Whoa, anonymous Cowboy goes off on T.O., from nbcsports.com

Beast_from_East;2679074 said:
Odds are we will never have to play a down agaisnt TO.

Thats too ****in bad. I was looking forward to him dropping a key 3rd down pass against us.
wileedog;2679040 said:
What was so generally articulate in that quote? Or are you insinuating that most football players communicate like "Me hungry, want food?"

The latter.

wileedog;2679040 said:
Blog or not, written or not, contrary to popular opinion around here reporters can't just make something up and print it. Someone had to give him this quote or the lawyers wouldn't let it happen.

I know that is a hugely unpopular fact, but you can't just say "I think it would be awesome if a player said Wade wears pink socks" and then print it in your blog. It doesn't work that way.

Now the guy you are quoting may be completely wrong, biased or ignorant, and that's all subject to speculation. But you just can't print in the media that a player told you something when in reality you made it up out of thin air. I absolutely cannot comprehend why so many people on this board think that you can.

Blog or not? Please. You're the only one suggesting it was made up. It's unattributed. Or rather, it's attributed to an anonymous 'Cowboy' whatever that means. People think bloggers make stuff up all the time because, well, bloggers make stuff up all the time. Even real journalists have been known to do it periodically.
punchnjudy;2677781 said:
Jerry actually should put a gag order on this stuff. We don't need players exchanging barbs with TO, anonymous or otherwise.
EXACTLY. He is gone and the media is STILL trying to infuse this LOCKEROOM with TO drama. It is over fellas. It is over. Stop answering these questions. I mean this is the affect TO has on an organization. He STILL impacted the Eagles lockeroom long after he was gone.....and it will happen in Dallas as well. BUT Jerry needs to coach these idiot players who do not understand how to function as a cohesive unit....with this BS continuued annonymous TO oppinions.
I hate this kind of crap. Be a man and own up to your opinions and thoughts. There is no reason to say 'yeah I'll tell you what I think as long as no one knows it's what I think.'
wileedog;2679002 said:
Of course you do, why is it any different than talking directly to someone?

Unless that person you're talking to has a recorder, there'd be no lingering proof to what was said.

In an email, however, there is lingering proof.

That should have been obvious to you.
Rack Bauer;2679469 said:
Unless that person you're talking to has a recorder, there'd be no lingering proof to what was said.

In an email, however, there is lingering proof.

That should have been obvious to you.

And no incentive for the reporter to reveal his sources. Short of a court order that e-mail will never see the light of day.
The TFC still makes me laugh.

And I love the notion that there are no players on the Cowboys who didn't like Terrell Owens, lol.

Or that there are players who have a brain and don't want their name being used when commenting about this guy publicly because it will only lead to 1,000 more questions from the rest of media about him in the future.

Terrell Owens is a Buffalo Bill.

dcfanatic;2679574 said:
The TFC still makes me laugh.

And I love the notion that there are no players on the Cowboys who didn't like Terrell Owens, lol.

Or that there are players who have a brain and don't want their name being used when commenting about this guy publicly because it will only lead to 1,000 more questions from the rest of media about him in the future.

Terrell Owens is a Buffalo Bill.

theres players on every team that dont like each other

im sure theres guys on our team that may not like romo or whoever for some reason. even aikman spoke about it the other day

its part of the game. everyone isnt always gonna love you but im pretty sure and seems like the majority of the guys on the team didnt have a problem with or any real issues with T.O.

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