.......It would be nice to start backing it up for change.....I miss Jimmy.Americans do NOT like being told what to do.
You bill a team...any team...as "America's Team" people are going to push back.
"That ain't my team! Don't tell me which team I should like! In fact, I HATE that team!"
I understand the hatred from rival NFC East fans but literally everyone I’ve come into contact with since Thursday that isn’t a Cowboys fan (and even people that don’t watch a lick of football) are glad the Cowboys lost to the most successful football player in NFL history.
That doesn’t quite make a lot of sense to me. I understand the boys had a lot of success from the early 70’s to mid 90’s which I’m guessing that’s when most people’s parents were growing up. Is that where the hatred stems from? Their parents hated the success that the Cowboys had and the 5 rings we won during that ~25 year span, but the boys have literally won nothing but a couple playoff games in over 25 years now but people were raised to hate the Cowboys?
I often hear that it’s our fan base, but we fight with each other more than we fight with non-Cowboys fans so I don’t really understand the seeming overall consensus from ‘outsiders’ that the ‘Cowboys suck’ and we have a horrible fan base. I just don’t see it but perhaps I’m biased?
I agree 100%That’s not really the question. The REAL question is:
Why do so many posters on a Dallas Cowboys fan site seem to hate the team they claim to love?
As for the everyone else, success breeds contempt. Someone will now jump in and start talking about win rates, but the reality is that professional football is an entertainment business. Businesses exist to make money. The Cowboys make more money than any other team. They are the most successful BUSINESS in the NFL.
I agree 100%
I’ll add the Cowboys are the most successful business in all of sports if we’re going based on what they’re worth, so good point(s).
I think non-Cowboys fans get tired of a team still having so much attention despite accomplishing little the last 25 years.
I agree 100%
I’ll add the Cowboys are the most successful business in all of sports if we’re going based on what they’re worth, so good point(s).
That is exactly it. And "little accomplishment" is actually they have done NOTHING in 25 years. Can't even get to a NFC Conference game.
Who the heck cheers being #1 in Forbes? Brother
Cowboys used to be feared.
Now they're hated by many, and mocked by ESPN.
That's right! Because they are so loved!