Who was the taunting call on?


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He didn’t say that. I believe he’s saying things need to be more consistent.

I did, but Cow Plop isn't a real person. He is a search bot that just scans for the word penalty and then posts "You morons think there is a conspiracy!!!".


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@Chuck 54 introduced the sub-topic of using a punter to dropkick the kickoff that I responded to. My assumption (based on his initial scenario) was that if a punter mishandled the ball during the kickoff/free kick (i.e. the ball hits the ground) that the receiving team would be permitted to rush the punter since his 'fumble' would be deemed a live ball. I do not recall the situation (e.g. fumbling a drop kick during a free kick/kickoff) ever occurring before, so my assumption is likely and could be fully incorrect.

I believe the play is not live until it is actually kicked. So, if he mishandles it, he'd have to go pick it up, re-position himself and try again.

  1. Until the ball is kicked, all receiving team (Team B) players must be inbounds and behind their restraining line, and at least eight players must be positioned between their restraining line and a spot 15 yards behind their restraining line (the “setup zone”). (See Section 2, Article 1, Item 2-b.)


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I was not specific enough. I should have said the punter would inexplicably mishandle the ball, allowing the opposing special teams to reach the punter before he could get the ball off. That was what I was thinking in my head about 'nerves' but my fingers did not type it out.

You are correct that it should not happen 9,999 out of 10,000 attempts but I am paranoid like that. :p

You can't punt on a kickoff. It has to be kicked from a tee, unless there are wind issues then someone can hold it for it, but you can't punt. It is not the same as a post-safety free kick. At least, I think.


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Agree. It certainly looked like the Giants would be able to get into FG range and win it with the clock expiring. This game had many of the highlights of past Dallas / Giant games. The Barkley super dive for example. 1/2 ft sooner and its a fumble/int...... Didn't happen.

Ball punched out on WR. Hard to say he " fumbled"....

Beasley one knee TD. That type of play normally goes against us , like the Dez 1 finger out of the end zone game..... Throw in the Crayton stops running route game . Witten ball bounces of his ankle for Int and these Giant/Dallas games rarely are lopsided ...

That said, a barn burner with our boys coming up clutch on O and D to get the W.....

Well done.... Go Cowboys..... Next Step.... Exorcize the Demon that is Seattle....



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"Punter Skanking"---- sounds British



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I don’t like kicking off after a 15 yard penalty. Send your punter out. He should be able to get a fair catch close to the other team’s 30-35 yard line. (Or is a free kick against the rules? If so, squib it).

He can drop kick it off the ground but yes the ball has to come off the ground on a kickoff.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I'm just gonna put this out there, seeings how that leopard frog leap on the goalline by the N.Y. GNATS seemed to amaze most,,,er,,, EXCEPT for our #48 Joe Thomas,,, cuz' had that CAT employed his FOOTBALLISH NINJA like CAPABILITIES just a bearded clams red chinwhisker's hair sooner, that would've thwarted that B.S. rookies T.D. & the ensuing bedlam of footballish entertainment would've been elavated even more so:D,,,I'm laying it down,RIGHT NOW!,,,the #48 is gonna be making " key plays" in these upcoming post season games,,,:thumbup:


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I'm just gonna put this out there, seeings how that leopard frog leap on the goalline by the N.Y. GNATS seemed to amaze most,,,er,,, EXCEPT for our #48 Joe Thomas,,, cuz' had that CAT employed his FOOTBALLISH NINJA like CAPABILITIES just a bearded clams red chinwhisker's hair sooner, that would've thwarted that B.S. rookies T.D. & the ensuing bedlam of footballish entertainment would've been elavated even more so:D,,,I'm laying it down,RIGHT NOW!,,,the #48 is gonna be making " key plays" in these upcoming post season games,,,:thumbup:
That play by Barkley is so exaggerated. There was nobody in front of him until the one yard line. He didn't "jump over" anyone, and he didn't need to extend it with one hand. One more step and it would've been far easier for him. Overall, I don't think it was impressive at all.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
They just showed a second of it but it was really funny after the 4th down stop to seal the win - Zeke was running down the sidelines dramatically yelling at players to get off the field. He was doing it in a joking way but it was funny, like "Not this snit again!".
Just watched the game again (Recorded it) and saw what you were talking about with Zeke. That was pretty cute! lol

I watched for the actual penalty 5 times and never saw what Woods did.


