Why are certain posters on this site so defensive?

CowboyMcCoy;4064115 said:
Good to see you, Silverbear. It's been a while.

It's good to be missed... LOL...

Now that football is getting interesting again, you'll more than likely see more of me...
NextGenBoys;4063607 said:

If you have legitimate beef/concern with something the team is doing, and you articulate it in an intelligent and meaningful way, you won't get much backlash.

Although, I will say, I remember a thread I started in late 2007 called "You can slice it however you want" stating I was worried about their play late during the season and they needed to turn it around or they wouldn't be going anywhere.

I got grilled. And I mean I really got grilled from the majority of posters on here, because we were 12-1 at the time, and no one wanted to see that we were playing sloppy football and making mistakes. We all know how that season ended.

However, for the most part, just state your concern in an intelligent way, and if it's legitimate you won't get much backlash at all.

Well, since we're tooting our own horns I might as well jump in.

I posted a beauty of a thread last preseason (which undeservingly only received 1 star) and was called a "dip****" (if only I would have bookmarked the thread to remember who it was) and chastised for overreacting.

Personally, I think everyone has the same hesitations and concerns about the team but some people overlook those reservations in the name of being a "true fan".

I think most people are pretty level-headed. Very few are 90% negative and very few are 90% positive. It's pretty easy to tell who falls in which category.

IMO, some are concerned far too much about internet persona than they are the reality of the situation.

Welcome to message boards,

Risen Star;4064168 said:
Think about what? If that's true then that board isn't interested in the truth and a real debate on the state of the team.

Oh, you consider your OPINION to be the "truth"??

I must say, it's really nice to have you sharing your wisdom with us, oh Oracle of Football...

ROTFLMAO... could you possibly be any more arrogant??

Anyway, the complaint here is that posters take a little flack when they post an unpopular opinion (particularly if they're abrasive in expressing that opinion)... I just pointed out that this board is in fact quite tolerant of diverse opinions, that there are in fact football boards where any opinion other than the party line is not allowed, at least not for long...

Don't believe me?? Go over to ES and express your honest opinion of their issues... don't be confrontational (and don't admit that you're a Cowboys fan), just make solid, rational points...

You'll be banned inside of 48 hours...

Listen, if my team sucks and will continue to suck for the foreseeable future, I'm gonna point that out.

Ah, I see-- it's the "truth" that the team is going to suck for the foreseeable future... why, because you say so??

Don't kill the messenger.

If I think you have a point, I'll leave you alone... if I think you're full of crap, I'll say as much... the point is, that's the way message boards work, if you put something out there, you have to accept that some folks are liable to disagree with you... this is especially true of a board with a membership as large as this one has...

If you can't handle being disagreed with, don't post what you think... more to the point, if you come in here spitting and snarling, don't be surprised if people get in your face...
Hostile;4064175 said:
The only people who get "attacked" are the posters who never have anything positive to say about this football team. People get sick and tired of their useless drivel.

And if one bothers to look into dboy214's posting history, one will quickly recognize that he's a classic example of what you're talking about...

There is no such thing as every aspect of a football team is bad, negative, and wrong.

If you can't stand the backlash, don't throw the crap.

LOL... that really ought to be an official rule on this board... don't start none, won't be none...
bbgun;4064183 said:
Th OP asked for my opinion and I gave it to him. Whether you approve of that opinion is irrelevant.

Then why, pray tell, did you bother to respond??

FWIW, the OP did not ask your opinion about whether or not the Cowboys would ever win another Super Bowl with Jerry as the GM, you gratuitously decided to insert that opinion... and it was that opinion that I called defeatist horsecrap; Jerry HAS won Super Bowls as the GM, in fact he's won three of them, so it's quite illogical to assert definitively that he'll never find a formula for winning another...

Until quite recently, you were a really funny guy, one of the most amusing posters in here, but nowadays you're among the worst of the gloom and doomers... that saddens me...

But hey, if you HAVE to throw in the towel before the season even begins, I reckon you have that right... just as we have the right to find your ongoing defeatism annoying...
Hoofbite;4064260 said:
Well, since we're tooting our own horns I might as well jump in.

I posted a beauty of a thread last preseason (which undeservingly only received 1 star) and was called a "dip****" (if only I would have bookmarked the thread to remember who it was) and chastised for overreacting.

Gulp... that sounds just like something I'd do if I was in a bad mood, but I purely hope it wasn't me, 'cause I like you...

And really, I've been trying to tread easier with the insults, to stay with the forum guidelines... I'll bet it's been two years since I've gotten any kind of infraction... :D
Risen Star;4063473 said:
Some of us like living in the real world.

