Who says the referees are not biased and help other teams beat the Cowboys?

We as Fans are seeing a ridiculous amount of ridiculous calls because of AI, Quantum Analytics and Online Gambling . . . There are Ridiculous Calls on Both Sides during Games because Bets are being placed all during the game and they are trying to generate action
Right. And there always has been questionable and inconsistency in officiating.

I’m totally against all of these other moving parts expanding gambling. It further infuriates fans. The event was never intended to be perfectly called.

And if fans truly believed they can’t rely on officiating then I’d cease gambling . But it’s why there is likely no collusion going on because the billion dollar gambling business would suffer if evidence surfaced.

In todays immediate news cycle very difficult to silence any whistle blowing for very long. Just like in college just came out a QB for a top team has been gambling on his team and why such strict guidelines are in the NFL.
The Casinos and Gambling Sites are in on it so they would never request an investigation The actual Gamblers would have to sign a petition to request Congress to investigate and that will not happen. Because It is entertainment like WWE, Music, Movies and Television. So cheating is just part of the Script . . . Literally

I understand your sentiment but an investigation would never happen because what they are doing is part of the Spectacle aka Entertainment
While it is entertainment the legalized gambling is based on the integrity of the games. If there was ever evidence contrary then it would threaten the validity of the events.

I’d argue most gamblers wouldn't be wagering if they didn’t believe the integrity was being upheld.

If it was ever proved that these events were being thrown by organized corruption within like with league officiating then it threatens the existence of the entire business.

Basically fans are arguing that they hate the Cowboys so much that they’re willing to place the entire league and all business involved in jeopardy. Which falls into that paranoia of the world is against us syndrome. Totally absurd.
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2) The league has to scramble and change the rules because even non-Cowboys fans were calling it fixed. The PR disaster forced the creation of the "Dez Rule".

That kind of thing ONLY happens to the Cowboys.
First, it has always been called the Calvin Johnson rule. Second, they enhanced it right after the Steelers TE had the rule snare him too in the playoffs. Third, part of the reason they tweaked it was that the average football fan didn't understand it. It still exists where a player can't make a catch on his feet. So the Cowboys aren't targeted or special in this regard.
This is where you are wrong . . . There is a Federal Court Case that the NFL won based upon the fact that The NFL is Entertainment and not Sport. . . Whereas throwing games in MLB is Illegal because they , unlike the NFL, are legally classified as a Sport

Also due to modern Group Think the Term Conspiracy Theorist is given a Negative Connotation and those who use the Term constantly give an Air of Superiority when they do so . . . In the Age of Mass Information the Term Conspiracy Theorist was invented to close minds
The NFL is just smart. Being classified as entertainment effectively fends off loons with nothing better to do with their time who would take the NFL to court every time their team lost a close game and there was a questionable penalty call. Hell, the case you cite was the result of a fan doing so. I'd pull the entertainment card too if I were them.
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I’d argue most gamblers wouldn't be wagering if they didn’t believe the integrity was being upheld.
But fans here believe the game is rigged and yet watch time after time hoping that 'this time' the game won't be rigged. So I'd wager that people would still bet too. If the games are rigged, give me the script so I can bet on it. Lol.
Dlaw was TACKLED by the olineman into Hurtz. By all rights they should have been called for holding on that play as well. Are you really saying that dlaw should have been penalized? Ridiculous!
Go watch the video. There is no circumstance in which he was "tackled". He dove/fell to the ground, Kelce was above him, and he jumped forward to attack Hurts' legs.
hum, I thought it was the messed up 2-point conversion and the choking at the 6-yard line. 6 freaking yard line is why they lost. sheesh, Dobb could have won this game. let's keep making excuses. sheesh
So....if the game is rigged.....were our SuperBowl wins in the 90s and 70s just part of a script? If so...aren't they meaningless?
While it is entertainment the legalized gambling is based on the integrity of the games. If there was ever evidence contrary then it would threaten the validity of the events.

I’d argue most gamblers wouldn't be wagering if they didn’t believe the integrity was being upheld.

If it was ever proved that these events were being thrown by organized corruption within like with league officiating then it threatens the existence of the entire business.

Basically fans are arguing that they hate the Cowboys so much that they’re willing to place the entire league and all business involved in jeopardy. Which falls into that paranoia of the world is against us syndrome. Totally absurd.
Problem with being a Cowboy Fan is the Fact that we are the Largest Fan Base with the Second Largest Fan base is the Rest of the NFL that Hates us. Cowboy Fans Bet with our Hearts and the rest of the NFL love to see us Lose . . . which is why there is a lot of Action on Cowboy Games. Which is why the Cowboys are always the 3:25 game and never the 3:00 . . .

I have come to this realization over the past 4 years and it is a hard pill to swallow . . . I have dedicated a great portion of my life to the Cowboys and I wish it was not the truth but it is what it is .

