Who would have been considered one of the "Great Ones" if not for....

leonargized said:
Munson was on his down side but I thought it was mostly his knees.
I know that he was playing a lot of first base due to his knees.
Thurman never really lost it with the stick he never hit for much power, without looking it up I think his most homers were around 18

I take that back you were correct .
Munson only hit 6 homers the year before he was killed and previousy he would his triple that and the year he was killed in a half season he only hit 3 although his batting average stayed decent and I will no longer question you about his back because my memory sure isn't what it used to be.
Roger Staubach... yes, he was a great, but how great could he have been had he not had the stint in the Navy...

Don Meredith... he left the game at the top of his career because he hated the constant criticism...

Staubach said Meredith deserves the credit for Dallas coming into prominence in the late 60's...
StanleySpadowski said:
The most talented baseball player who never made it may be Brien Taylor. Lefthanded pitcher picked #1 overall by the Yankees. Million dollar arm, ten cent head. Just when it looked like he may have figured it out he got in a bar fight, I think it was in N. Carolina, and ripped up his left shoulder.

There are a ton of pitchers like Brien Taylor who had great stuff and never made it. Pitching prospects are a crapshoot. Rick Ankiel might be a better example for those of you who follow baseball.

Uncle Rico. If only the coach had put him in, he would have scored the touchdown and went to the NFL and would have been famous. What a shame..
Greg Cook would be my choice.

I know most of you youngsters never heard of him but he was the top rated QB in the league as a rookie playing for one of the worst teams that year. He came in as a rookie in 1969 with the Bengals, an expansion team the year before.

Cook had a better year than Joe Namath, Sonny Jurgensen, Fran Tarkenton, and Len Dawson all Hall of Famers in their prime and he was a rookie!

He injured his shoulder and never really played again. What a waste.
When Cook hurt his shoulder in training camp in 1970, the offensive coach had to tailor a passing attack around athletic, but weak armed Virgil Carter.

The coach refined his offensive system at San Diego and Stanford before becomming the head coach of the 49ers where his system worked pretty well for another athletic, weak armed QB.

If Cook had stayed healthy we might have never heard of Joe Montana.
Montana was not that weak armed. true he did not have a gun like Elway did, but Joe could put it where it needed to be up to 40-50 yds away. Unlike real noodle arms now like Pennington.
leonargized said:
Bobby Humphrey, rb/Broncos
I always wondered what happened to that guy. I remember him having one very good season in Denver, but after that.... Didn't he get traded for Sammy Smith?
Kevin Smith was great, at that time Rice would torch any CB (even Sanders), but Smith shut him down.

The RB from NE, that ot hurt in the rookie sandy beach game....

Garrison Hearst was pretty good, but what might he have been?

Ricky Watters dumb decision (and lucky for us) to leave the niners.
Not that he ever really belonged in the great category, but what ever happened to Charlie Garner? He had a great year in 2002, almost going over 1000 yards in both rushing and receiving. Haven't heard much since.

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