Who says the referees are not biased and help other teams beat the Cowboys?

The “everyone hate us” thing is not unique to Cowboys fans. I live in Northern California. 49ers fans think the world is against them, that they are the most hated team in the NFL, and that officials routinely screw them over. My guess is fans of all 32 NFL teams think the same about their team to a degree. As long as it’s only showing emotion there’s no harm in it. When fans actually believe it, that is indication of an issue not football related.
I didnt say it because I have a feeling I said it because there are Cowboy fans all across the Nation in all Markets pissing Local Fans Off
The “everyone hate us” thing is not unique to Cowboys fans. I live in Northern California. 49ers fans think the world is against them, that they are the most hated team in the NFL, and that officials routinely screw them over. My guess is fans of all 32 NFL teams think the same about their team to a degree. As long as it’s only showing emotion there’s no harm in it. When fans actually believe it, that is indication of an issue not football related.
Sane people realize this. THINKING people realize that EVERY fan base thinks Chris Collinsworth hates them the most, or that the refs are out to get them the mosr....and THINKING people go "hmmmmm, maybe just my strong desire for MY team to win, clouds my perspective of how things play out...as evidenced by all these other team's whacko fans saying the exact same kind of nonsense I'm saying!"

Non thinking people just ignore that....and go right back to "But, But....The Refs...."

Even if you aren't smart enough to realize that....just do the next best thing and listen to those that are....and let them tell you what is real and what isn't. There's nothing wrong with deferring to people with a better head on their shoulders. It's quite wise....actually.

Good post.
In sports or a lot of things because the fouls/penalties are equal doesn’t mean that the calls were fair or equal. It could, but often doesn’t.
Didn't I say that they've been inconsistent? Y'all need to calm down.
Problem with being a Cowboy Fan is the Fact that we are the Largest Fan Base with the Second Largest Fan base is the Rest of the NFL that Hates us. Cowboy Fans Bet with our Hearts and the rest of the NFL love to see us Lose . . . which is why there is a lot of Action on Cowboy Games. Which is why the Cowboys are always the 3:25 game and never the 3:00 . . .

I have come to this realization over the past 4 years and it is a hard pill to swallow . . . I have dedicated a great portion of my life to the Cowboys and I wish it was not the truth but it is what it is .

I watch now out if curiosity but there is no more Emotion or Love any more . . . It is what it us
If these Cowboy fans truly believe there is an effort to throw our games which undermines the integrity and validity of the events then I’d suggest there’s no reason to take the NFL any more serious than Wrestling .

But I suspect many of these attitudes are driven by the paranoia and sour grapes not wanting to accept the reality of the imperfection the human element presents in officiating.

And I’d certainly advise not to gamble on. Throwing money down a rabbit hole would be pure ignorance under such beliefs.
The NFL is Media . . . it is the Golden Goose of Ratings The Media would not Cannibalize it . . . Look at how connected Goodell's family is. . . It is a Small World and those who are connected know their heritages

There will never be a campaign to expose the NFL
I wouldn’t ever say never .

If there was enough evidence to bring an investigation no one is above the law .

Lawsuits that have been brought against the NFL in my lifetime of 70 years would suggest everyone is accountable at some point .
Hmmmm...just as I suspected.

The last "legit superbowl" ended as soon as we stopped winning them.

Let that sink in Zoners.

This is what you believe.

As soon as we stopped winning.....it's someone else's fault. We would have won 10 or 15 more superbowls since then....but they stopped being legitimate right after our last one 30 years ago.

Since then....it's all fixed. Even when we benefit more from flags than our opponent (like against Philly) it's fixed. It's the only explanation (except not being good enough) that explains it all.
Right. Like no one hated us until we started losing.

I guess they couldn’t throw games against us our first 35 years . Lol

But this is what our society has become. If it doesn’t go our way .. it’s fake football. Totally absurd.
I don't care what nobody says because I've played in games where Refs cheated in little league, junior high, high school and college. You think, they don't cheat in the NFL, and they do it right in front of your face? Bless your heart.
I'm not big into this whole conspiracy things in general but you must live under a rock if you think certain games(teams) aren't influenced by the owners / refs / and etc. It's an entertainment business not a sport business.

Some games almost a blatant slap in the face to viewers and fans its disgusting
I don't care what nobody says because I've played in games where Refs cheated in little league, junior high, high school and college. You think, they don't cheat in the NFL, and they do it right in front of your face? Bless your heart.
In other words you don’t care what the facts are. You believe someone is screwing or cheating you over cause it doesn’t go your way or how you see it.

If you don’t have trust in officiating then I’d suggest not to participate in an event you believe to be undermined .
I'm not big into this whole conspiracy things in general but you must live under a rock if you think certain games(teams) aren't influenced by the owners / refs / and etc. It's an entertainment business not a sport business.

Some games almost a blatant slap in the face to viewers and fans its disgusting
We have established it’s an entertainment entity but the NFL has maintained the integrity of the games . There’s a multi billion gambling business which relies on the validity of the results .

If they are knowingly altered in anyway then it could be ruled criminal intent and fraud undermining the integrity they insist is upheld.
In other words you don’t care what the facts are. You believe someone is screwing or cheating you over cause it doesn’t go your way or how you see it.

If you don’t have trust in officiating then I’d suggest not to participate in an event you believe to be undermined .
Exactly, just participate in timed running events and be done with it. Every other event that requires some "judgement" will always be imperfect, whether its football or pickleball.
At this point the obvious answer is yes. We've seen enough to prove it.
Anyone who disagrees is a tin foil hat conspiracy crackpot.
It’s really sad what Society has become . Such sore losers. If it doesn’t go our way it must be rigged against us. Fake Football.

Not one incident where an NFL official has ever intentionally thrown a game . Not even an accusation. No whistle blowers . Nothing but whinyAss fans who can’t handle poor inconsistent questionable officiating .
This is where you are wrong . . . There is a Federal Court Case that the NFL won based upon the fact that The NFL is Entertainment and not Sport. . . Whereas throwing games in MLB is Illegal because they , unlike the NFL, are legally classified as a Sport

Also due to modern Group Think the Term Conspiracy Theorist is given a Negative Connotation and those who use the Term constantly give an Air of Superiority when they do so . . . In the Age of Mass Information the Term Conspiracy Theorist was invented to close minds
:bow: :clap::hammer:
If these Cowboy fans truly believe there is an effort to throw our games which undermines the integrity and validity of the events then I’d suggest there’s no reason to take the NFL any more serious than Wrestling .

But I suspect many of these attitudes are driven by the paranoia and sour grapes not wanting to accept the reality of the imperfection the human element presents in officiating.

And I’d certainly advise not to gamble on. Throwing money down a rabbit hole would be pure ignorance under such beliefs.
That is your opinion based upon your conclusions. And instead of facing the facts that I have presented you choose to attack my reasoning for still showing an interest. . . But my reasons are irrelevant to the fact that Organized Gambling owns the NFL . . . They created it and now through Technology and Freemason Judges and Freemaaonic Players they control the outcomes
I wouldn’t ever say never .

If there was enough evidence to bring an investigation no one is above the law .

Lawsuits that have been brought against the NFL in my lifetime of 70 years would suggest everyone is accountable at some point .
The law allows for manipulation so no laws are broken so never ever ever will there be a lawsuit
Of course you don’t lol
Lol. I’ve heard so many cowboy fans point to the missed hands to the face by Bradberry… but in the same play Steele, did the exact same thing to a pass rusher. There were bad and missed calls against both teams… the referees just sucked

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