I mean, we pretty much have no clue how things will work out either way. Hot shot assistant? No clue. College coach? No clue. Safe retread? No clue. Old legendary coach? No clue. Pay a first for coach that has won before. No clue.
I mean, Andy Reid was kicked out of Philly and now he's a legend I guess. Did anyone know anything about Sean McWay before the Rams hired him? Okay, I'm sure some of you did. But that is no different from all the other hot shots that tried and failed.
So if you want to complain about JJ because he's the common thread here, okay. But no one knows anything at all about which coach will work or not. And if you think no coach will work, I guess that's fair too. But at the end of the day, hire whomever for all I care. I'll still watch and see what happens.