Why do you need my birthday?

Lol.. Basically. My fender decided it wanted to try to fall off while I was in Corpus Christie. I needed to make it back home, so I duct taped it and hit the road back to Houston. lol
For some reason I always imagined you drove like a baby Hummer or something.
lol. yes. Now I understand what you said about too many emails. Must find a way to stop that.wth!!
If your talking about the emails from this site well that was driving me crazy as well, i resorted to updating it to a email account i don't use.
Well, I am at a loss. I've got over 200 posts and still no "like" button and would have to be Dolly Madison to make a thread.

Ya know Idgit was joking about me being the one they won't let stay and I'm wondering if he was joking?

I am going back out there in gen pop and putting "I know you are but what am I?" in every thread in every forum until I get my damned like button. I still may not use it, except for Londy because he's needy, but by golly, I want it!!

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