Who says the referees are not biased and help other teams beat the Cowboys?

I don’t think they know it’s a crime and carries jail time if caught. You are 100% correct they can’t deal with reality.
We are literally here discussing and therefore dealing with it now-in this thread. But ok. Great call.
No one said that. . . it is what you are hanging on to. . . I said the Game now is manipulated even more so because of Online Gambling, AI, Headsets in the Helmets, Magnets in the Balls (Gloves and Goal Posts) and sellout Freemasonic Judges and Payers (especially high priced QB)

Why do you think there is always some dumb decision made by Romo or Dak at the wrong time. . . . No championship Glory but plenty of money and a TV deal when you retire

I am saying it is so much easier to manipulate games now, So much so that it is expected

But keep on talking about 1996 if that makes you feel better and easier to stick your head in the sand
Just reposting this one
Well i guess that is why it is classified as E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T and Not SPORT and since The NFL is not a Sporting event . . . Bribery and Manipulation are Kosher
You have seen aliens
I think bad calls will happen. I mean, the refs are human. However, technology should be much more involved. I think if they made everything reviewable, it'd make the ability for the correct call to be made at a much higher rate.
This is really the only solution. But people are going to argue that the constant reviews will make the games much longer, and there's probably some truth to that. So to counteract that reviews would need to be time limited, say 1 minute max. That's more than enough time to view several angles of a play to make a decision. If video is inconclusive, which will happen on occasion, revert to the call made on the field.

Go to the 11:19 mark of the below video. I remember watching this game live back in 1979, some 7 years before the NFL first started using instant replay to review plays. If you listen to the commentators you will hear them say this would be a time where instant replay would be important. You think? The bad call didn't cost Houston that game, but it certainly made a difference. Had they correctly given Houston the TD it would have tied the game at that point.

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Notice how no one has liked your dumb response. You're becoming a joke like the few around here. You're also constantly bashing the Cowboys while propping up opponents. You're no Cowboys fan. Don't you live in California? Go follow the Rams or Chargers. The Dallas Cowboys don't need and won't miss you.
I did. Just to try to make friends.:)
Notice how no one has liked your dumb response. You're becoming a joke like the few around here. You're also constantly bashing the Cowboys while propping up opponents. You're no Cowboys fan. Don't you live in California? Go follow the Rams or Chargers. The Dallas Cowboys don't need and won't miss you.
Says the person who lives closer to Houston than he does to Dallas/FTW.... Why don't you go follow the Texans?
Says the person who lives closer to Houston than he does to Dallas/FTW.... Why don't you go follow the Texans?
I live in the area where Coach Tom Landry was born and raised. This is Die Hard Dallas Cowboys land! Know what you are talking about before you speak. Then again, you never do know what you are talking about, so please continue being you......ignorant.
I’ve asked this a minimum of 17 times. Is it possible refs are biased? Not conspiring just biased.

Is it possible being the most talked about and nationally covered team, with the most nationally televised games bring resentment?

Do people ever get sick of it and think it is unearned? Could that make one resent and therefore have bias? Possibly even on a subconscious level?

Because I’ve named many times all the extremely rare calls against us. Those and other stuff makes me curious.
Anything is possible . But again I’d ask for an investigation on individual officials if they are repeatedly making questionable calls against the Cowboys .

Unless you are suggesting it’s a league wide collusion against the Cowboys .

I’ve yet to see anyone actually name these officials or a group of officials and any history they have in making questionable calls against the Cowboys.
Anything is possible . But again I’d ask for an investigation on individual officials if they are repeatedly making questionable calls against the Cowboys .

Unless you are suggesting it’s a league wide collusion against the Cowboys .

I’ve yet to see anyone actually name these officials or a group of officials and any history they have in making questionable calls against the Cowboys.
I’ll try to see if I can get one underway. In the meantime just consider that maybe there’s some sort of anger or feeling that the Cowboys are undeserving of the special treatment and constant attention they get from the sports media and that refs are overcompensating to not be like that.

I don’t know for a fact. It just seems like there has to be some explanation for the lopsided and unique calls we get. Picking up a flag with no explanation has happened on key plays in two games so far.

