Who was the taunting call on?


Vet Min Plus
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Big Woods is a Big Taunter, I’ve posted two videos in two different games where he was taunting but got away with it, which he should...:thumbup:


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Marcus hates you too, I’d wager!

Hate? Lol. I don't hate anyone or even dislike posters whatsoever. People are free to do what they want and opine any way they wish. I've said it multiple times that I'm simply anti-whine. So when I see one, a lot of times I show up with proof for why a complaint is just whining and then watch people do anything but backtrack. I like debating and it's a special bonus when I can catch people lying to support a point or dancing around direction questioning. So, your projection aside, it's quite the opposite of what you say. Why else would I have developed a fan boi squad including you that calls my name in threads before I even post? Just look in this one. People don't like it when they know their nonsense won't just be accepted without challenge but instead will be vetted. That tells me even they know it's nonsense but don't want it called out. It seems I'm in other people's heads and not the reverse. So if there's hate, it's not from me.


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I think he ran over to the other sideline.
that is what it appears he did, that is classic taunting, bad on Woods, JG actually talked to him on sideline, Wood has played quite well this year, if you give Dak and Zeke a pass for thier 15 yard kettle penalties then you have to give Woods one too, bone head , stupid undisciplined.


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Hate? Lol. I don't hate anyone or even dislike posters whatsoever. People are free to do what they want and opine any way they wish. I've said it multiple times that I'm simply anti-whine. So when I see one, a lot of times I show up with proof for why a complaint is just whining and then watch people do anything but backtrack. I like debating and it's a special bonus when I can catch people lying to support a point or dancing around direction questioning. So, your projection aside, it's quite the opposite of what you say. Why else would I have developed a fan boi squad including you that calls my name in threads before I even post? Just look in this one. People don't like it when they know their nonsense won't just be accepted without challenge but instead will be vetted. That tells me even they know it's nonsense but don't want it called out. It seems I'm in other people's heads and not the reverse. So if there's hate, it's not from me.

Hate is just an expression, bro! No malice. Ironic banter?


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Why else would I have developed a fan boi squad including you that calls my name in threads before I even post?

This is the wisdom of the guy who pees in the pool and then brags about having it to himself.

People know you will post on this because the only thing you do is post excuses for poor officiating. For every time you reply to a "we wuz robbed" post, there are ten replies to an outright bad call where you dream up things like your interpretation of blocking a rip move.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Exactly. Look at any major industry and you find this stuff. The General Motors key ignitiion scandal actually killed people and it was over a lot less money. Pharma companies do amazing research and save lives but they always have reps who get caught paying off Doctors.

But on this site, we have two idiots saying there can't possibly be any problems in an industry that publishes its betting lines in the newspaper.
Difference being there are so many people who'd need to keep their mouths shut, for so little reward, especially in comparison to the money they could make by blowing the whistle..........and to think that every single person who would be aware of this type of malfeasance is so morally bankrupt that they wouldn't speak up shows a complete lack of faith in humanity.

Hmm, maybe I should switch sides.


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Difference being there are so many people who'd need to keep their mouths shut, for so little reward, especially in comparison to the money they could make by blowing the whistle..........

How so? The Pharma companies I mention might have 100,000 employees but only a few dozen are involved those kind of payoffs. General Motors had 180,000 employees when that Key Lock scandal happened and probably 100 or less were part of that scandal.

Why would a 20 Billion dollar entity like the NFL be any different? If you include every player and hot dog vendor the NFL probably has less than 10,000 employees and only a few dozen would be involved in what I'm talking about. And if Roger Goodell had it in for Jerry Jones after "losing" 200 Million dollars, he would have a small circle of people carrying out the type of thing I'm talking about.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
How so? The Pharma companies I mention might have 100,000 employees but only a few dozen are involved those kind of payoffs. General Motors had 180,000 employees when that Key Lock scandal happened and probably 100 or less were part of that scandal.

