Who was the taunting call on?


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My feelings aren't hurt, I troll-slap Cow College guy because you ask for it so often.

When you write this stuff I always ask you and you always refuse to answer or duck the question.

Did the NFL really "lose" the tape of Ray Rice knocking his wife out? Was MLB really surprised that their players were using PEDs when Barry Bonds gained 50 pounds and more than one hat size in this 30s? Do you have any clue what Dark Pools are in the Hedge Fund world?

No is saying there is a massive conspiracy but you aren't bright enough to get that. But basically every industry worth tens of billions of dollars has thumbs on the scale at certain points and its comical to suggest that stuff like that doesn't exist.

Marcus hates you too, I’d wager!


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I imagine he’s just confident in his opinion (like you are of yours). IMO, he’s merely pointing out the abundance of oddly coincidental plays, and when you consider the amount of money involved, it’s not that hard to connect the dots. Like anything corporate and/or political nowdays, the 1%ers are arrogant and aggressive.

That is what is so silly about Curly and Moe claiming that I'm one of the "we wuz robbed" fans. I'm the guy that has been posting on message boards for twenty years that the calls even out.

The holding calls last year were a two sigma event at exactly the time Jerry was fighting Goodell. The calls that keep scores close is really a theory I've had for a while, I can't imagine it will ever be proven but I do think its going on. Look at other scandals that have happened in pro sports and something like that would be pretty small potatoes.


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My feelings aren't hurt, I troll-slap Cow College guy because you ask for it so often.

When you write this stuff I always ask you and you always refuse to answer or duck the question.

Did the NFL really "lose" the tape of Ray Rice knocking his wife out? Was MLB really surprised that their players were using PEDs when Barry Bonds gained 50 pounds and more than one hat size in this 30s? Do you have any clue what Dark Pools are in the Hedge Fund world?

No is saying there is a massive conspiracy but you aren't bright enough to get that. But basically every industry worth tens of billions of dollars has thumbs on the scale at certain points and its comical to suggest that stuff like that doesn't exist.

Lool, you sincerely pathetic old man.


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That is what is so silly about Curly and Moe claiming that I'm one of the "we wuz robbed" fans. I'm the guy that has been posting on message boards for twenty years that the calls even out.

The holding calls last year were a two sigma event at exactly the time Jerry was fighting Goodell. The calls that keep scores close is really a theory I've had for a while, I can't imagine it will ever be proven but I do think its going on. Look at other scandals that have happened in pro sports and something like that would be pretty small potatoes.

Lulz, unhinged.



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That is what is so silly about Curly and Moe claiming that I'm one of the "we wuz robbed" fans. I'm the guy that has been posting on message boards for twenty years that the calls even out.

The holding calls last year were a two sigma event at exactly the time Jerry was fighting Goodell. The calls that keep scores close is really a theory I've had for a while, I can't imagine it will ever be proven but I do think its going on. Look at other scandals that have happened in pro sports and something like that would be pretty small potatoes.

Yeah, I’ve said all along that there are just too many strange coincidences, and with all the money involved, the proliferation of subjective penalties pretty much guarantees that malfeasance exists. To say otherwise screams denial.


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Yeah, I’ve said all along that there are just too many strange coincidences, and with all the money involved, the proliferation of subjective penalties pretty much guarantees that malfeasance exists. To say otherwise screams denial.

Screams devoid. As in devoid of any substantive facts.

Conspiracy theories always have the same hallmarks:
  1. Some unscrupulous, power/money hungry monolithic power (in this case the NFL)
  2. An endless number of connections (events, circumstance, or bits of isolated info) but never the actual dots (i.e. facts)
  3. Continuous pivoting by the one espousing the theory. Typically in some form of “I keep asking but no one one will answer (all while ignoring the provided answers)” or simply deflecting the given info and moving on to the next claim (“Oh yeah, but what about this...”) incessantly.
I’m open to consider any possibility if given actual facts or substantive evidence, but simply forwarding motive mongering (ie “it’s all about the money....ratings...”) as some sort of linchpin to all this isn’t enough.
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Screams devoid. As in devoid of any substantive facts.

Conspiracy theories always have the same hallmarks:
  1. Some unscrupulous, power/money hungry monolithic power (in this case the NFL)
  2. An endless number of connections (events, circumstance, or bits of isolated info) but never the actual dots (i.e. facts)
  3. Continuous pivoting by the one espousing the theory. Typically in some form of “I keep asking but no one one will answer (all while ignoring the provided answers)” or simply deflecting the given info and moving on to the next claim (“Oh yeah, but what about this...”) incessantly.

Agree to disagree.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Yeah, I’ve said all along that there are just too many strange coincidences, and with all the money involved, the proliferation of subjective penalties pretty much guarantees that malfeasance exists. To say otherwise screams denial.


