Why didn't the Cowboys fight back like the 49ers did?


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Both the Cowboys and 49ers were playing at home. Both teams were down by multiple scores.

One roared back behind timely defensive stops and a few momentum changing plays. The other went out with a whimper.

What is the source of the contrast? Is it talent? Is it intestinal fortitude?

I'll say this, Shanahan looked like you could fry an egg on his forehead at the end of the 1st half. He was visibly perturbed. I wish I could hear his halftime speech because his players, his leaders like Deebo, came out with a chip on their shoulder in the 3rd quarter. Top, down they have something that is a completely foreign concept in Dallas - football character.

Cowboys need to spend all offseason dissecting what is preventing them from fighting back when they are put in a corner like the 49ers did last night.
Its called having balls................problem is you either have them or you dont.....................49ers do, the Cowboys obviously dont.

Or if you want a more polite way of saying it, the 49ers have a bunch of Alpha males and the Cowboys have a bunch of Beta males.

Same thing.


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Both the Cowboys and 49ers were playing at home. Both teams were down by multiple scores.

One roared back behind timely defensive stops and a few momentum changing plays. The other went out with a whimper.

What is the source of the contrast? Is it talent? Is it intestinal fortitude?

I'll say this, Shanahan looked like you could fry an egg on his forehead at the end of the 1st half. He was visibly perturbed. I wish I could hear his halftime speech because his players, his leaders like Deebo, came out with a chip on their shoulder in the 3rd quarter. Top, down they have something that is a completely foreign concept in Dallas - football character.

Cowboys need to spend all offseason dissecting what is preventing them from fighting back when they are put in a corner like the 49ers did last night.
By far, the greatest post on here (after Mr. BobHaze's) since we got bounced out of the playoffs in an embarrassing and gutless fashion.
Thank you my friend.
Cheers from Greece.


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Its called having balls................problem is you either have them or you dont.....................49ers do, the Cowboys obviously dont.

Or if you want a more polite way of saying it, the 49ers have a bunch of Alpha males and the Cowboys have a bunch of Beta males.

Same thing.
I think it's just as much about mental strength (though yes we do tend to get physically bullied).
This team is so different when leading and playing within its comfort zone.


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You have to get players with a killer mindset. An underdog with a chip on his shoulder.

Just like when Jimmy was hired, Irvin told him what players needed to go.

That's what Dallas needs to do now. Have a leader that says which players need to go cause of their mindset.


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Because the Cowboys are a mentally weak team. Who decides that they're going to give up and fold for the rest of the game once their opponent comes out swinging and punches them in the mouth.
The 'blueprint' includes, get a lead a watch the Cowboys struggle to score and stop the run....its like Football 101.

Chuck 54

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how many picks have been dropped by Dallas opponents this year?
How many were dropped in the GB game?
I'm not sure what the relevance of your questions here are or what they are about. You asked why Dallas didn't fight back like SF did. The Dallas offense tried to fight back. The defense had no fight in them throughout the entire game. SF fought back with a few gifts from the Lions. Those gifts are what most media outlets are talking about.


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Both the Cowboys and 49ers were playing at home. Both teams were down by multiple scores.

One roared back behind timely defensive stops and a few momentum changing plays. The other went out with a whimper.

What is the source of the contrast? Is it talent? Is it intestinal fortitude?

I'll say this, Shanahan looked like you could fry an egg on his forehead at the end of the 1st half. He was visibly perturbed. I wish I could hear his halftime speech because his players, his leaders like Deebo, came out with a chip on their shoulder in the 3rd quarter. Top, down they have something that is a completely foreign concept in Dallas - football character.

Cowboys need to spend all offseason dissecting what is preventing them from fighting back when they are put in a corner like the 49ers did last night.
we're told don't worry the outcome, everyone's championship ring will be in after the game


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San Fran was down 17 at halftime. Dallas was down 20 at halftime. Not much difference, but we all knew the Cowboys were toast. Why?

For starters, we all know the 49ers are better than the Cowboys. They have made that clear 3 times in 3 years.

Putting it all on Dak is just giving everyone else a pass. No one deserves a pass for that pathetic performance.
Yeah I hold Dak responsible for the INTs he threw and not doing his part to get the Cowboys offense going earlier in the game. And while Dak is one of the top reasons for the Cowboys losing in the way that they did. He didn't the only reason. Nor should the defense be absolved by some saying that it's the Dak and the offenses fault for them playing getting punched in the mouth by the Packers offense and crumbling from the very opening drive against them.

We have seen it where other QBs in the playoffs have thrown INTs and their defense still step up to keep their team in the game and come up with enough stops to give their team a chance to win at the end. We've seen in the Chiefs vs Ravens game where both offenses kept on stalling, punting and struggling to score. Yet neither defense used that as reason to lay down and allow the opposing offenses to drive after drive and at will for the rest of the game. The Ravens defense gave up two TD drives in a row to start and then only gave up 3 for the remainder of that game, despite Lamar Jackson and the Ravens offense only scoring 7 in 3 quarters,

Both Dak and the Cowboys defense has some sort of mental barrier which is hindering the Cowboys from being able to make deep playoff runs.


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Agreed. And it also wasn't the defense that spotted GB an 18 yard field for their 2nd TD, and a pick 6 for their 4th TD. Goes both ways.

Not absolving the defense.
I am saying--their (SF) defense played hard even when they were far behind and the offense was struggling, because they knew they still had a chance.
Our guys folded up against GB. Not excusable, but somewhat understandable, because they knew it was over. We all did. GB scored early, we go 3 and out, our defense holds, Dak serves the up with an 18 yard field. Now we're down 2 scores.

