Who would be happy or upset if Trey Lance lights it up in pre-season?


Loud pipes saves lives.
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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?


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Most people here who fervently root for Dak only do so because he’s the starting QB for the Cowboys. Once he’s not, then they’ll change… most of them.

I remember a specific poster here who I used to argue with about Amari Cooper. How he wasn’t worth what Dallas was paying him and he was good but limited. The poster would blow up at the very notion he wasn’t a top tier WR in the league. Then once he got traded to Cleveland, that same poster started using the exact same arguments I did in explaining how it was a good idea you dropped him.

The moment Dak is downgraded, they’ll turn on him.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?
It’s never going to happen, so it’s silly to even play along. Lance will be competing for the backup job with Cooper Rush, not the starting job. The Cowboys will be extending Dak to avoid a major cap hit, so it won’t matter how good Lance looks in OTA’s and preseason.


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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?
I do not believe Jerry would let them sit Dak. He has too many endorsements


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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
If Jerry pays Dak it wont the matter how Lance plays. We will be stuck with the human boat anchor until further notice. You must have missed the part over the last 30 years where Jerry is slow on the uptake with regard to his mistakes.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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It’s never going to happen, so it’s silly to even play along. Lance will be competing for the backup job with Cooper Rush. The Cowboys will be extending Dak to avoid a major cap hit, so it won’t matter how good Lance looks in OTA’s and preseason.
You did exactly what I predicted in my post "It's not going to happen"

Which of course wasn't the question.

If it did and you were wrong about Dak and Lance, would you be happy anyway.

Lol..I know you don't have the nads to answer.


Well-Known Member
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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?
This is blasphemy! You don’t ever say such a negative thing about the all mighty Dak! The King of QBs.
Many people on this bell me that Kurt Warner said that Dak is OK, so how can we argue with that.


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I don't watch college but the 49ers gave a 1st round pick for 2021,22,23 and a 3rd rounder for 22... for Lance
to just give up on him. I mean sheesh... is he that bad?
Actually looking at his contract... dude made $28,794,556
already lol.


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If Trey Lance ends up being better than Dak I’ll be thrilled, because it means we have an elite top 3-5 QB in football who will likely be on a cheap second contract since the earliest we’d likely find this out is 2025 (and Dallas would have extended him already if they had any thought he might even be a quality backup). So we’d likely have elite QB play for relatively nothing for 2-3 years.

Now absolutely nothing about his film so far in the NFL or his practice reports from Dallas or SF leads me to believe that’s even remotely possible, but it would be fantastic if it were.

This only works one way, though. If Dak ever makes it to or wins a SB, the other side will NEVER admit they were wrong and many will be so angry over it they won’t be able to enjoy the success. Several of our most prominent posters would just disappear and never post again.


Well-Known Member
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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?
Hell, we’d be happy as hell just to get there no matter who the QB is.


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If he took us to the championship game…who the hell would be mad
For real.

Trey Lance would probably get a street named after him if he guided the Dallas Cowboys to the NFC Championship game next season.

There would be lots of "I told you so" threads about Dak.

I wouldn't expect many sticking up for 4 stating he could've done the same as Lance.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?
It's possible and I'll root for whoever is starting......some may think that I'm a Dak lover, I see his flaws, I just choose not to insult him....that said, if he gets beat out or cut, I'll support the next man up. That's the way it should be...at least in my eyes.


Lightning Rod
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Trey Lance lights it up in OTAs and pre-season. Outplays Dak and takes the starting job. Gets us to the NFCCG.
Who would be happy and who would be upset?

I'm sure a bunch of Dak fans will say its not possible, that's not the question,
Who would be happy and who would be upset?
why would any fan not be happy, means we are winning?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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You did exactly what I predicted in my post "It's not going to happen"

Which of course wasn't the question.

If it did and you were wrong about Dak and Lance, would you be happy anyway.

Lol..I know you don't have the nads to answer.
It’s not going to happen. It’s as simple as that and I gave you the reasons. The Cowboys are going to have no choice but to extend Dak to avoid a MAJOR cap hit. If they were to let him walk he’ll count $61M against the cap and around $58M if they allow him to play out the season without an extension, so they have to extend him. They’re not about to sit him when he’s likely to be making $50+M per season because Lance looked great in OTAs and preseason. If Lance were to look great and win the backup job and were to have to take over for Dak during the regular season due to injury and lights it up, they’ll likely end up trying to trade him. It would increase his trade value. The bottom line is I’ll be happy with any QB that can win us a SB. If Lance were to get the opportunity to play because of an injury to Dak and plays great, I’ll be fine riding with him as far as he can take us. I’m no Dak lover. I have no problem moving on from any QB if we find a better one.