Why dont DB's turn around and look for ball?

Stautner said:
You actually think you contributed to the dialogue by asking OTHERS to write?

Even if you do, there was another poster who did the same thing a few messages earlier, so it wasn't even an original thought with you.

The posters have the last word - get off your high horse. Audacity is telling posters they need to write even more after several have already taken a lot of time and effort to cover the topic thorougly. ESPECIALLY when you don't even offer an explaination for why additional discussion is needed.

"Contributing" would have been if you had indicated there was any reason for additional discussion or if you had asked a question - otherwise your statement is arbitrary and in no way "contributes to the dialogue".

In essence, you indicated that the several posters that had already covered the topic didn't cover the topic adequately ..... otherwise why would you think more needed to be said?

I think you're misunderstanding cbz.

He sincerely wanted to read more on the subject, as he found it interesting and informative.

He's quite possibly the best person on the board ... thoughtful, kind, respectful. A true gentleman.

I realize you're new here and don't know who's who.
Chief said:
I realize you're new here and don't know who's who.

Who's who...I like Cbz too but I think the guys answered the original poster pretty clearly and until somebody can step up and make a real point that's not just whining about not having every play go your way, then leave it be..
The best DBs cover the receiver as closely as they can, and keep their eyes on the receivers' eyes. They also stay aware of their hands. As soon as their eyes look toward the same spot their hands are moving to, the DB puts his hands between the receiver's hands, & turn their heads toward the LOS, so they can get a peek at the ball. That way, they can either swat it away, or get an int. Either way, they won't get a interference penalty. If you put your hands in between the receiver's hands, there is NO WAY he is going to catch the ball. Unless you tip it, fall down, and the ball lands into his hands. Then you're SOL...haha.
baj1dallas said:
How can you say it's not that hard? When have you ever done it? It's as they already said, if you're trying to bump a guy 30 pounds heavier than you, you'll be the one who gets slowed down, not him. The QB is going to throw the ball at the same time anyway, if he sees the receivers a step behind he can either put a bit more air under it, or just throw it anyway and hope the receiver makes the catch. And then if he does, because you've lost that step or two trying to make a know it all fan happy, your receiver catches the ball in stride and doesn't have to even slow down on his way to the endzone.

you're late
Chief said:
I think you're misunderstanding cbz.

He sincerely wanted to read more on the subject, as he found it interesting and informative.
He's quite possibly the best person on the board ... thoughtful, kind, respectful. A true gentleman.

I realize you're new here and don't know who's who.

Actually I did want to hear more input on the subject along with a little moderating at the same time.

Thanks for the kind words Sir they are appreciated. ;)
Stautner said:
You actually think you contributed to the dialogue by asking OTHERS to write?

Even if you do, there was another poster who did the same thing a few messages earlier, so it wasn't even an original thought with you.

The posters have the last word - get off your high horse. Audacity is telling posters they need to write even more after several have already taken a lot of time and effort to cover the topic thorougly. ESPECIALLY when you don't even offer an explaination for why additional discussion is needed.

"Contributing" would have been if you had indicated there was any reason for additional discussion or if you had asked a question - otherwise your statement is arbitrary and in no way "contributes to the dialogue".

In essence, you indicated that the several posters that had already covered the topic didn't cover the topic adequately ..... otherwise why would you think more needed to be said?

You and I Sir will continue this conversation via PM.

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