Why Do So Many People Get Face Tattoos?

I'd love to see this question posed to an MS-13 inmate at Pelican Bay. Of course, that may feed into the OP's premise.

I almost got one across my neck many moons ago. Glad I didn't. Still, I don't cast aspersions at those folks that want to do to their body as they please (not directed at you, Tim, nor any in this thread). As long as my son isn't doing it (facial tattoos). ;)

I tattooed my initials on my arm with a compass and ink pen when I was in 3rd grade. My dad found out that evening. He tattooed me lol and made me wash out the ink with a wash cloth, soap n water.

The scar with my initials is still barely visible. Lesson learned, el jefe said no tattoos no tattoos ;)
I wanna see the an entire body covered in ink. Not one trace of skin. If people wanna be cool, then take the next step.
Um, huh?

So If I want tats on my body, I need to have them on my face, head, knuckles etc... otherwise I'm not "cool" in your eyes? Good riddance, then, hoss.
My 7th grade history teacher got a tat my accident. When he was young, some kid threw him a pencil and it stuck in his hand and made a mark that stayed there.
Beauty about the people who get tattoos...it's their money and they are not hurting anyone else by doing it.

I personally don't care for the majority of facial tattoos but it is not my money and it is not hurting me if someone else has one.

There have been some rare cases where I like them. I think the ones Kat Von D has on her face ( the stars by her hair line) look nice.

Also I would say if you are a tattoo artist it is a business that might help if you have some tattoos on your face instead of hurt like in most other professions.
Beauty about the people who get tattoos...it's their money and they are not hurting anyone else by doing it.

This for everything. Not just tattoos. Why people get so upset about what other people are doing when it has nothing to do with them or hurt them in any way.

***** get out!

People can do whatever they want. I don't have to understand it. (like the big rings in the ear lobs. That's crazy ****. You cannot undo that. What in hell where you thinking when you decided you wanted it?
Beauty about the people who get tattoos...it's their money and they are not hurting anyone else by doing it.

I personally don't care for the majority of facial tattoos but it is not my money and it is not hurting me if someone else has one.

There have been some rare cases where I like them. I think the ones Kat Von D has on her face ( the stars by her hair line) look nice.

Also I would say if you are a tattoo artist it is a business that might help if you have some tattoos on your face instead of hurt like in most other professions.

There's also such a thing as "permanent makeup" tats for women so that it looks like they're always wearing lipstick, eyeliner, rouge, etc. Kind of a cool idea, but that tat specialist had better be really good.
This for everything. Not just tattoos. Why people get so upset about what other people are doing when it has nothing to do with them or hurt them in any way.

***** get out!

People can do whatever they want. I don't have to understand it. (like the big rings in the ear lobs. That's crazy ****. You cannot undo that. What in hell where you thinking when you decided you wanted it?
Well... um... I had 3/4" plugs in my ears that have closed to very small holes. :)

I was a punker, wanted bad *** plugs, and went from no ear piercings, to a 14 gauge, to a double zero, to 5/8, to 3/4 in a couple months. My friend did it for me using a taper plug. Almost ripped one my earlobes going from double zero to 5/8, keloids, etc (you should have seen when he pierced our friend Tammy's belly button in my living room... poor Tammy LOL). Took them out when I went into the Army. Now it's all good. Healed, and no hanging flappies like you seem to imagine :)
Well... um... I had 3/4" plugs in my ears that have closed to very small holes. :)

I was a punker, wanted bad *** plugs, and went from no ear piercings, to a 14 gauge, to a double zero, to 5/8, to 3/4 in a couple months. My friend did it for me using a taper plug. Almost ripped my earlobe going from double zero to 3/4, keloids, etc. Took them out when I went into the Army. Now it's all good. Healed, and no hanging flappies like you seem to imagine :)

There are two very attractive ladies that work at my company. One is a web developer (she works in my department) and the other works in our customer service department.

The lady in CS still has hers. (she is in her low 20s) The other is about 35 and she had long since removed hers. One of her ears is ripped completely apart. (two flappies as you say) I never asked her what happen though. While both lades are very attractive. Their ears aren't attractive at all. That is a complete turnoff.
There are two very attractive ladies that work at my company. One is a web developer (she works in my department) and the other works in our customer service department.

The lady in CS still has hers. (she is in her low 20s) The other is about 35 and she had long since removed hers. One of her ears is ripped completely apart. I never asked her what happen though. While both lades are very attractive. Their ears aren't attractive at all. That is a complete turnoff.
Sounds like she had her lobe ripped and never sutured. Most people that get plugs, large ones, then remove them, experience vast shrinkage of the holes. If you do it right, and take your time "gauging up", several months of gauging up vs going from nothing to 3/4" in a few weeks, say, <cough> you can go back to having, virtually, regular pierced ear holes, maybe just a tad larger. My keloids have since desolved, but it took about 5 years. I used to be able to stick my whole thumb through my holes, now I can't fit the tip of my pinky in them. It's barely noticeable as they have formed into closed slits, rather than some gaping hole it seems you have impressed in your mind, Sam.

