Why do People Keep Saying that we have the Talent?


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Because you can’t have an All Pro at every position. We have talent. But you know what the problem is? Everyone else does too.
Got that right. The talent level in the NFL is more even than most other team sports. For instance, MLB. How many teams realistically, year after year, have a shot at a World Series title? Most every year, before the season, what teams are listed as the favorites? Yankees and Dodgers. Because in MLB you can buy your team, just pay 50 million or so in the luxury tax and buy the best players. Same in the NBA. If you're a really good player, some team will fork out ridiculous amounts of money and outbid the small market teams.

How else can a team in the NFL go from horrible to SB champs in a couple of years? Our Cowboys went from 1-15 to SB champs in 4 years. They did that because most NFL players are darn good, you've got literally thousands of college players culled down to a few hundred. Who did we hear all the time about when Dallas in the 90's was winning big? The Triplets, the triplets and the triplets. Add a few great players and the rest will fill in the gaps.

The difference is coaching for the most part. Some luck factors in, especially in injuries. Would the Packers have been able to run so well against us if LVE had stayed healthy? How about Sean Lee? How good would the o-line had been if Frederick hadn't gotten sick?

The more I watch the NFL the more I'm convinced having great players matters, but without the coaching, you're not winning SBs...


The Boognish
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You aren't even aware when you attempt to throw insults? Manalive, you might be a sociopath.

I have noticed that on these boards, when someone accuses others of whining they aren't all that mentally talented. I mean, you don't read a word that I say, you just type in the same trash, over and over and over. Respond to something I've said, and then I'll answer your question.

And why are you discussing my behavior in a thread about what sort of talent we have? How is that in any way relevant? You're weird, dude. Rethink this.
Whining is something someone does. You feel insulted and I understand that but it still is not an insult. Calling someone a sociopath is an insult. Nuance is tough.

You are still arguing what people said last year on thee basis of this year. You are doing all you can not to address it and throw out red herring. This is fun.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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We have made some attempts in draft to address these weaknesses on defense but have missed on early draft picks in recent years which could have shored up the middle of our defense.

Not to mention our obsession with drafting TE’s early in draft when we had greater needs.

And offensively we over evaluated our RB position which was probably biggest mistake and didn’t shore up OL.
This is the problem with the draft. You don't know if players are going to be a hit or miss. That's why you have to use free agency well. There's a balance to strike and the Cowboys have been out of balance with their philosophy of not paying much of outside FAs.


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True, but are we willing to bet the season on them?
I feel better about Tyron going into next year than I did going into this year. Tyler is very good. Despite the 1st Team All Pro, I thought Martin looked like he had dropped off a little. But still very good to Elite. Steele is something of a concern, but he doesn't lack work ethic. If we signed him in the face of a career limiting injury, that's a a colossal failure of the medical staff. Possible, but unlikely, IMO.
I feel better about the oline going into next season than I have in most years, and better about that position group than any but kicker.
Much more worried about run defense at DT. We stunk and we're losing two of our stinkers. On the bright side, shouldn't cost much to upgrade, but on the not so bright side, it's easy to make a bad call on free agents. And the call we made with a 1st round pick this year does not engender confidence.
DT is a much bigger risk for next year.


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I liked your comment but, honestly, I’m not sure if your post is supported by *other* comments.

I’m totally willing to join you on what you said above.

I just
It is. My comments have mostly to do with a ton of reading and studying. There is a ton of good info on this site alone if you know who to listen to.


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Your argument is confusing. So, you're saying the other positions outside the probowlers don't matter?
I'm saying no team has probowlers at EVERY POSITION not good players all around bro. Ymit was said the Ravens and 49ers have good players all over and I said NOT pro bowlers. That's my argument


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There's some talent. The problem is Jerry is the king of over rating and over valuing what's here and literally goes out of his way to keep them all every year. The whole 'we like our guys' routine is killing this team. Like there can't possibly be better players on the 31 other football teams? It's truly disgusting and moronic from a management standpoint. A general manager needs to be smarter than that.