Why Do You Visit This Site?


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But why... must admit it’s become quite an addiction like FB and others. Now that I’m retired I simply have more time to kill but most of all I love sharing my perspective and insight and the discussions they bring out. I often never imagine where they could lead as they spark or spur thoughts I hadn’t often incurred.


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As do I.

Funny thing is, I cuss in real life. Hopefully not to a horrific extent, but I do. However, I just don't want to come on here and see a Fbomb fest, which is what it would quickly turn into if allowed.

Like Facebook? I only have a page for my nom de plume, but I see fbomb after fbomb. I cuss in life. Ranch work and farm equipment dang near require it. Still, on here I use language I wouldn't mind my grandyoungins seeing.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I agree with your comments. Here are some of my reasons:

1. Content. The vast information possessed by this collective group is second to none.
2. Diversity of opinions.If everyone agreed this would be a boring place. Often the minority view actually ends up being the correct view.
3. Personalities. Some of you have one hell of a sense of humor.
4. Intelligence. Some of you have an incredible football IQ and I have learned a lot from some of you.
5. Train wrecks. Some posters here are like watching a train wreck. You know you shouldn't look but you cant help yourself. After you read their posts you feel dumber for having read their drivel.
6. Friendship. I feel like I have made some "friends" through this site, even though we don't meet and have a beer (which should probably happen).
7. Current information: This site gets you breaking news faster than anywhere else.
8. Behind the scenes information. You cant find that private, unknown stuff anywhere else.
9. Activity. You get pretty much instant feedback, regardless what side you are on. Its like throwing a pebble in a pool. You get instant ripples.
10. Spirited debate. Its healthy.
11. The Dez Fan Bois. It is funny to watch their ever changing excuses about Dez. Ha Ha Ha.
Mentally, I've given you two "likes"!


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I come here to dish out likes. There used to be a dislike button, and I disliked it. Now, there is only the like. I like it.

Oh, and the Twitter threads!


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Ever since @waldoputty started a thread on Monday about favorite posters, I have been thinking about what compels me to read, comment and follow this site?

Aside from the obvious, a life-long Cowboy fan, I think first and foremost, I am here for the in-depth knowledge of the Cowboys and the NFL. I played college football for a couple of years back in the Southwest Conference days and, despite being a student of the game (euphemism for not actually having the talent to be a starter), my understanding of the game has been greatly enriched by this site. I appreciate the tidbits of information from those that attend a game in-person, from the running commentary during the game and from those that provide a postmortem review. We may not always agree, but I certainly enjoy the diversity of opinion.

Which brings me to a second reason I continue with this site: by and large, most are reasonable respectful of other's opinion. A good debate is an art and many on this site are really good at expressing their opinions. Unfortunately, many have either lost the skill of honest discourse or, sadly, never developed it. All too often social media is characterized by a view that says, "not only am I right, but you're stupid for having a contrary opinion". While some of that occurs on this site, I have generally found that most are passionately polite. And, I have found that many self-moderate the discussion.

My third reason for returning time and again is that this site is well moderated. I like the clear definitions of unacceptable behavior and appreciate the mods' consistency in managing the site. I can't recall a situation where a thread was closed without thinking that it was well deserved.

Lastly, I return to this site because of the many "characters" that post -- by and large, I find this site incredible entertaining and that is directly a function of the humor and humaneness that many of you inject into the conversation.

Why do you frequent this site?
I played football in school, but really did not have an understanding of anything beyond what the coach wanted me to do...which was get after the QB. That was it. When the linebacker called the defense, I had no idea what he was talking about. All I knew was when the ball was snapped, as a lineman, I was expected to go get the ball-carrier. That was it.

My father had me lifting weights from a very young age so I was stronger than most in my class. As a result, I was placed on the defensive line, usually at Nose Tackle. At the time, I couldn't even tell you the names of the other positions people played.

After grade school, I went into the army and took a hiatus from Cowboys football at a perfect time. From about 1997 to around 2004, I'd catch the occasional game, but the Cowboys were terrible during those years so I barely paid attention. By that point, I had a much better understanding of what was happening and the names of the various positions through my addiction to Madden.

In 2004, Jerry did something unprecedented in his career; he ceded control (or, at least, more control than he was accustomed to) of the franchise to one Bill Parcell's. When that happened, my interest were clearly perked and I dove back in to my love for football. I frequented a variety of blogs including this one. Back before 2008 something happened that deleted my original profile, though, I'm not sure what.

But, like you, the vast majority of my deeper understanding of football comes from blogs like this one here.


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I started coming here because the old Dallas board closed shop. Why do I come here? To express my thoughts on the Dallas Cowboys. To hang out in with like minded, and different minded. There isn't single fan within 50 miles of where I live that I know of. I think they ran the last Cowboy fan outta town or lynched him so I hide my Cowboy loyalty. JK! Hard to talk Cowboys with anyone in my neighborhood or even in sports bars. It's Lions, Bills and Packers around hear



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  • Cause I love the cowboys
  • The site is well ran/moderated
  • The look is clean and it’s easy to navigate
  • I like the posters here both long time and new ones
  • Made some acquaintances and some friends here
  • The knowledge you get from just reading posts is incredible. When I talk or discuss the cowboys with casual football friends, they seem clueless. They don’t know things like RPO, or 1 tech can’t 3 tech. They can’t even name like 10 players on offense or defense. They don’t know what guys are getting paid or what PFF is ect........
Finally, the emojis are kinda cool. :dance::dance::dance:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
  • Cause I love the cowboys
  • The site is well ran/moderated
  • The look is clean and it’s easy to navigate
  • I like the posters here both long time and new ones
  • Made some acquaintances and some friends here
  • The knowledge you get from just reading posts is incredible. When I talk or discuss the cowboys with casual football friends, they seem clueless. They don’t know things like RPO, or 1 tech can’t 3 tech. They can’t even name like 10 players on offense or defense. They don’t know what guys are getting paid or what PFF is ect........
Finally, the emojis are kinda cool. :dance::dance::dance:
.. and the site is SUPER FAST even during heavy game day meltdowns :D


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Habit. Honestly I come here for maybe 5 minutes a day in the offseason. Most my time on here is during and after games and mostly to vent if we lose.


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I come here for many reasons..
To vent or celebrate depending on the outcome of the game, as well as be a ear to those that want to vent as well. Sometimes as difficult as some of the games are this helps.
To talk shop whether it be about cars, video games, etc or just in general life.
It is a very large loose nit family and quite honestly one the best sites{football or not}I have ever seen.