Don't confuse your coworker's ripped lobe to that of folks who remove their plugs and get most of their closing back.
Also had my lip, eye brow ridge, labret (area right below the bottom of your lip) pierced. It freaked out my then eventual wife's conservative Mexican family when I was introduced to them at 18 LOL Her dad loved it all, her mom would try to avoid me, but I won her over :)

My family just thought of it as a "phase" and didn't try to stop me. They were right, less than two years later all of it was out. Still, it was fun.
Yea, face tats I don't get.
I guess if you are a rapper/music sence, you don't aspire to ever be in a 8-5 job where you are clean cut/"clean" looking. But good luck getting a professional job with a face tat.

Other tats elsewhere can have some very cool meanings/stories attached to them.

I've thought about them in the past, but it's hard for me to pick the right one so to speak.
Always gave our friend a hard time(joking manner of course) for talking about getting a cool tat on his arm. Dude just gets the barbed wire tat. Never lived it down.
I try staying neutral on tattoos but one tattoo type that blows my mind is branding yourself with a significant other's name. Kids' names. Parents' names. Close friends' names. I am mostly okay with those but branding a spouse's or partner's name on your body seems like permanently labeling yourself as someone else's property. It would really get me if I saw the same on someone's face.
There are various reasons why people get tattoos but the facial ones are a bit puzzling but they are making a statement. And for whatever reason, that person needed that to make themselves feel better about themselves.

My wife had a small rose tattoo on the back of her shoulder to honor her favorite Great Aunt Rose, a real speakeasy piano player, and my daughter-in-law is having a combination Angel tattoo to honor her two favorite women, my wife and her Mom.

When tattoos first came in, I was a little put off by that and am not sure why. But that all changed when this biker came to one of our remote broadcasts in Boise in the mid 90's. He was about 6'4" 270 with a really rough look about him and he came up and asked for me. After I swallowed the lump in my throat and could speak, I stepped forward thinking "well, at least he went bravely' would be on my epitaph. He smiles this huge smile, extends his hand and says "thank you for having your morning people show up at our Vietnam Memorial, that was really great". After all of us let out our collective breath he hung out with us and I noticed these unusual tattoos on both of his arms, one was a car, there was a bowling pin, a boat and assorted other odd ones, almost like a bunch of Monopoly pieces. I counted 6.

He caught me looking at his tattoos and said "quite an assortment, isn't it". I nodded and he said "each one represents one of my friends, brothers, I lost in Vietnam, three were at the same time". He went on to explain that they were symbolic of each of his brother's interest so when he looked at them he just didn't think of them but what they were like and what they liked. Then the kicker "I am never without my brothers". That was how he honored them.

I had made snap judgement about this man based on the look of him. Oh Lord, when will these lessons stop and when will I really learn?

So, tattoos don't bother me at all, I don't care where they are. I don't think to myself 'why did they do that'? I think 'what does that mean to them'? I wouldn't do that but if that makes them feel better about themselves, go for it.
I gotta say though, that model that lost her sight because of having her eyeball tattooed purple was the bell ringer for me, school's out.
There are various reasons why people get tattoos but the facial ones are a bit puzzling but they are making a statement. And for whatever reason, that person needed that to make themselves feel better about themselves.

My wife had a small rose tattoo on the back of her shoulder to honor her favorite Great Aunt Rose, a real speakeasy piano player, and my daughter-in-law is having a combination Angel tattoo to honor her two favorite women, my wife and her Mom.

When tattoos first came in, I was a little put off by that and am not sure why. But that all changed when this biker came to one of our remote broadcasts in Boise in the mid 90's. He was about 6'4" 270 with a really rough look about him and he came up and asked for me. After I swallowed the lump in my throat and could speak, I stepped forward thinking "well, at least he went bravely' would be on my epitaph. He smiles this huge smile, extends his hand and says "thank you for having your morning people show up at our Vietnam Memorial, that was really great". After all of us let out our collective breath he hung out with us and I noticed these unusual tattoos on both of his arms, one was a car, there was a bowling pin, a boat and assorted other odd ones, almost like a bunch of Monopoly pieces. I counted 6.

He caught me looking at his tattoos and said "quite an assortment, isn't it". I nodded and he said "each one represents one of my friends, brothers, I lost in Vietnam, three were at the same time". He went on to explain that they were symbolic of each of his brother's interest so when he looked at them he just didn't think of them but what they were like and what they liked. Then the kicker "I am never without my brothers". That was how he honored them.

I had made snap judgement about this man based on the look of him. Oh Lord, when will these lessons stop and when will I really learn?

So, tattoos don't bother me at all, I don't care where they are. I don't think to myself 'why did they do that'? I think 'what does that mean to them'? I wouldn't do that but if that makes them feel better about themselves, go for it.
Love that story

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