They’ve already used the fake huddle, long snapper false start, delay of game on defensive lineman, and many of our other favorites in the past. I don’t see that for other teams and I watch too much NFL.
I’ll try to see if I can get one underway. In the meantime just consider that maybe there’s some sort of anger or feeling that the Cowboys are undeserving of the special treatment and constant attention they get from the sports media and that refs are overcompensating to not be like that.

I don’t know for a fact. It just seems like there has to be some explanation for the lopsided and unique calls we get. Picking up a flag with no explanation has happened on key plays in two games so far.

They’ve already used the fake huddle, long snapper false start, delay of game on defensive lineman, and many of our other favorites in the past. I don’t see that for other teams and I watch too much NFL.
That sounds like you believe there’s a league wide organized collusion effort against the Cowboys, not just an individual or group of officials.

So, the only team officials hate are the Cowboys?

This continues to come off as bitter sour grapes when poor subjective judgements and inconsistencies from officials which have always been a part of the game .

And the only time I hear from fans on this issue is after these gut wrenching losses. They never make these accusations when we win.

This must mean not all officials are involved in the colluding effort making it easier to build a case against these other officials.
That sounds like you believe there’s a league wide organized collusion effort against the Cowboys, not just an individual or group of officials.

So, the only team officials hate are the Cowboys?

This continues to come off as bitter sour grapes when poor subjective judgements and inconsistencies from officials which have always been a part of the game .

And the only time I hear from fans on this issue is after these gut wrenching losses. They never make these accusations when we win.

This must mean not all officials are involved in the colluding effort making it easier to build a case against these other officials.
No. You really want to read in and attribute to me what fits your narrative despite me telling you that’s not what it is. Try to go outsidE your worldview that refs are beyond reproach and simply think of them as people. Like us.

What I’m saying very clearly is that I think it’s possible refs are biased. I then give you possible reasons why. I do that because I have no explanation for the lopsided-“ness” of the officiating.

So to sum up again and to avoid confusion I do not think there is any league wide conspiracy. I don’t. I think it’s possible refs are biased and I really don’t have a motive I can attribute that to for sure. I’m simply guessing to contribute to the conversation.

I hope you can accept that and fully process it. I feel there’s some block or possibly I haven’t communicated it very well.

Do you find it a strange coincidence that we’ve had some very unique calls like the illegal huddle, delay of game on D-Law for a normal dline shift, multiple tripping penalties on all pro center that replay show didn’t happen, false start on long snapper ending the game, and few others? (These all happened at key game moments)
Or the fact that in the last 15 years there’s been 25 games with zero penalties and the cowboys were the opponent in 4 of those games? You're smart. What’s the math on that statistical possibility?

Those things raise questions to me about a possible bias. Bias. Not a league wide conspiracy.
No. You really want to read in and attribute to me what fits your narrative despite me telling you that’s not what it is. Try to go outsidE your worldview that refs are beyond reproach and simply think of them as people. Like us.

What I’m saying very clearly is that I think it’s possible refs are biased. I then give you possible reasons why. I do that because I have no explanation for the lopsided-“ness” of the officiating.

So to sum up again and to avoid confusion I do not think there is any league wide conspiracy. I don’t. I think it’s possible refs are biased and I really don’t have a motive I can attribute that to for sure. I’m simply guessing to contribute to the conversation.

I hope you can accept that and fully process it. I feel there’s some block or possibly I haven’t communicated it very well.

Do you find it a strange coincidence that we’ve had some very unique calls like the illegal huddle, delay of game on D-Law for a normal dline shift, multiple tripping penalties on all pro center that replay show didn’t happen, false start on long snapper ending the game, and few others? (These all happened at key game moments)
Or the fact that in the last 15 years there’s been 25 games with zero penalties and the cowboys were the opponent in 4 of those games? You're smart. What’s the math on that statistical possibility?

Those things raise questions to me about a possible bias. Bias. Not a league wide conspiracy.
Anything’s possible but I’d argue if there was some individual cases of bias or favoritism towards a team it would be investigated.

The league reviews each weeks games officiating . There has been some cases of action over the years against officials for not following the rules as set forth.

Considering the NFL priority for upholding the integrity of the games results I can’t imagine the league willing to risk any kind of scandals by sweeping them under the rug.

No doubt some of these calls are infuriating and can be as costly as turnovers , etc . And inconsistency and poor subjective judgements in officiating has always been an issue.