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I'm just gonna put this out there, seeings how that leopard frog leap on the goalline by the N.Y. GNATS seemed to amaze most,,,er,,, EXCEPT for our #48 Joe Thomas,,, cuz' had that CAT employed his FOOTBALLISH NINJA like CAPABILITIES just a bearded clams red chinwhisker's hair sooner, that would've thwarted that B.S. rookies T.D. & the ensuing bedlam of footballish entertainment would've been elavated even more so:D,,,I'm laying it down,RIGHT NOW!,,,the #48 is gonna be making " key plays" in these upcoming post season games,,,:thumbup:

Between Smith, LVE, Lee, Thomas and Wilson, we have the #1 LBer corps in the NFL! IMHO...


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That play by Barkley is so exaggerated. There was nobody in front of him until the one yard line. He didn't "jump over" anyone, and he didn't need to extend it with one hand. One more step and it would've been far easier for him. Overall, I don't think it was impressive at all.

The only way I could jump that far would be out of a low flying aircraft....

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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The ref said taunting on number 99 and we don’t have a 99 I don’t think. The commentator said players came on the field. Was there any clarification?

I’m not claim “conspiracy”. I just wish the refs would not take the game in their hands at crucial moments unless the penalties are directly game changing penalties.

EDIT: Sorry upon further review Woods is 99. So what did he do that warranted a 15 yd penalty that could have easily cost us the game?
That flag could have been costly
We were only ahead by a point , field goal would have won the game for the midgets


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He didn’t say that. I believe he’s saying things need to be more consistent.

Here’s what he wrote on this thread:

I've also posted that last year there was a very clear stastical anomaly in holding penalties that was timed exactly with Jerry challenging Goodell's 200 Million contract. DLaw said the same thing publicly, but hey - what would he know about defensive line play for Dallas?

I've also posted that if you look at the timing of really bad calls, too many of them seem to come in the first half of games that might break open and decrease viewership, which decreases the 5 Billion dollars in ad revenue the NFL gets.”

Most conspiracy theorists wear it on their sleeves, but he instead describes all the supposed orechestrations and machinations of a conspiracy, but gets his feelings hurt when you call him out.


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Here’s what he wrote on this thread:

I've also posted that last year there was a very clear stastical anomaly in holding penalties that was timed exactly with Jerry challenging Goodell's 200 Million contract. DLaw said the same thing publicly, but hey - what would he know about defensive line play for Dallas?

I've also posted that if you look at the timing of really bad calls, too many of them seem to come in the first half of games that might break open and decrease viewership, which decreases the 5 Billion dollars in ad revenue the NFL gets.”

Most conspiracy theorists wear it on their sleeves, but he instead describes all the supposed orechestrations and machinations of a conspiracy, but gets his feelings hurt when you call him out.

I imagine he’s just confident in his opinion (like you are of yours). IMO, he’s merely pointing out the abundance of oddly coincidental plays, and when you consider the amount of money involved, it’s not that hard to connect the dots. Like anything corporate and/or political nowdays, the 1%ers are arrogant and aggressive.


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Most conspiracy theorists wear it on their sleeves, but he instead describes all the supposed orechestrations and machinations of a conspiracy, but gets his feelings hurt when you call him out.

My feelings aren't hurt, I troll-slap Cow College guy because you ask for it so often.

When you write this stuff I always ask you and you always refuse to answer or duck the question.

Did the NFL really "lose" the tape of Ray Rice knocking his wife out? Was MLB really surprised that their players were using PEDs when Barry Bonds gained 50 pounds and more than one hat size in this 30s? Do you have any clue what Dark Pools are in the Hedge Fund world?

No is saying there is a massive conspiracy but you aren't bright enough to get that. But basically every industry worth tens of billions of dollars has thumbs on the scale at certain points and its comical to suggest that stuff like that doesn't exist.