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Yeah, I’ve said all along that there are just too many strange coincidences, and with all the money involved, the proliferation of subjective penalties pretty much guarantees that malfeasance exists. To say otherwise screams denial.

Exactly. Look at any major industry and you find this stuff. The General Motors key ignitiion scandal actually killed people and it was over a lot less money. Pharma companies do amazing research and save lives but they always have reps who get caught paying off Doctors.

But on this site, we have two idiots saying there can't possibly be any problems in an industry that publishes its betting lines in the newspaper.


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Exactly. Look at any major industry and you find this stuff. The General Motors key ignitiion scandal actually killed people and it was over a lot less money. Pharma companies do amazing research and save lives but they always have reps who get caught paying off Doctors.

But on this site, we have two idiots saying there can't possibly be any problems in an industry that publishes its betting lines in the newspaper.

I agree, although I don’t think they’re idiots. They’re just in denial. I think they feel more comfortable in a black and white world. They want to control things and explain things. They need cause and effect, not the vague, complicated, gray world that we have.


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Exactly. Look at any major industry and you find this stuff. The General Motors key ignitiion scandal actually killed people and it was over a lot less money. Pharma companies do amazing research and save lives but they always have reps who get caught paying off Doctors.

But on this site, we have two idiots saying there can't possibly be any problems in an industry that publishes its betting lines in the newspaper.

Lol, you’re a frightened old man that’s not educated or informed enough to process reality so you take comfort in conspiracies which allow you to helplessly say “well, there’s nothing much I can do about it.” It helps you to cope when you don’t get the results you want.

I can’t help you with that. It’s the way you were raised; the end result of poor life choices; and the byproduct of a simple mind.

To think you can just say “buh, look at this scandal in this industry” and think you’ve actually provided any substantive evidence in proving an orchestrated NFL conspiracy or any sort of proof of your dipwad theory is just mouth breathing stupidity.


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That's twice a post-TD celebration cost us huge yards. The first time (Zeke-Dak kettle) I believe the skins scored a TD after a big return, and yesterday it almost cost us the game. Yes, it's stupid that the refs throw flags on celebrations that seem pretty tame, but players that draw these flags are just as stupid for doing something they know will get them penalized. I pray everyone on this team has learned this going into the playoffs.
I know some fans don’t want to hear this, but this is on the player and the coaches. You never see NE get stupid penalties like this.


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I think the possibility of the punter skanking the punt due to pressure, nerves or getting his punt blocked makes coaches believe kicking off is the safer option.
All our kickers, kick offs were short today. Going into the game, it was stated 71% of his kicks were touchbacks. Is he getting a tired leg? Is he practicing FG’s more in practice because he is struggling with accuracy?


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Exactly. Look at any major industry and you find this stuff. The General Motors key ignitiion scandal actually killed people and it was over a lot less money. Pharma companies do amazing research and save lives but they always have reps who get caught paying off Doctors.

But on this site, we have two idiots saying there can't possibly be any problems in an industry that publishes its betting lines in the newspaper.
Of course it could be going on. Look at all the games we played that there was NO holding calls against opposing offensive lines. Some of these ticky tack calls, and calls that are game changers. Not just our games. But across the NFL. So many people I talk to say it’s getting harder and harder to watch the game. Big plays erased by penalties that even the commentators are having a hard time with.


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Lol, you’re a frightened old man that’s not educated .

So you have gone from "You don't know Caltech" to "You are old". By next week you will be at "Poopoo Head".



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Of course it could be going on. Look at all the games we played that there was NO holding calls against opposing offensive lines. Some of these ticky tack calls, and calls that are game changers. Not just our games. But across the NFL. So many people I talk to say it’s getting harder and harder to watch the game. Big plays erased by penalties that even the commentators are having a hard time with.

Its pretty funny to watch them bring in guys like Pereira and Blandino to hem and haw about bad calls.

I think the biggest factor this season - by far - is just the officials doing a bad job. Compounding that is the league putting in the tickytack rules to protect QBs so you end up with complete farces like Gregory being called for roughing the passer for grabbing Wentz around the thighs.

On the holding calls, this season its within the margin of error and you don't see blatant calls that are missed. Last season it was a complete abberation statistically and you could plainly see Cowboy DL getting tackled in clear view of a ref. That's fine if its called on both teams but it wasn't. The Chargers game last year was the perfect example, Dallas went up on a pass by Dak and a late flag was thrown for holding. The reply showed it was a phantom call, but then the Chargers went ahead on a play were two Dallas DL were clearly held with no call.

This year its mostly incompetence, last year something was wildly out of whack.