But making the leap from human error, not following the statues set forth to blatant efforts to throw the games is totally unsupported with any evidence against any individual officials I’ve ever seen presented .

I’ve always been more concerned with an official , player or coach throwing a game for the benefits of gambling. And why the league oversees this segment of the activities with those involved .

As far as any financial benefit we must always remember the most coveted asset of the NFL is its Anti Trust status granted by the US Congress which allows the NFL to operate as a Non Profit entity.

This status allows the league to maintain its monopoly on its Network TV contracts which is the top revenue and its lifeblood for all involved. The Congress has the power to investigate as well calling Congressional Hearings if they had knowledge or evidence of any wrong doing involving throwing games or gambling, mob interference, etc.

And why I understand the frustration we all feel from these costly calls by officials but Im not sure everyone fully grasp what the cost could be to the league and it’s owners if any type of wrong doing was to be discovered without the league knowingly not taking action.
Note the Cowboys bias in here. Watch other games, people. It'll educate you, but who wants that? Lol.

Here's this past week's version and the Cowboys Philly game is highlighted too. Didn't realize we got away with even more offsides on defense.

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The officials are evaluated based on their performance, do you think personal bias towards a team would influence the grading of their performance?

Would you let personal bias influence your job and suffer a poor performance review from your boss and or supervisor, particularly if there was video of your performance?
Anything’s possible but I’d argue if there was some individual cases of bias or favoritism towards a team it would be investigated.

The league reviews each weeks games officiating . There has been some cases of action over the years against officials for not following the rules as set forth.

Considering the NFL priority for upholding the integrity of the games results I can’t imagine the league willing to risk any kind of scandals by sweeping them under the rug.

No doubt some of these calls are infuriating and can be as costly as turnovers , etc . And inconsistency and poor subjective judgements in officiating has always been an issue.

But making the leap from human error, not following the statues set forth to blatant efforts to throw the games is totally unsupported with any evidence against any individual officials I’ve ever seen presented .

I’ve always been more concerned with an official , player or coach throwing a game for the benefits of gambling. And why the league oversees this segment of the activities with those involved .

As far as any financial benefit we must always remember the most coveted asset of the NFL is its Anti Trust status granted by the US Congress which allows the NFL to operate as a Non Profit entity.

This status allows the league to maintain its monopoly on its Network TV contracts which is the top revenue and its lifeblood for all involved. The Congress has the power to investigate as well calling Congressional Hearings if they had knowledge or evidence of any wrong doing involving throwing games or gambling, mob interference, etc.

And why I understand the frustration we all feel from these costly calls by officials but Im not sure everyone fully grasp what the cost could be to the league and it’s owners if any type of wrong doing was to be discovered without the league knowingly not taking action.
I respect your opinion and hope you’re right. I also know my opinion is biased and unlikely to ever be known for a fact.

No one has or can really deny these weird calls and the no penalty games are some unique evidence. I’d argue it’s pretty compelling evidence when you combine those facts with what we see fairly often like in our two losses some weird picked up flags with zero explanation.
I respect your opinion and hope you’re right. I also know my opinion is biased and unlikely to ever be known for a fact.

No one has or can really deny these weird calls and the no penalty games are some unique evidence. I’d argue it’s pretty compelling evidence when you combine those facts with what we see fairly often like in our two losses some weird picked up flags with zero explanation.
Every week of the season the fans of every team that loses complain about the officiating. Check any teams’ forums you’d like. The officials are not biased. NFL football fans are biased. And we’re not going to stop being biased. We see everything through a lens that allows us to feel better about our team. That is how it should be. We buy the wildly expensive jerseys and the $16 cups of beer. If we want to say the refs cost us a game, we paid for the right, regardless of how full of crap we might be.
Every week of the season the fans of every team that loses complain about the officiating. Check any teams’ forums you’d like. The officials are not biased. NFL football fans are biased. And we’re not going to stop being biased. We see everything through a lens that allows us to feel better about our team. That is how it should be. We buy the wildly expensive jerseys and the $16 cups of beer. If we want to say the refs cost us a game, we paid for the right, regardless of how full of crap we might be.
Unfortunately this is probably more likely. Fans are more apt to be biased. We are about some of our players. It would make sense we tend to lean more to wanting or seeing the calls go our way than the officials intentionally being biased or throwing games.

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