Why are certain posters on this site so defensive?

DallasEast;4064756 said:
Some folks' forum itinerary:


At this stage, two things have been made perfectly clear for each and every reader of the forum, namely:

A. This sucks


B. That sucks

It's unquestionable and irrefutable. So, what should any reader expect for the following month?


It's human nature. And what we all should allow ourselves to realize is that some people cannot deal with stress as equally well as others.

People must vent. Otherwise they will explode. That's life and it happens every single day somewhere around the globe. May as well permit that frustration to release itself into a format such as forums like this.

Places like CowboysZone are freaking grade A blessings. Exhibitions of minor, moderate or perhaps even extreme real life negative outbursts have probably been averted simply because someone was able to come here and get it off their chest.

It took me a VERY long time to come to this realization, so I understand how some can be unceasingly annoyed by reading (literally) the same negative unoriginal based comments repeatedly. I tend to snap back occasionally still because of it. That's human nature too.

So I ask those who find themselves reading the same old you know what to ignore it from time-to-time. Trust me. It gets better with practice. And if it gets too bad to deal with, seriously consider using the forum's ignore feature.

Think of it as a gesture which could pay off as an act of kindness that you will never know about. Who knows? Allowing someone to post the same old "Jerry Sucks!", "That player sucks!", "That coach sucks!", yada yada yada without criticism may help some poor chihuahua or pekingese somewhere from being kicked in the ***.

Or maybe something worse. No one ever really knows exactly how anyone else blows off steam, do they?

Until it's reported on CNN or FoxNews...

Just saying. :cool:

I posted something the other day and someone got so defensive about it they made an interwebs video, which depicted their utter dismay at my opinion. The interesting part is our odds are the same every year, 1 in 32. Many people forget this. But my favorite part is the Jerry haters. They have been riding this schtick for a long, long time. It's the perfect ITYS thread. It doesn't matter if we make it to the Super Bowl and lose.

For the ITYSers, it matters not about the odds. Even though the odds were always in their favor from the beginning. It matters that they indeed told us not to ever be positive in life. And that even though we see things to be critical of and choose to see the bright side, being a "realist" is what matters at the end of the day.
Risen Star;4064535 said:
I have no issue with anyone disagreeing with me. That's the point of these forums. Give and take, back and forth.

No kidding... now, go back and read the first post in this thread... then realize that you find yourself depending a poster who clearly CAN'T deak with the basic facts...

The difference is I am able to check my fandom at the door and capable of seeing things positively and negatively. Most fans can't do that.

And that, RS, is my problem with you... that statement is pure, unadulterated bovine fecal matter... we have a relative few Pollyannas in here, no more than the posters we have who are negative about everything... both groups are clueless...

IOW, you jumped the shark when you said that most of us are incapable of seeing both positive and negative... in fact, this board is quite good about illuminating both...

But this thread was started by a poster who is relentlessly negative, who does nothing but spew negative crap... take a little time and check out his posting history, you'll see what I'm talking about... and this poster is whining because some of us, indeed a lot of us, have no patience for mindless, endless gloom and doom...

This is, I think, quite natural, if you stop and think about it; this is a forum filled with people who are seriously devoted fans of the Dallas Cowboys, of course we'd get annoyed by anybody who acts like that... that's just human nature...

They will agree with me when I have something positive to say. They'll disagree with me when I'm negative.

Well, I can't presume to speak for the other members of this board, but speaking for myself, I agree with legitimate criticism, indeed I express criticisms my own self... but when I see a poster who acts like dboy214 does, over and over, frankly I don't CARE what he has to say... I make no apology for doing what I can to make posters like that uncomfortable, because they add nothing to the dialogue...

I will say that it's legitimate to accuse some of us of ganging up on that kind of poster... I won't apologize for that either, even in here a man's actions have consequences, and one consequence of acting like a jerk in here is ridicule...

