Who deserves a one way trip to the sun?

:hammer:That is one of my biggest pet peeves. I wish silly laws (and they would be admittedly silly) would be enacted to fine people who do not secure shopping carts. Those things cause physical damage to personal property. Who wants their car, truck, SUV, whatever dinged up because of someone else's carelessness?
I hear you and agree. Very irritating.

But think how weird it would be when we fine someone for not putting a cart away but look the other way when a person can fill a cart with $1000 worth of stolen items (right in front of everyone) from CVS, Home Depot, etc, etc with zero repercussion
Bicyclists. I drive a a 4,550 pound mostly metal truck, you drive a 20 pound composite bicycle. We do not share the road, you do not have right of way, and you can keep your hand signals to yourself. Instead use those hands to steer your arse over to the curb and out of my way. Tight fitting pants and helmets are meant for Olympians, not Brad down the street who just joined a bicycle club with his besties and likes to hog the road while riding to their favorite craft brewery to try the new Pumpkin Stout. Take your air pumps, Oakley wraps, earbuds, spare tubes, thick calves, Camelbacks, Power Bars, energy drinks, vegan personalities, and pedal yourself straight to the sun.
You had better stay away from Somervell county on a cool fall weekend morning.

I've seen'em ride 6 abreast on a county road uphill and around curves.


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