Who wants Lavar Arrington to become a Cowboy?


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I live in Dc too and have to put up with all these bandwagon Commander fans as well who only show their faces when the skins win. When they lose you can't find a Commander hat, jersey, flag anywhere. Also those stupid Commander songs on the radio sux.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Gfunk said:
damn, Dallas fans really do live in a world of fantasy

Fantasy? Like thinking Randle El is more than a kick returner?


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No way, Lavar is a free lance player that doesnt play within any sort of system. I see the people who love the NFL big names are winning without paying attention to Lavars game the past few seasons.


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Overrated head case that will make one great play and then be out of position the next ten.

You can't do that in the 3-4 base, so are we gonna spend millions for him to come in on passing downs to rush the passer?

This would be an utterly stupid signing, but since we already have one of those, it wouldn't surprise me. We were starting to build this thing the right way and then we got the Super Bowl now fever...not unlike the let's sell our future for one more run fever of the late 90's.


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blindzebra said:
Overrated head case that will make one great play and then be out of position the next ten.

You can't do that in the 3-4 base, so are we gonna spend millions for him to come in on passing downs to rush the passer?

This would be an utterly stupid signing, but since we already have one of those, it wouldn't surprise me. We were starting to build this thing the right way and then we got the Super Bowl now fever...not unlike the let's sell our future for one more run fever of the late 90's.

Dude, what are you talking about? I agree that Arrington would not be a good signing, but Owens was the best option for the Dallas Cowboys. All they did was trade one older possession reciever for a true number 1. Its not like they put themselves in cap hell. Adoyele, Kosier, and Vanderjagt are all good signings. I would give the Cowboys an A+ on free agency and I am very critical of some of the moves they have made in the past. Besides Bledsoe is not getting any younger and he deserves a chance to win.


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See, for me this is really a tough question.

First, i think LA would be a great addition to our team. It would make us so flexible in the draft. For example we could trade our picks this year for picks in 07 and stack them up to replace players we have to in 07.

But it gives me just a bad feeling. Not because i think he will be a cancer or will part our team. No not because of that. It's because i lose tha feeling that these are the Cowboys i love. That this is "my" team i love to cheer for.

With the addition of TO that strange feeling started. I thought hey great, we maybe going to the SB this year but in the same sec i was like: hmm, this just doesn't feel like "my" team anymore. That feeling really shocked me because i want to be a Dallas Cowboys fan!

Right now we are getting players that to me don't deserve to wear the star. Even if TO gives us a unstoppable weapon he shouldn't be here. It's just not right. He is a player who disrespected this organisation and the whole sport. Now it's my team he is on - for me it's hard to identify with that. With LA for me it's just the same.

Maybe this whole feeling will change when the season starts and i will enjoy all the games we will win with TO and maybe LA. But what i can say i will NEVER be a fan or supporter of those two players.


big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I guess I don't get this Arrington deal. He said he would never come here, there has been no official word we are interested in him, there isn't a offical visit scheduled, Jax and Miami have shown interest and one will get him. What part of that gives the slightest indications he may be a Cowboy?


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I would if we could get him for a decent contract, but I dont see that happening at all.


Messenger to the football Gods
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I agree. Arrington is a good player but would be too pricey.

Giants | Arrington remains too pricey
Fri, 24 Mar 2006 05:11:14 -0800

Ralph Vacchiano, of the New York Daily News, reports the New York Giants have not held any talks with free agent LB LaVar Arrington's agents, Carl and Kevin Poston, for several days, according to several sources. Arrington visited the Giants March 11-12, but has made no plans to come back. For the moment, his asking price remains too high.

How valid is this? Carl Poston had better not be negotiating w/ anyone. Ralph has lost it. Arrington don't wanna be here so how's he gonna perform?

Nope. No thanks, Sorry not today, closed for the season.


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No... I'd rather pass on this injury prone player. LBs will be ripe for the picking come draft day.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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demdcowboys#1 said:
Get Er Done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gawd, how I hate that saying... around here, we have rednecks ridin' around in pickup trucks with that plastered all over the back window (only theirs read "Git-R-Done"...

They make the guys with the picture of Calvin pissin' on the number of some Nascar driver look like intellectuals... LOL...

All of this is aside from my personal opinion that Lavar Arrington is severely overrated, and would be a TERRIBLE fit in the Cowboys' defensive scheme...


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RealCowboyfan said:
Along with yall these Cowboys fans wants Lavar Arrington to become a Cowboy too....


LOL... RCF, you do realize that you've gone WAY past obsessive on this one, don't you??

I just worry that you're not gonna have ANYTHING to talk about when (not if) Arrington signs elsewhere... I even worry that you'll be so ticked when you realize that the Cowboys were never really interested in the guy that you'll wind up in a tower with a high-powered rifle and a good scope...

We're here for you, don't let it get to that point... :eek:


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DBoys said:
Cowboys are awesome negotiators no doubt. Never hurts to take a look you have to think the prospect of how competitive this team will be helps our cause. I dislike this guy more than I ever did TO.

Aw, I don't dislike Arrington, the guy's never done anything to make me feel that way... I was mostly amused by his problems with the Skins, probably because I DO dislike Danny Boy, and anything that causes him embarrassment gives me great pleasuer...

I just think that he'd be a disaster in the Cowboys' defensive scheme, and that Parcells would seriously want to kill him by the 3rd week of training camp...

He's a coach killer, because he has all the talent in the world, but nobody seems to be able to make him "buy into" a system, to make him carry out his responsibilities on every down... he's gonna see a play he thinks he can make, he'll get that glazed look in his eyes, and he'll go for it...

Which would be fine, except that opposing offenses know he's like that, and will certainly have plays in the game plan designed to sucker him in, then hurt him by going to the area he just vacated... IOW, he'll give you on big play, then he'll give the other guys one big play...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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TruBlueCowboy said:
I think this poll should begin with "If the price is right....."

Wouldn't change my response, even if he was willing to play for league minimum...


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TD22 said:
have you guys forgotten that arrington is responsible for ending aikman's career with a hit that caused him to have another concussion?!?!

It ain't like he set out to do that, man... he was just playing football, hard...

I also don't have a problem with the way he kind of "dissed" the Boys earlier this offseason, when he said he couldn't see himself playing in Dallas... that's the byproduct of his years as a Skin, and the intense rivalry the two teams have...

But I still wouldn't want him on the team...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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speedkilz88 said:
Uh, we're basing this off of interest from the Cowboys.

Frankly, I don't believe the reports that they showed interest in him... I won't until and unless I hear it from some source within the Cowboys...

I just don't think that Parcells would want a linebacker who can't be counted on to carry out his assignments consistently, one who "does his own thing" when the mood strikes him... in fact, I think the Tuna would HATE a player like that...