Why dont DB's turn around and look for ball?

Deep_Freeze said:
Well, the disadvantage of bumping by the DB is not only getting beat on the bump, but you are even with the WR after the bump.

In normal coverages, the DB has a cushion to work with. As soon as you bump, there is no cushion, and if that WR is faster or more physical than the CB.......toast. This is why Irvin liked it.

all that's true, but again, bumping is to disrupt the time the WR has to get into his route, which aids the pass-rush, and in turn, the CB, so he's not covering for an extended amount of time, it's a risk, but one well worth taking
summerisfunner said:
it's not that hard, bumping is to disrupt the timing of the WR getting into his route, anyway you get in front of them, disrupts that timing, even if the WR stalls for a second, that's a second more your pass-rush has to get to the QB, and most lethal pass-rushing teams only need about 3 or 4 seconds, which we aren't at that level yet, so it would be even more imperative to bump the Wr, no matter his size, once he gets off the line

I find you to be a very reasonable poster, but I disagree with you on this one. It is more difficult to bump when it is a big WR on a smaller CB. The reason is that the if there is some solid contact the smaller guy is the one more likely left off balance and trying to recover. Accordingly, while it may throw the WR a little off the route, it may also get him open much quicker as the smaller DB fights to recover from the contact.
summerisfunner said:
all that's true, but again, bumping is to disrupt the time the WR has to get into his route, which aids the pass-rush, and in turn, the CB, so he's not covering for an extended amount of time, it's a risk, but one well worth taking

Agreed, if you are bump and running, you better get to the QB, quick. A bump and run blitz works really well against a immobile QB (like Bledsoe). But when you try it on us this year, TO loves bump and run cause he is built like Hercules.

Bump and run has its advantages, especially if you can get safety help over the top of it. The WR just has to find that gap between the CB and the safety.
Stautner said:
I find you to be a very reasonable poster, but I disagree with you on this one. It is more difficult to bump when it is a big WR on a smaller CB. The reason is that the if there is some solid contact the smaller guy is the one more likely left off balance and trying to recover. Accordingly, while it may throw the WR a little off the route, it may also get him open much quicker as the smaller DB fights to recover from the contact.

guess we'll agree to disagree on this one
summerisfunner said:
guess we'll agree to disagree on this one

That's fine.

Just to clarify though, I'm not at all saying that a smaller DB can't jam a WR, or that he shouldn't, just that there can be problems that are less likely with a bigger CB. Just as a smaller defender can bounce off a bigger RB, the same applies at WR. In that case the defender had better make sure his tackling form is flawless or he will miss the tackle - less room for error. Same with jammig a bigger guy - it can be done, but there is less room for error.
summerisfunner said:
guess we'll agree to disagree on this one

summer, if the smaller CB is thrown off by the bigger WR, then he is either even or behind the WR. The big WR can use his body to make the catch.

It is very hard to bump TO for this reason. He can throw the small CB aside, and catch a pass before the safety can get there, even if it is a blitz. You say that the pass rush can get there in 3-4 secs. TO can throw that CB in 2 secs or less, and be off and running in 3-4 seconds to a TD.
I agree with what Staunter is saying, just that I think it would be a good idea if our DBs would attempt to bump the WR at the line, and besides, Henry is a big CB and being physical with big Wrs is the reason we brought him in, and Newman is no slouch in terms of strength
summerisfunner said:
I agree with what Staunter is saying, just that I think it would be a good idea if our DBs would attempt to bump the WR at the line, and besides, Henry is a big CB and being physical with big Wrs is the reason we brought him in, and Newman is no slouch in terms of strength

Absolutely Henry is big enough. I recall some fans being upset that we took Henry over some other available FA's, but the idea was that he was bigger and more physical. We need to take advantage of that.
summerisfunner said:
I agree with what Staunter is saying, just that I think it would be a good idea if our DBs would attempt to bump the WR at the line, and besides, Henry is a big CB and being physical with big Wrs is the reason we brought him in, and Newman is no slouch in terms of strength

Well, me and him are saying the same thing, lol.

I was talking in general terms, not talking specifically our CBs. Yes, I could see Henry bumping and running, although I really don't want Newman to do it much. He is fast enough to stay with the WR, and just keep a little cushion so he can jump a route if he sees it. Rather not see Glenn touch anyone, lol.
summerisfunner said:
:laugh2: :starspin

I would love to see AGlenn try to bump TO in practice a few times (if he can last that long). I would need some popcorn for that....Glenn might look like a rag doll.