We go a short possession and punt again, GB Scores again (3 scores).
Dak's answer? A pick 6 and we're down 4 TD's.

was the defense great? Of course not. But what about that series of possessions by our offense would inspire any hope or thought of a comeback?

Sometimes, when you are demanding to be the highest paid player in NFL history, you need to carry the defense here and there.
you can't always fall back on "They didn't give me any stops". Sometimes it's on him to get it done and unless we are playing some bottom feeding NFC East cellar dweller, he's not up the task.

Neither of the QBs who are currently in the Super Bowl. Had to worry about complete carrying their defense all through out the playoffs. Mahomes didn't have to do that and Purdy didn't have to. Because both of their defenses stepped up and came up with stops when their offenses was going throughout stretches' of the game and not being able to score.

By your logic and reasoning. Why should the Dak and the offense ever try to fight back in a game where the defense is giving up score after score. And drive after drive without hardly ever forcing the opposing offense to punt. Example the Seahawks game in which the defense didn't come up with a stop until the 4th quarter, If Dak and the offense sees that the defense isn't stopping the opposing offense. Should that be a proper excuse for Dak and the offense to give up and stop trying to score? Including after a time in which Micah Parsons is most likely going to be the highest paid defender in the NFL?

No one is going to allow Dak to get off with the excuse that he wasn't inspired that the defense would come up with a stop and therefore decided to give up on trying to keep the Cowboys in the game or that he threw an INT in a back and forth shootout due to not believing in the defense to do their part.

If this defense goes into the season talking about how tough they are, I expect them to step up to do their part and not fold in the playoffs. Or not point fingers at the offense for their poor play.
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Neither of the QBs who are currently in the Super Bowl. Had to worry about complete carrying their defense all through out the playoffs. Mahomes didn't have to do that and Purdy didn't have to. Because both of their defenses stepped up and came up with stops when their offenses was going throughout stretches' of the game and not being able to score.
The two previous years, the defense more than did their job vs SF. More than adequate.
They carried Dak's sorry *** pretty well both times vs SF the past couple of years. Dak and the offense didn't do their part.

and frankly in the first half of the GB game it was more of the same. 1/2 of GB's 27 first half points were directly attributable to Dak.

I don't know where you get the idea that I expect Dak to be able to carry the defense "all throughout the playoffs".
But once in a while? Yes, absolutely. And I sure don't expect the defense to always have to be dominant in order for us to win with a guy who's demanding to be paid more than anyone in league history. That's ridiculous. He wants the record breaking contract? He wants the super bowl purses and the ego branding all over the front of the hats he's selling?

then maybe he can start running our offense up and down the field against legit teams in the postseason, or against something other than a prevent defense with GB's scrubs in the game. Or at the very least shut his damn mouth and quit talking and just go to work.

He's an overrated, loudmouth blowhard with an ego to match. I'm tired of his failure, I'm tired of his constant running his mouth about how next times going to be different, and I'm tired of the excuse parade. Guy needs to be frigging gone, and the sooner the better.


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Neither of the QBs who are currently in the Super Bowl. Had to worry about complete carrying their defense all through out the playoffs. Mahomes didn't have to do that and Purdy didn't have to. Because both of their defenses stepped up and came up with stops when their offenses was going throughout stretches' of the game and not being able to score.

By your logic and reasoning. Why should the Dak and the offense ever try to fight back in a game where the defense is giving up score after score. And drive after drive without hardly ever forcing the opposing offense to punt. Example the Seahawks game in which the defense didn't come up with a stop until the 4th quarter, If Dak and the offense sees that the defense isn't stopping the opposing offense. Should that be a proper excuse for Dak and the offense to give up and stop trying to score? Including after a time in which Micah Parsons is most likely going to be the highest paid defender in the NFL?

No one is going to allow Dak to get off with the excuse that he wasn't inspired that the defense would come up with a stop and therefore decided to give up on trying to keep the Cowboys in the game or that he threw an INT in a back and forth shootout due to not believing in the defense to do their part.

If this defense goes into the season talking about how tough they are, I expect them to step up to do their part and not fold in the playoffs. Or not point fingers at the offense for their poor play.
Simple question for all. Did the defense adjust and make stops in the second half after a disastrous first half including a pick 6 by Dak??? Not no, but, Hell no. When your down 27-10, you can't fold and give up a quick TD. Game over.


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The niners have a team of dawgs, we have a team of kitties…dallas is so mentally weak. The twam was imploding when they fell behind 14-0. They played like they were hungover…


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Because the players aren’t as good as SF, and the coaching is a joke compared to SF.

This team has no idea how to win big games. They barely know the rules. Guys don’t run out of bounds to stop a clock, or line up offsides over and over again…

Most penalized team in the league.

Risen Star

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The 49ers are a tougher team, mentally and physically, than the Cowboys. They prove that every time they play.


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Both the Cowboys and 49ers were playing at home. Both teams were down by multiple scores.

One roared back behind timely defensive stops and a few momentum changing plays. The other went out with a whimper.

What is the source of the contrast? Is it talent? Is it intestinal fortitude?

I'll say this, Shanahan looked like you could fry an egg on his forehead at the end of the 1st half. He was visibly perturbed. I wish I could hear his halftime speech because his players, his leaders like Deebo, came out with a chip on their shoulder in the 3rd quarter. Top, down they have something that is a completely foreign concept in Dallas - football character.

Cowboys need to spend all offseason dissecting what is preventing them from fighting back when they are put in a corner like the 49ers did last night.
To me....the Lions lost it more than the Niners won it. Going for it on 4th down instead of putting points on the board just puts the Niners in a deeper hole. IF Dallas was leading the Niners 24-3 at the half, I don't believe the Niners come back.