Why are Dallas fans giving Jerry Jones a pass


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Maybe. Maybe not.

I don't think Stephen is similarly tied to Garrett. Last year he was making clear noise about "we need to be able to take the next step". Stephen is the guy not named Jerry who isn't going anywhere. And Jerry knows that Stephen wants Garrett gone, he knows his dream of Garrett as the Tom Landry That Jerry Made is over too.

A host of former Cowboy players have come out to publicly criticize Garrett. Romo and Aikman on air.

I've been surprised at how the dam has burst this year, with everyone everywhere saying Garrett is holding the team back.

Jerry and Garrett against the world, Thelma and Louise style off a cliff?

Maybe. Maybe not.

It's up to Jerry. With the universal condemnation of Garrett, and Stephen wanting him out, Garrett no longer serves Jerry's dream of leaving the Cowboys with the New Tom Landry.

Worse, having blown the Romo and Ware Window, we're on the verge of blowing the window that counts the most to Jerry: The Jerry Window.

Will Jerry dump his dreams of a post Jimmy SB just to protect Garrett? With a team that he clearly thinks has the personnel to make a run?

Maybe not.
All good points. I think the time has come. I hear Jason is being advised by his close family and friends it’s time to move on. And why we’re already seeing rumors of other offers.

The bigger conundrum is who now? Will Jerry continue his drive to prove he can do it without a HC like Jimmy?


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All good points. I think the time has come. I hear Jason is being advised by his close family and friends it’s time to move on. And why we’re already seeing rumors of other offers.

The bigger conundrum is who now? Will Jerry continue his drive to prove he can do it without a HC like Jimmy?

If Garrett is already moving on in his planning, all the more reason to move on from him now.

HCs do a lot, and more or less depending on the organization. A truly competent manager offloads a lot to competent people around him on staff. He doesn't have to do it all, he just has to make sure that he has good people on whatever needs to be done. That should have been Mr. It's A Process, but he's an incompetent boob.

Check out a college HC, then evaluate his *organization* like you're Warren Buffett looking to do a buyout. If he's assembled a great org, buy him.


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I'm not saying it will happen, because I don't think it will, but say Garrett goes somewhere else and lucks into a SB win..... would that be enough for Jerry to finally realize that he is the main problem, or will he just lament that he "trained" Garrett and just didn't wait long enough?

Fortunately, Garrett is about as football tactics intelligent as a soggy biscuit and ends up costing his team multiple games a season with his "brilliance." The chances of him going elsewhere and coaching a team to a SB win are laughable.

But what will it take to get Jerry to realize that his way SUCKS? Can it be done? Will it take his death? There's not a lot fans can do except boycott games, and there are too many fans who refuse to do so. Add in the season ticket holders who happily pay for mediocrity and then sell their tickets to fans of other teams and it continues to support Jerry's madness.

Most of us here on the forum (which constitutes a tiny portion of the Cowboys fan-base) know that Jerry is the main problem. I would even say a large number of fans in general know it. It's just that a lot don't care. It is what it is and we can't do a thing about it.


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Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!
There's like 1 1/2 posters on this site who give Jerry a pass. Who are you seeing who's giving him a pass?


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Why is Garrett still in Dallas? Because of this idiot
I'm so sick and tired of fans giving Jerry Jones a pass. He built a good team yet in his stubbornness gives us coaches that shouldn't even be coaching as head coaches. Then he fills the rest of the team with inexperience coaches. Hires former players to coach that in no way should be doing it. So blame Dak --blame Garrett but the biggest problem in DALLAS is JERRY GMLESS JONES! Jerry also is the one who trains the team in nice California versus hot Texas. All to make more money. That was the first thing Jimmy cut out when he was head coach. Jerry is the one who ordered the inside training facilities to be built. Softening the team even more. They knew it was gonna be cold and rainy in NE. We practice inside. WTH kind of decision is that? The players also know that if you're a Jerry boy. You're pretty much guaranteed a roster spot no matter how bad you suck!

Jones is on TV after every loss complaining about coaching like we fans do. But unlike us. He can do something about it! Make me owner last night? Garrett would be gone today. Yet Jerry acts like he's a powerless fan. Only thing I can do is complain. I'm in no power to fire Garrett or make changes. So blame Dak! Blame Garrett! Garrett would still suck anyway to be honest. And yea. I know Jerry's not going any where but neither are we!! Again. We fan want to start ranting??? It should start at the top! JONES!
Jerry closed down his own site because almost no one was giving him a pass.


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I would like to go on record by saying that I am mortified, simply mortified, of the thousands of posts and threads, created on this site, criticizing Jerry Jones since 2004, have been posted under false pretenses.

How dare you hundreds of current members and ex-members! The audacity of it all. Shame. Shame on you all!!!
Shame on us? Y’all are the ones letting the posts stay up.



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Nobody gives Jerry a pass.

There's nobody who can fire Jerry so he's not worth complaining about every 30 seconds.

It's at least theoretically possible for Jerry to fire Garrett.
This...what are we gonna do? Riot? :laugh:


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ah ... perhaps because he's the OWNER of the TEAM?

Methinks you may have an unreasonable perspective of your (our) value in this equation.


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Jerry closed down his own site because almost no one was giving him a pass.

Kinda pathetic, he controls what everyone says about the Cowboys.. or else. You can't beat em, fire em or close em down. Just sweep it under the rug.