However, note that my only real problem with you is your implication that we just try to stifle legitimate criticism, and your statement that most of this board acts like that... I do not include you with the relentless gloom and doomers...
Doomsday101;4064646 said:
I think many of the over the top comments are made so the poster can get the attention they are looking for

Absolutely... for evidence of that, just go back and read the first post to this thread...
I don't ever remember any thread I ever started. It's all a blur.

That and I clearly don't care enough to take mental note of it, nor half a day to write it.
Doomsday101;4064646 said:
I think many of the over the top comments are made so the poster can get the attention they are looking for...
An argument can be made in support of that opinion. After all, no one here is bound to some form of "contractual agreement" which mandates that every comment posted has been truthfully provided for anyone else to read.
CowboyMcCoy;4064794 said:
I posted something the other day and someone got so defensive about it they made an interwebs video, which depicted their utter dismay at my opinion. The interesting part is our odds are the same every year, 1 in 32. Many people forget this. But my favorite part is the Jerry haters. They have been riding this schtick for a long, long time. It's the perfect ITYS thread. It doesn't matter if we make it to the Super Bowl and lose.

For the ITYSers, it matters not about the odds. Even though the odds were always in their favor from the beginning. It matters that they indeed told us not to ever be positive in life. And that even though we see things to be critical of and choose to see the bright side, being a "realist" is what matters at the end of the day.

You called the guy a "puke" and a "buffoon".
Hoofbite;4064823 said:
You called the guy a "puke" and a "buffoon".
I'm assuming the alleged video was posted outside CowboysZone..?

That's funny. No offense intended, CowboyMcCoy.
Hoofbite;4064823 said:
You called the guy a "puke" and a "buffoon".

Yeah, I did. I didn't know he was a member here. Also, I was commenting on his video and nothing he posted here. I tolerate members of CZ and even respect those who go about being critical without attention mongering. But as far as I'm concerned, youtube stars and other quasi-media are fair game.

I guess I did deserve that, but really the video just went on to prove my initial point. His, as well as my own, comments were a little more classy once we actually chatted it out.
DallasEast;4064841 said:
I'm assuming the alleged video was posted outside CowboysZone..?

That's funny. No offense intended, CowboyMcCoy.

None taken. I hope you weren't implying irony here, though. :eek::
I think, on all sides in fact (the people who are positive, the people who are negative, etc), isn't the people's opinions, necassarily, it's the way they're presented or when someone comes along and disagrees then you've got people who immediately turn to the "I'm 100% right and you're an idiot/moron/*******/etc for not agreeing with me" way of defending their posts and opinions.

Its that kind of stuff that turns people off and gets people 'attacking' one another.
You wonder why they are defensive, I'm wonder why *some* are aggressive. ;) :laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;4064623 said:
I think the increased aggressive nature of some posters are do to the rising amount of growth hormones added to a good deal of the meat industry products which winds up being ingested by so many Americans.

What a load of hooey, most of us are just doing 'roids...
It really comes down to this ..

If you go to a fan site and rant about the team the users are fans of, then you should expect to be attacked or insulted in return. That is not to say to avoid doing it, but rather if you do decide to do it, expect and accept that there will be a negative response by some or most of the users.

If you go to a fan site and rave about the team the users are fans of, then you should expect to be attacked or insulted in return by a few users who 1) are trolls from other teams/other sites, 2) are fans upset at their team at that moment, 3) are driven by their own agenda of dislike of the team, the site or you, 4) desperately need the attention or 5) genuinely disagree with what you posted.

If everyone agreed, discussions would be boring. If everyone complained, discussions would be annoying. I will take the middle area minus trolls.

dboy214;4063436 said:
you say one little thing critical about the team and you get ambushed by sarcastic posts from the same five or six posters. what gives? are we not allowed to be upset by the performance of this franchise for the past decade? is it acceptable that the team QUIT on their coach and us fans last year? is it acceptable that the 2009 draft class was a failure and this year we havent seen two of our top three draft picks suit up?
just post you're opinion and if someone doesn't like it, screw em.

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