Why didn't the Cowboys fight back like the 49ers did?


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I started harping on the team's seemingly lack of grit after the Arizona debacle. To win, your team (really your franchise from top-to-bottom) must have it. San Francisco had it this season and for several years. Likewise with Kansas City.

Dallas does not have it. Dallas has tried-and-failed to attain it for nearly 30 years. Pizzazz and smack talk does not attain it. Intelligence and true inner drive wields it.
Ferguson has it. We need 10 more like him.

Reverend Conehead

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Both the Cowboys and 49ers were playing at home. Both teams were down by multiple scores.

One roared back behind timely defensive stops and a few momentum changing plays. The other went out with a whimper.

What is the source of the contrast? Is it talent? Is it intestinal fortitude?

I'll say this, Shanahan looked like you could fry an egg on his forehead at the end of the 1st half. He was visibly perturbed. I wish I could hear his halftime speech because his players, his leaders like Deebo, came out with a chip on their shoulder in the 3rd quarter. Top, down they have something that is a completely foreign concept in Dallas - football character.

Cowboys need to spend all offseason dissecting what is preventing them from fighting back when they are put in a corner like the 49ers did last night.
For one thing, the 49ers are simply a way better team. They're obviously a lot better coached, and were able to get focused. Their defense was able to get stops, and their offense didn't panic. It was able to get very focused and make plays. They also benefited from the opposing coach's stupidity. Dan Campbell does deserve some credit for building the Lions into a highly competitive team. However, his philosophy of "always be aggressive no matter what the context" hurts his team. He left 6 points (two field goals) on the field, then ended up losing by 3 points. A good coach knows, based on context, when to be aggressive and when to play it close to the vest. His "always aggressive" approach is reckless, and the 49ers made him pay for it. I can guarantee you that Coach Shanahan knew of Campbell's weakness and had a plan to exploit it.
The 49ers didn't let the Lions' lead rattle them. They had confidence that they're a good team that could fight its way back. We saw that in their game against the Packers as well. Many Cowboys players get visibly rattled; Dak's not the only one. That tells me that our coaching is not up to snuff. These very scenarios should be covered in training camp. No matter how good you get, you won't be able to just steamroll over everyone. The league has too much talent distributed with parity for that. It makes me wonder if the Cowboys started to believe the media hype when they were blowing lesser teams out in the regular season.


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For one thing, the 49ers are simply a way better team. They're obviously a lot better coached, and were able to get focused. Their defense was able to get stops, and their offense didn't panic. It was able to get very focused and make plays. They also benefited from the opposing coach's stupidity. Dan Campbell does deserve some credit for building the Lions into a highly competitive team. However, his philosophy of "always be aggressive no matter what the context" hurts his team. He left 6 points (two field goals) on the field, then ended up losing by 3 points. A good coach knows, based on context, when to be aggressive and when to play it close to the vest. His "always aggressive" approach is reckless, and the 49ers made him pay for it. I can guarantee you that Coach Shanahan knew of Campbell's weakness and had a plan to exploit it.
The 49ers didn't let the Lions' lead rattle them. They had confidence that they're a good team that could fight its way back. We saw that in their game against the Packers as well. Many Cowboys players get visibly rattled; Dak's not the only one. That tells me that our coaching is not up to snuff. These very scenarios should be covered in training camp. No matter how good you get, you won't be able to just steamroll over everyone. The league has too much talent distributed with parity for that. It makes me wonder if the Cowboys started to believe the media hype when they were blowing lesser teams out in the regular season.
Many of our fans get visibly and mentally ratted.

Blast From The Past

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When was the absolute last time anyone here remembers the Cowboys being ran over in the first half and came out and dominated the second half and won the friggin game? I ask this because I need my memory refreshed as to when it/if happened as I don't know right off the top of my head.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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We didn’t fight back because once we get punched in the mouth we give up. That’s been our MO all season. Our defense never had it from the opening kick off. Our best defensive player has only one sack and 4 QB hits in four career playoff games, while the 49ers best defensive player had 2 sacks and 4 QB hits yesterday. Their best players step up in big games and don’t quit. The bottom line, the Cowboys are soft.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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When was the absolute last time anyone here remembers the Cowboys being ran over in the first half and came out and dominated the second half and won the friggin game? I ask this because I need my memory refreshed as to when it/if happened as I don't know right off the top of my head.
Would have to be against Atlanta in 2020. The Cowboys were down 29-10 at the half and came back and won 40-39.


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49ers only won that game due to a stupid *** coach and player dropsies. They were done.

CT Dal Fan

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Coaching is my answer.

I've said this in the past, the Cowboys are the classic bully. They can beat up on who they know they can beat up on, and laugh all the way home. But once someone punches them in the mouth first, they run home with their tails between their legs.

And another part of it is this staff simply cannot adjust gameplans on the fly. Once things go off schedule, it snowballs and nobody knows how to stop it. Guess I used enough analogies so I'll stop.


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When was the absolute last time anyone here remembers the Cowboys being ran over in the first half and came out and dominated the second half and won the friggin game? I ask this because I need my memory refreshed as to when it/if happened as I don't know right off the top of my head.
Honestly probably the WC game in 2014 season against the Lions.

Defense surrendered TD on both of Detroit's first two drives. Got boat raced basically the entire first half until T Will's late TD in 2nd quarter. Then came out and ran train on them in 2nd half and won a hard fought victory.

Maybe it's happened since but if it did I don't remember it. And that was 9 years ago. If that tells you anything....


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Would have to be against Atlanta in 2020. The Cowboys were down 29-10 at the half and came back and won 40-39.
I forgot about this one but Dan Quinn was the HC for Atlanta that game.

So technically it doesn't count :laugh:

Blast From The Past

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Honestly probably the WC game in 2014 season against the Lions.

Defense surrendered TD on both of Detroit's first two drives. Got boat raced basically the entire first half until T Will's late TD in 2nd quarter. Then came out and ran train on them in 2nd half and won a hard fought victory.

Maybe it's happened since but if it did I don't remember it. And that was 9 years ago. If that tells you anything....
Thank you for that one as I vaguely remember that now as you have jogged my memory. But they are few of these stories to sadly be told.


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So how can we fix it? Is it even fixable?

It’s an organizational culture thing and you can’t change the root cause of it without changing the guys in charge. So it Feels like the best we will get is competitive football to keep the money flowing, and maybe get lucky with a game or 2 in the playoffs. But I don’t think you’ll see a mentality shifted that breeds hunger and championship.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Niners were down by 17. We were down by 27.

We have a QB who is a deer in the headlights. The team knew it. After Dak's first INT at the 20, everyone and their mom's knew the game was over. Same story ... same ending.
San Fran was down 17 at halftime. Dallas was down 20 at halftime. Not much difference, but we all knew the Cowboys were toast. Why?

For starters, we all know the 49ers are better than the Cowboys. They have made that clear 3 times in 3 years.

Putting it all on Dak is just giving everyone else a pass. No one deserves a pass for that pathetic performance.