Why Do You Visit This Site?


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The line between what is and is not allowed will always be questioned by some users.

To this day, most users here have no idea why we push a family friendly focus on this site. Some think we are bible-toting zealots while others think we are easily offended. None of that is true nor has any impact on our policies and the enforcement of the policies here. Trust me, I've talked with several of the staff members and none of us fit that assumption.

The reason we draw the lines is because of the one-up mentality that dominates the internet. For example, if userA calls userB an idiot, what do you think userB is going to do? They are going to call userA something worse. Then userA will feel disrespected and call userB something even worse. Eventually, one of the users will go over the line and get benched and what is the first thing they say? The other guy called me this so why weren't they benched?

That is the reason we do not allow personal attacks here. It's never the first insult that's a problem. It just starts a cycle that will ultimately end up in one or more people getting their accounts suspended.

The policies here are designed to prevent accounts from being suspended, not punish people after the fact. Despite what some users think, no one on the staff likes being the bad guy and suspending users.

I appreciate not having to see f bombs and coarse language.


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I visit many team boards. I just love discussing football. I post mainly on the Eagles board during the season, but I like to visit other boards to see what's going on with the competition. You always run into a lot of homers on every board, but there are also plenty of fair/objective fans of other teams that I'm sure I could sit down and watch a game with and enjoy myself...despite being rival fans.


To The Moon
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@Risen Star is the Daniel Day-Lewis of CowboysZone. At first, you may want to hack him to bits and let him slide down a mountainside all bloody like some sort of last member of the Mohican Native American tribe but everyone eventually ends up simply wanting to bludgeoning him to death with a bowling pin. I mean, seriously. If that is not love, nothing is.
Either way, “There Will Be Blood”!


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It keeps me in the loop of all things Cowboys, there's knowledge, humor with just a touch of ignorance:) But all in all if you love the Cowboys you can find something here for you. I guess you could call it a zone of sorts... oh wait:)


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As do I.

Funny thing is, I cuss in real life. Hopefully not to a horrific extent, but I do. However, I just don't want to come on here and see a Fbomb fest, which is what it would quickly turn into if allowed.
can we ever forget the romo forum on the old one. the vitriol was toxic. and after all the anti romo faction were banned from posting, the pro romo faction turned on ithemelves like a pack of hungry wolves.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
To expand on my first post, proper moderation is key to any forum short and long term success.

Other places would get too hostile between posters and you can't tell me that it wasn't getting personal. It was either a lack of moderation or they had sides in the beef which just lead to constant thread derailing.

I'm on a specific vehicle site where the Admin/Mods sort of drifted off. One I could understand due to a family tragedy, but the majority just left and never got new ones. It's the wild west on there now, which definitely prevents a lot of new posters from sticking due to the **** talking. It's becoming a ghost town as OG owners either sell the truck or get tired of the stupidness.

CZ has a very good moderation. I don't see mods taking sides, or at least being obvious about it. They can get called out but respond without using mod powers etc. Any bad quarrel is shot down quickly before too much animosity usually forms.

Which is why I'm on here just about daily. Sooner than later I'll be a supporter cause I truly like how this place is run.

That and proper use of the subforums lol. They are run properly and the zoners know where to post stuff 90% of the time lol.
Well said :D


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I actually have morphed into coming here for my Cowboy news. I like the talk/banter too to a certain extent. I too can cuss at an expert level and at times want to use my considerable talent and experience, especially to certain "visitors" from other teams.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ever since @waldoputty started a thread on Monday about favorite posters, I have been thinking about what compels me to read, comment and follow this site?

Aside from the obvious, a life-long Cowboy fan, I think first and foremost, I am here for the in-depth knowledge of the Cowboys and the NFL. I played college football for a couple of years back in the Southwest Conference days and, despite being a student of the game (euphemism for not actually having the talent to be a starter), my understanding of the game has been greatly enriched by this site. I appreciate the tidbits of information from those that attend a game in-person, from the running commentary during the game and from those that provide a postmortem review. We may not always agree, but I certainly enjoy the diversity of opinion.

Which brings me to a second reason I continue with this site: by and large, most are reasonable respectful of other's opinion. A good debate is an art and many on this site are really good at expressing their opinions. Unfortunately, many have either lost the skill of honest discourse or, sadly, never developed it. All too often social media is characterized by a view that says, "not only am I right, but you're stupid for having a contrary opinion". While some of that occurs on this site, I have generally found that most are passionately polite. And, I have found that many self-moderate the discussion.

My third reason for returning time and again is that this site is well moderated. I like the clear definitions of unacceptable behavior and appreciate the mods' consistency in managing the site. I can't recall a situation where a thread was closed without thinking that it was well deserved.

Lastly, I return to this site because of the many "characters" that post -- by and large, I find this site incredible entertaining and that is directly a function of the humor and humaneness that many of you inject into the conversation.

Why do you frequent this site?
You pretty much nailed it for me. I agree with you, especially the characters around here.
I've been a player or coach most of my life, but I pretty much quit posting serious football talk. Too many arguments. I enjoy throwing a jab in there once in a while and just keep it light.


Quota outta absentia
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To be honest I really don't know, the way media is delivered it isn't necessary you can cull and consolidate all the news into apps and other ways over the internet. I guess I like to shake my head a lot at the posters here-especially millennial legend and the internet "group toughness circle-you-know-What". I still have questions on if certain long time posters are trolls or not.
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Well-Known Member
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Great site. Better Admin and Mods. Wish I had joined it sooner but the Jerry owned site served my initial purpose.

Actually I had joined this site initially 10 years prior under my old Gregtxsports original screen namebut only looked in.

I’d love to contribute financially but don’t use PayPal. I’m afraid to use online pay services. Does anyone take a check anymore? Lol
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Socializing with other Cowboys fans, who I share a passion with. Exchanging viewpoints, garnering new info...hell, even some of the ridiculous squabbles are fun!

I turn 66yo in a few days, am semi-retired (musician) and have been a fan since the beginning (1960).

While realizing that, in the grand scheme of things, football fandom isn’t of any great import...well, it’s FUN, d@mmit!

One thing that keeps me a fervent fan is the hope that our younger brethren, those too young to have shared the sublime satisfaction of a Cowboys’ SB win, will get to share a drink from the golden chalice one day soon. That will be SWEET!

Cheers to all you glorious b@stids...and GO COWBOYS!