When I see comments like this, I can't help but think somebody's compensating. Here's a hint: if you're living in the real world, let us know by making solid realistic arguments. We'll get it.

If you have to constantly tell us how realistic you are, then you're not really realistic. You're wanting to appear realistic. There's a difference.
Idgit;4064276 said:
When I see comments like this, I can't help but think somebody's compensating. Here's a hint: if you're living in the real world, let us know by making solid realistic arguments. We'll get it.

If you have to constantly tell us how realistic you are, then you're not really realistic. You're wanting to appear realistic. There's a difference.

The defeatist ALWAYS thinks his cynicism is "realism"... that's one quick way to identify the species...
Idgit;4063474 said:
There is a *ton* of legitimate criticism in the threads on these boards. And scores of thoughtful posters who criticize the team accurately and fairly. If you can stay within those bounds, you'll rarely have a problem with anyone getting annoyed with your POV.

For example, from your OP, if your target is the way the team quit on its coach last year, I doubt very seriously you'd get any pushback at all, from anybody.

By the same token, if your target is this year's draft and being frustrated that two of the top three picks haven't suited up, then you're likely to get sarcastic pushback, given that one of those players was selected while injured and given that knowledgeable fans know that drafts are judged after years and not weeks.

You have to remember for every relatively new poster with 'one little thing critical about the team,' there are a hundred posters who've come and gone, *****ing about lots of little things. It gets tedious responding to each one, and so the board develops social pressure to provide a disincentive for people to pop-off without thinking their criticisms through sufficiently. Otherwise, this place would just be a playground of bad ideas.

Nothing wrong with being critical most of the time people draw attention with the over the top comments.

If Romo throws an int as he did vs SD and someone claimed it was a bad pass, I think most would agree but the over the top comment as if we will never win with Romo starts pushing the over the top commentary where the reasons tend to be because he wears his cap backwards or the girl he is dating.

Constructive criticism I think most accept, the attacks on the team get to be a bit much
silverbear;4064265 said:
Oh, you consider your OPINION to be the "truth"??

Yes. I consider my opinion that if you follow a football team over the course of your life there will be good and bad years as the truth. It's factual. And if a board isn't capable of acknowledging the bad times then that board isn't interested in an honest discussion about the team.

I must say, it's really nice to have you sharing your wisdom with us, oh Oracle of Football...

ROTFLMAO... could you possibly be any more arrogant??

Anyway, the complaint here is that posters take a little flack when they post an unpopular opinion (particularly if they're abrasive in expressing that opinion)... I just pointed out that this board is in fact quite tolerant of diverse opinions, that there are in fact football boards where any opinion other than the party line is not allowed, at least not for long...

Well I don't know. I recall starting a thread a few weeks ago that asked a legitimate question. Which player will have the better pro career - Sean Lee or Bruce Carter? Within two posts I had members asking the staff to delete the thread. Why should we have to choose between Cowboys?

That is, uh, a little irrational. Let me let you in on a scoop. Even amongst the Cowboys roster there are good and bad players. There's nothing wrong with that kind of debate.

Don't believe me?? Go over to ES and express your honest opinion of their issues... don't be confrontational (and don't admit that you're a Cowboys fan), just make solid, rational points...

You'll be banned inside of 48 hours...

That's fine. Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But I think we all agree that the current state of the Washington Commanders is a bad one. If I get banned from any board by simply living in the real world, then what does that have to say about their forum? I'm not one of these guys who wants to criticize everything.

Ah, I see-- it's the "truth" that the team is going to suck for the foreseeable future... why, because you say so??

I was stating an example not making a prediction on the Cowboys' future. But your homerism got offended. That's a key sign that you yourself can't really handle an honest discussion on the team.

If I think you have a point, I'll leave you alone... if I think you're full of crap, I'll say as much... the point is, that's the way message boards work, if you put something out there, you have to accept that some folks are liable to disagree with you... this is especially true of a board with a membership as large as this one has...

If you can't handle being disagreed with, don't post what you think... more to the point, if you come in here spitting and snarling, don't be surprised if people get in your face...

Leave me alone, say something, get in my face....whatever you want to do. I'm a big boy, I can handle your stinging wit.

I have no issue with anyone disagreeing with me. That's the point of these forums. Give and take, back and forth. The difference is I am able to check my fandom at the door and capable of seeing things positively and negatively. Most fans can't do that. They will agree with me when I have something positive to say. They'll disagree with me when I'm negative.
silverbear;4064265 said:
If you can't handle being disagreed with, don't post what you think... more to the point, if you come in here spitting and snarling, don't be surprised if people get in your face...