I watch now out if curiosity but there is no more Emotion or Love any more . . . It is what it us
In todays immediate news cycle very difficult to silence any whistle blowing for very long. Just like in college just came out a QB for a top team has been gambling on his team and why such strict guidelines are in the NFL.
The NFL is Media . . . it is the Golden Goose of Ratings The Media would not Cannibalize it . . . Look at how connected Goodell's family is. . . It is a Small World and those who are connected know their heritages

There will never be a campaign to expose the NFL
Problem with being a Cowboy Fan is the Fact that we are the Largest Fan Base with the Second Largest Fan base is the Rest of the NFL that Hates us. Cowboy Fans Bet with our Hearts and the rest of the NFL love to see us Lose . . . which is why there is a lot of Action on Cowboy Games. Which is why the Cowboys are always the 3:25 game and never the 3:00 . . .

I have come to this realization over the past 4 years and it is a hard pill to swallow . . . I have dedicated a great portion of my life to the Cowboys and I wish it was not the truth but it is what it is .

I watch now out if curiosity but there is no more Emotion or Love any more . . . It is what it us
without emotions you can see things in the game you could never see if you were emotional. I watch it and it doesn't bother me one way or the other.
The NFL is just smart. Being classified as entertainment effectively fends off loons with nothing better to do with their time who would take the NFL to court every time their team lost a close game and there was a questionable penalty call. Hell, the case you cite was the result of a fan doing so. I'd pull the entertainment card too if I were them.
You are right it does sendoff loons but it also Allows for manipulation at any time they see fit for any reason . . . because Legal Classification is law in the USA . . . It is classified as Entertainment because it is
But fans here believe the game is rigged and yet watch time after time hoping that 'this time' the game won't be rigged. So I'd wager that people would still bet too. If the games are rigged, give me the script so I can bet on it. Lol.
I watch to see what happens .. . . Just because it is rigged doesn't mean I know the Out Come . . . But I have no more Love for the Game
So....if the game is rigged.....were our SuperBowl wins in the 90s and 70s just part of a script? If so...aren't they meaningless?
Possibly but technology has taken it to another level. Combine Headsets in the QB's Helmet with AI Analytics, Online Gambling and sell out Refs and anyone can see the Blatant absurdity in the Game today

Those teams of the 90s may be the last of true Champions. Jerry went His Own way many times during the 90s maybe He went off script

Dak has made many many Dumb Mistakes just like Romo yet both havre been set up for Life and The Mafia have raked in Billions
Problem with being a Cowboy Fan is the Fact that we are the Largest Fan Base with the Second Largest Fan base is the Rest of the NFL that Hates us. Cowboy Fans Bet with our Hearts and the rest of the NFL love to see us Lose . . . which is why there is a lot of Action on Cowboy Games. Which is why the Cowboys are always the 3:25 game and never the 3:00 . . .

I have come to this realization over the past 4 years and it is a hard pill to swallow . . . I have dedicated a great portion of my life to the Cowboys and I wish it was not the truth but it is what it is .

I watch now out if curiosity but there is no more Emotion or Love any more . . . It is what it us
The “everyone hate us” thing is not unique to Cowboys fans. I live in Northern California. 49ers fans think the world is against them, that they are the most hated team in the NFL, and that officials routinely screw them over. My guess is fans of all 32 NFL teams think the same about their team to a degree. As long as it’s only showing emotion there’s no harm in it. When fans actually believe it, that is indication of an issue not football related.
The system is flawed.

Old dudes trying to chase elite athletes around and catch every subtle move and make a split second decision on it.
Those teams of the 90s may be the last of true Champions. Jerry went His Own way many times during the 90s maybe He went off script
Hmmmm...just as I suspected.

The last "legit superbowl" ended as soon as we stopped winning them.

Let that sink in Zoners.

This is what you believe.

As soon as we stopped winning.....it's someone else's fault. We would have won 10 or 15 more superbowls since then....but they stopped being legitimate right after our last one 30 years ago.

Since then....it's all fixed. Even when we benefit more from flags than our opponent (like against Philly) it's fixed. It's the only explanation (except not being good enough) that explains it all.
I believe the penalties were 8 Cowboys vs 7 Egirls. Not all that one sided. Stop committing stupid penalties and then nothing to worry about.
Penalties were 10 and 10, but 8 of the Cowboys 10 came in the 2nd half. I believe 4 of the Eagles 10 came in teh 2nd half.

Regardless, the calls that were bad, were bad no matter how many other penalties were called on either team. The Gilmore PI was ridiculous. That was not even PI by the rules. The refs have to be better than that. It is ruining the game, not just or the Cowboys but all over the league.

Two things can be true at the same time. The Cowboys did not lose because of the refs, and the refs made a lot of bad calls/non-calls that hurt the Cowboys.
Hmmmm...just as I suspected.

The last "legit superbowl" ended as soon as we stopped winning them.

Let that sink in Zoners.

This is what you believe.

As soon as we stopped winning.....it's someone else's fault. We would have won 10 or 15 more superbowls since then....but they stopped being legitimate right after our last one 30 years ago.

Since then....it's all fixed. Even when we benefit more from flags than our opponent (like against Philly) it's fixed. It's the only explanation (except not being good enough) that explains it all.
I did not say that . . . I stated that the modern game is 100% manipulated because of modern technology. . . You asked me abut the 90s and I gave an honest answer

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