Why would a 20 Billion dollar entity like the NFL be any different? If you include every player and hot dog vendor the NFL probably has less than 10,000 employees and only a few dozen would be involved in what I'm talking about. And if Roger Goodell had it in for Jerry Jones after "losing" 200 Million dollars, he would have a small circle of people carrying out the type of thing I'm talking about.
Every official on the field and in NY would have to be in on it. Those guys don't get paid big enough money to keep their mouths shut.

Those other corporations you mention; only the most privy were aware, and they aren't being publicly scrutinized every time they make a decision, like the officials in a football game. They get paid hefty sums, without being watched at all times by thousands of people live, and millions on television.


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Every official on the field and in NY would have to be in on it. Those guys don't get paid big enough money to keep their mouths shut.

Those other corporations you mention; only the most privy were aware, and they aren't being publicly scrutinized every time they make a decision, like the officials in a football game. They get paid hefty sums, without being watched at all times by thousands of people live, and millions on television.

But what if the officials are threatened with being kidnapped and used as a sacrifice to appease an angry Godzilla? You think they'd keep it a secret then? I sure would.


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Every official on the field and in NY would have to be in on it.

Again, that isn't true. Last year the issue was only judgement offensive holding calls and that is only one official in each game. (This year the issue is new rules and general incompetence). That is less than a dozen officials, assuming it was a different crew each time.

Look at the Insider Trading cases at Hedge Funds, a top guy talks to a few people and "things happen".


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But what if the officials are threatened with being kidnapped and used as a sacrifice to appease an angry Godzilla? You think they'd keep it a secret then? I sure would.

When you said Ray Rice was railroaded, did Godzilla tell you that? Because no other person on Earth believes that.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Again, that isn't true. Last year the issue was only judgement offensive holding calls and that is only one official in each game. (This year the issue is new rules and general incompetence). That is less than a dozen officials, assuming it was a different crew each time.

Look at the Insider Trading cases at Hedge Funds, a top guy talks to a few people and "things happen".
Honestly, I don't even understand how you're arriving at "less than a dozen officials." But how can less than a dozen change every game enough to control the outcome anyway?

There's one thing that keeps knocking at me, which is the fact that Dallas as SB Champions would be the biggest money maker they could ask for, and yet more than 2 decades have passed without us even sniffing one.


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Honestly, I don't even understand how you're arriving at "less than a dozen officials."

Offensive holding is called by the Umpire and him alone. The other refs on each crew have a different responsiblity. There is one and only one ref in each game calling Offensive Holding - and its only the one Umpire.


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But what if the officials are threatened with being kidnapped and used as a sacrifice to appease an angry Godzilla? You think they'd keep it a secret then? I sure would.

BTW, here is actual video that the NFL had of Ray Rice railroading his wife, shortly before they railroaded him with a suspension:



Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Offensive holding is called by the Umpire and him alone. The other refs on each crew have a different responsiblity. There is one and only one ref in each game calling Offensive Holding - and its only the one Umpire.
So this one umpire is supposed to be able to see every battle at the same time and no other official can call holding if they see it? If that's the case, how can you possibly expect every call to be made correctly?

Now, that, as you said was just last year. This year it's what again?


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So you have gone from "You don't know Caltech" to "You are old". By next week you will be at "Poopoo Head".


Says the guy saying “Cow Plop.”

I’d say you’re a hypocrite but that’s the least of your concerns, lulz. Listen, just focus on drafting that rotary club meeting agenda. That’s an important responsibility [pats on head].


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Again, that isn't true. Last year the issue was only judgement offensive holding calls and that is only one official in each game. (This year the issue is new rules and general incompetence). That is less than a dozen officials, assuming it was a different crew each time.

Look at the Insider Trading cases at Hedge Funds, a top guy talks to a few people and "things happen".


That’s the hallmark of a conspiracy idiot I forgot to mention.

They ALWAYS think they are in the know and all the “deniers” are just uninformed sheep.

You have to treat conspiracy idiots much like sleep walkers. In other words, don’t bother trying to bring them back to reality out of their slumbering stupidity.


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I didn’t see anything egregious, especially when teams can stage small plays in formation after scoring, but Dallas can’t be doing things that could even potentially draw a flag like that at that moment in the game.
that is because they are always showing us some other crap, instead of the field.
usually they can find it and replay it, but not this time.