It hilarious to me that the people who want the right to spew negativity with every post (which they have) complain about the people who argue with them.

What they really want is free reign to badmouth the team without anyone calling them out on it.

And that is not gonna happen ....... this is not a "Vanilla" board.

Hoofbite;4064260 said:
Well, since we're tooting our own horns I might as well jump in.

I posted a beauty of a thread last preseason (which undeservingly only received 1 star) and was called a "dip****" (if only I would have bookmarked the thread to remember who it was) and chastised for overreacting.

Personally, I think everyone has the same hesitations and concerns about the team but some people overlook those reservations in the name of being a "true fan".

I think most people are pretty level-headed. Very few are 90% negative and very few are 90% positive. It's pretty easy to tell who falls in which category.

IMO, some are concerned far too much about internet persona than they are the reality of the situation.

Welcome to message boards,


:laugh2: Yeah, I remember that one. It honestly goes all ways since everyone has their own definition of "stupid" (even the stupid people). Simply stated, if you post a critique, you should do with the understanding that you open youself up to all kinds of ******baggery.
I think the increased aggressive nature of some posters are do to the rising amount of growth hormones added to a good deal of the meat industry products which winds up being ingested by so many Americans.

That or the cycles have been synced since so many of us hang out at the zone.:p:
dboy214;4063436 said:
you say one little thing critical about the team and you get ambushed by sarcastic posts from the same five or six posters. what gives? are we not allowed to be upset by the performance of this franchise for the past decade? is it acceptable that the team QUIT on their coach and us fans last year? is it acceptable that the 2009 draft class was a failure and this year we havent seen two of our top three draft picks suit up?

Its everyone - realists, apologists, narcsissts. People feel strongly about thier views or think they know more about the game, others dismiss an idea that is different from the flock, some just complain, some don't have a clue about football..but I will give you this...who here posts that actually played or plays in the NFL and who here is inside the lockerroom, not gettng second, third hand info??? hmmm {crickets}
I think many of the over the top comments are made so the poster can get the attention they are looking for and many just can't control their emotions.

This is the reason I will not come here after a game win or lose because, normally if you wait a day or 2 after the game cooler heads start to prevail

Most games you will find good and bad play and performances from players win or lose
BrAinPaiNt;4064623 said:
I think the increased aggressive nature of some posters are do to the rising amount of growth hormones added to a good deal of the meat industry products which winds up being ingested by so many Americans.

That or the cycles have been synced since so many of us hang out at the zone.:p:

I suspect it is because everyone on theis zone has been reading the "Song of Ice and Fire" series. A Lannister pays his debts.
zrinkill;4064599 said:
It hilarious to me that the people who want the right to spew negativity with every post (which they have) complain about the people who argue with them.

What they really want is free reign to badmouth the team without anyone calling them out on it.

And that is not gonna happen ....... this is not a "Vanilla" board.



You went and looked, didn't you?
Some folks' forum itinerary:


At this stage, two things have been made perfectly clear for each and every reader of the forum, namely:

A. This sucks


B. That sucks

It's unquestionable and irrefutable. So, what should any reader expect for the following month?


It's human nature. And what we all should allow ourselves to realize is that some people cannot deal with stress as equally well as others.

People must vent. Otherwise they will explode. That's life and it happens every single day somewhere around the globe. May as well permit that frustration to release itself into a format such as forums like this.

Places like CowboysZone are freaking grade A blessings. Exhibitions of minor, moderate or perhaps even extreme real life negative outbursts have probably been averted simply because someone was able to come here and get it off their chest.

It took me a VERY long time to come to this realization, so I understand how some can be unceasingly annoyed by reading (literally) the same negative unoriginal based comments repeatedly. I tend to snap back occasionally still because of it. That's human nature too.

So I ask those who find themselves reading the same old you know what to ignore it from time-to-time. Trust me. It gets better with practice. And if it gets too bad to deal with, seriously consider using the forum's ignore feature.

Think of it as a gesture which could pay off as an act of kindness that you will never know about. Who knows? Allowing someone to post the same old "Jerry Sucks!", "That player sucks!", "That coach sucks!", yada yada yada without criticism may help some poor chihuahua or pekingese somewhere from being kicked in the ***.

Or maybe something worse. No one ever really knows exactly how anyone else blows off steam, do they?

Until it's reported on CNN or FoxNews...

Just saying. :cool:

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