

He's backup QB with adequate skills. For that, we can be content.

Comparing him to Dak, just feeds Confirmation Bias that majority seem to have. It's not his fault they made him highest paid player.
Dak was willing to play without contract. Jerry insisted to pay the man.
If Rush starts the entire season at this level of play the Cowboys are in the playoffs. The funk that Dak put the team in the first half of the season was too much. Heck, Rush should have a 5 game win streak if not for a huge, game losing mistake by an idiot player. Even that would not be enough to get us in the playoffs. Dak sucked so bad in the first half that it doomed the season. Great return on the galacticly stupid contract.
Locked for thread review.

Edit: Re-opened.

The thread topic is Jason Whitlock's comments about Dak Prescott.
The thread topic is not about Jason Whitlock.

Hopefully, the thread can continue with full participation. I am not confident it shall, but life is always full of surprises.
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All he’s saying is Dak is our QB whether we like it or not. And we will root him on until he’s done here. It doesn’t have to be about whether they think he’s great or not .
There isn’t a single station or position within the Cowboys that should be free from criticism - from the owner down to the equipment manager.

‘Whether we like it or not’ is just another way of saying ‘this person or player should be considered insulated.’

I will root for the Cowboys despite my feelings about Dak and his ridiculous contract. But nobody here at the Zone is under ANY OBLIGATION to join the Party of Dak-Alacrity - and EVERYONE should feel free to express their own particular perspective about THIS and ANY OTHER subject that pertains to the Cowboys, however popular or unpopular it may be. Let’s have some spirited disagreements without calling for revocations or disbarments or banishments.

Nobody here has a patent on Dallas Cowboy fandom. That’s what makes us a forum and not a cult. It’s been that way as long as I’ve known of this site. May it continue to be so.
Tip your server. Return your shopping cart. Pick up a piece of trash.

Hold the door open for the person behind you. Let someone into your lane.

Small acts can have a ripple effect.

Get rid of Dak that's how Jerry could change the team.

Jersey's for sale...made in Taiwan. Only #4 dollars.
There isn’t a single station or position within the Cowboys that should be free from criticism - from the owner down to the equipment manager.

‘Whether we like it or not’ is just another way of saying ‘this person or player should be considered insulated.’

I will root for the Cowboys despite my feelings about Dak and his ridiculous contract. But nobody here at the Zone is under ANY OBLIGATION to join the Party of Dak-Alacrity - and EVERYONE should feel free to express their own particular perspective about THIS and ANY OTHER subject that pertains to the Cowboys, however popular or unpopular it may be. Let’s have some spirited disagreements without calling for revocations or disbarments or banishments.

Nobody here has a patent on Dallas Cowboy fandom. That’s what makes us a forum and not a cult. It’s been that way as long as I’ve known of this site. May it continue to be so.
No one is saying not to offer critical thinking. But it goes beyond that on some topics.

And I was also responding to those who said they can’t root for the Cowboys as long as he is our QB.

Former fans and trolls are of no interest to me in our discussions of Cowboys Football.
There isn’t a single station or position within the Cowboys that should be free from criticism - from the owner down to the equipment manager.

‘Whether we like it or not’ is just another way of saying ‘this person or player should be considered insulated.’

I will root for the Cowboys despite my feelings about Dak and his ridiculous contract. But nobody here at the Zone is under ANY OBLIGATION to join the Party of Dak-Alacrity - and EVERYONE should feel free to express their own particular perspective about THIS and ANY OTHER subject that pertains to the Cowboys, however popular or unpopular it may be. Let’s have some spirited disagreements without calling for revocations or disbarments or banishments.

Nobody here has a patent on Dallas Cowboy fandom. That’s what makes us a forum and not a cult. It’s been that way as long as I’ve known of this site. May it continue to be so.
Very well said!
He makes valid points at times but he's huge into himself and creating drama. He was spot on with Caitlin Clark only to flip flop. In the end, he's a typical journalist of today's age. You follow the clicks even it means flipping. Watch Prescott come back next year stronger than ever and Whitlock will be talking about how Dak is the greatest to ever play the game. It's such a bore.
If you find yourself wrong....shouldnt you flip flop?

So either you....are always right...or never admit you were wrong. Hmmm?
Since Rush is an unrestricted free agent come March 2025 any team can sign him without have to compensate the Cowboys. If he’s as good a quarterback as you’ve described how much do you think he’ll be signing for with an NFL franchise for the 2025 season?
Its an easy seach you can do for yourself.

Nothing us written in stone but there appears to be more of a buzz for coop than wgat your willing to admit.
The main point that Whitlock seemed to be trying to make was that the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE between Dak Prescott and Cooper Rush was THE PRICETAG. He’s preaching to the choir with most of us.

I get the impression that this salient point was lost on people who would prefer to do a background check on the messenger rather than analyzing the merits of THE MESSAGE.
I think most fans would agree Dak is overhyped and paid by our foolish owner.

But despite our criticism and frustration with Dak he is still a Franchise QB which doesn’t mean Elite which he obviously isn’t to most of us.

But the better barometer is what would their worth be outside Cowboys Nation. Would Dak have still fetched Market Price if we hadn’t resigned him.

Most experts think he probably would have . As much as we paid him. Arguably not. And now after another injury his value may have dropped more. But after a runner up MVP season regardless the bust in playoffs his value was higher than we would have liked .

So, in comparison will Rush recieve that level of interest and value as a FA this offseason. Will some teams be pursuing him as their Franchise QB? We shall see but I’m suspect he’s nothing more than a seasoned veteran career backup. One we are fortunate to have .

But when we begin making these type of comparisons they are very subjective in nature. I get it. We are all frustrated and want an Elite QB. And have had enough of Dak. I have had enough for 30 years.

I’d argue we haven’t had a championship caliber QB, team or front office in 30 years. Wouid we have fared better if we had a Brady or Mahomes. Of course . Most teams probably would have.

Unfortunately there’s not enough Elite QB’s to go around to 32 teams . The rest have to build around a lesser QB. Which we have suked at as well. Ultimately our FO has to take responsibility for the entire mess this era.
Since Rush is an unrestricted free agent come March 2025 any team can sign him without have to compensate the Cowboys. If he’s as good a quarterback as you’ve described how much do you think he’ll be signing for with an NFL franchise for the 2025 season?
He never said Rush is that good. Just better than Dak. Those who can’t see this are clearly Dak lovers or just clueless about the QB position in the nfl.
He never said Rush is that good. Just better than Dak. Those who can’t see this are clearly Dak lovers or just clueless about the QB position in the nfl.
Or, those who go out of their way to disparage the team’s starting quarterback aren’t really fans of the team. The constant disparagement of Dak comes from those who hate the Cowboys. So any excuse to hate on the qb will do.

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