One thing that is always said about WRs is you can't simulate the speed and power of _______(whoever). Well, with TO, our CBs see the best everyday. They should get plenty of practice.
Deep_Freeze said:
I would love to see AGlenn try to bump TO in practice a few times (if he can last that long). I would need some popcorn for that....Glenn might look like a rag doll.

One thing that is always said about WRs is you can't simulate the speed and power of _______(whoever). Well, with TO, our CBs see the best everyday. They should get plenty of practice.

That is why CB tend to play certain WR differently. There are guys in this league who will eat your lunch if you try to get physical with them.
Stautner said:
I would say more, but I'm afraid you might pout and take your ball and go home.

Thats funny... plenty more was posted and others wanted more...
:tongue: :nana::yousuck:
Stautner said:
Then contribute to the dialog.

Discussion has to be two sided - once it gets down to one side providing a reasonable point of view that no one disputes, what is there to discuss?

As it stands there have been very clear and reasonable answers given to the question posed - perhaps there is nothing left to say.

Unless you have something to add......

I must say for a seemingly intelligent person you do seem to have a reading deficiency. I did contrubute dialog by asking for more input be contributed to the thread. That was my opinion. If that differed from yours, well live with it.

Where as you posted an opinion and then had the audacity to conclude that the thread had reached a conclusion. How audacious of you!

I do hate to burst your bubble Sir but you do not have the last word or the authority to close dialog in any thread that is posted or that will be posted on this board.

I would strongly recommend you climb down off your pompus high horse and try a less audacious approach when posting.
Originally Posted by Stautner
Then contribute to the dialog.

Discussion has to be two sided - once it gets down to one side providing a reasonable point of view that no one disputes, what is there to discuss?

As it stands there have been very clear and reasonable answers given to the question posed - perhaps there is nothing left to say.

Unless you have something to add......

Cbz40 said:
I must say for a seemingly intelligent person you do seem to have a reading deficiency. I did contrubute dialog by asking for more input be contributed to the thread. That was my opinion. If that differed from yours, well live with it.

Where as you posted an opinion and then had the audacity to conclude that the thread had reached a conclusion. How audacious of you!

I do hate to burst your bubble Sir but you do not have the last word or the authority to close dialog in any thread that is posted or that will be posted on this board.

I would strongly recommend you climb down off your pompus high horse and try a less audacious approach when posting.

The Audacity of some people... LOL
Cbz40 said:
I must say for a seemingly intelligent person you do seem to have a reading deficiency. I did contrubute dialog by asking for more input be contributed to the thread. That was my opinion. If that differed from yours, well live with it.

Where as you posted an opinion and then had the audacity to conclude that the thread had reached a conclusion. How audacious of you!

I do hate to burst your bubble Sir but you do not have the last word or the authority to close dialog in any thread that is posted or that will be posted on this board.

I would strongly recommend you climb down off your pompus high horse and try a less audacious approach when posting.

You actually think you contributed to the dialogue by asking OTHERS to write?

Even if you do, there was another poster who did the same thing a few messages earlier, so it wasn't even an original thought with you.

The posters have the last word - get off your high horse. Audacity is telling posters they need to write even more after several have already taken a lot of time and effort to cover the topic thorougly. ESPECIALLY when you don't even offer an explaination for why additional discussion is needed.

"Contributing" would have been if you had indicated there was any reason for additional discussion or if you had asked a question - otherwise your statement is arbitrary and in no way "contributes to the dialogue".

In essence, you indicated that the several posters that had already covered the topic didn't cover the topic adequately ..... otherwise why would you think more needed to be said?


Contribute..........I typed for an hour on a post in this trend that was ignored. Sometimes people are just tired and just want to lurk and read.
summerisfunner said:
it's not that hard, bumping is to disrupt the timing of the WR getting into his route, anyway you get in front of them, disrupts that timing, even if the WR stalls for a second, that's a second more your pass-rush has to get to the QB, and most lethal pass-rushing teams only need about 3 or 4 seconds, which we aren't at that level yet, so it would be even more imperative to bump the Wr, no matter his size, once he gets off the line

How can you say it's not that hard? When have you ever done it? It's as they already said, if you're trying to bump a guy 30 pounds heavier than you, you'll be the one who gets slowed down, not him. The QB is going to throw the ball at the same time anyway, if he sees the receivers a step behind he can either put a bit more air under it, or just throw it anyway and hope the receiver makes the catch. And then if he does, because you've lost that step or two trying to make a know it all fan happy, your receiver catches the ball in stride and doesn't have to even slow down on his way to the endzone.

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