Why I think Terell Owens will be a Cowboy.

Alexander said:
Any GM that signs him will be dealing with the dreaded "loyalty" clause which first came to be when Carl Pickens was being a problem in Cincinnati. I don't know the rules in terms of that as far as the NFLPA is concerned, but I am sure that the team that signs him (and someone will) shall at least attempt to wade into that pool.

That is nice in terms of romance concerning your favorite football team, but I wonder exactly how much many fellows such as yourself would be willing to follow through on it.

If we signed Owens, I would not like it. But I would trust that Coach Parcells knew what he was doing.

You call call me cheap, but I look at Owens like I would a high priced call girl with a impressive body and an attitude. The moral side says no way, but the goods are hard to resist as you dole out the cash. I might hate myself in the morning, but I would have a good time before that.
I guess in both cases you'd be f***ed!
TO is a superb athelete.

TO is a supreme cancer in any organization.

TO would have to be sign to incentive laden deals that entice him to behave.

I do not think TO can behave himself. He has no self control.

TO is not worth the baggage he brings.
Why I don't think Terrill Owens will be a Cowboy:

Simple really. Hell has not yet frozen over.



This thread should be entitled "Why I think Yakuza Rich will throw up all over his shoes...."

BHendri5 said:
I do not care what it isad about T.O., if we were to sign him and I hope we do. I'll root for him as I do everyone else. I have been a Cowboys fan for 40yrs now and just because they sign a malcontent (by the media standards) I will still root for him. He has the talent to help this team even more. So he officially is on my wish list.

anyone that all of a sudden decides not to watch the team because of the signing was just a bandwagon person in the first place.

He is or was the best WR in the league, I'll take him all day long, attitude and all.
Satan just called...he wants to buy your soul too....
JDSmith said:
You can consider it a juvenile perspective, but that probably means you just don't understand it. There are certain people that I simply will not root for, even if they are signed by my favorite team. Someone like Deion doesn't fall into that group because he's always been a team player and his teammates love him - and have throughout his career in both baseball and football. Owens' teammates hate him. He is everything that's wrong in today's sporting world. I can not root for him. There is nothing juvenile about it. Maybe you are searching for another word.

If one player doesn't make the team then why on earth would you not root for a team that you like based on them signing one player. I could understand if he was convicted of some crime that went against your moral values or something, but he can easily be compared to Key and his attitude. I think this is just a knee jerk reaction from a fan who will come to his sensed later on.
silverbear said:
Some folks have no self-respect, and those are the guys screaming for us to go out and sign TO...

Great statement. It is also the folks who have thrived on the mess TO has started in Philly, hoping upon hope it brings the team to it's demise. Yet, to my surprise, they want him here.

It truly isn't a piece of laundry to most, myself included. The star incident should have a very reverberating effect on all who witnessed it. The star is the Dallas Cowboys. This was his PG-14 version of dropping his pants on national television. TO found a way to tell us all "kiss my arse". For those that want him here.....pucker up and bring the chapstick 'cause you'll be needing it.

Someone posted that TO is all that is wrong about sports. I could not agree more.
T.O. would be a big plus in Dallas... when he gets here and start getting touchdowns, fans going to forget what happen with T.O. in the past..
bsheeern said:
If one player doesn't make the team then why on earth would you not root for a team that you like based on them signing one player. I could understand if he was convicted of some crime that went against your moral values or something, but he can easily be compared to Key and his attitude. I think this is just a knee jerk reaction from a fan who will come to his sensed later on.

He would destroy the team concept. He has undermined whatever team he's been on, and has created discord and strife for everyone. For all his talent, two seperate teams couldn't wait to get rid of him. The scary thing is, he's gotten worse. At least the Niners were able to trade him, the Eagles got to the point midseason that they have to ask him to stay home. And it's not the coaching staff who wants him to stay home, as Keyshawn's situation in TB was (where he was feuding with one person, Gruden). It's the entire team, coaching staff and ownership. He's begging to come back and they want nothing to do with him, to the point that they'll pay him his full salary to sit home. I won't watch him destroy the team, I'd rather just do something else with my Sundays. Luckily, he's not coming here. Parcells is not a stupid man, and he'd have to be a complete idiot to bring in the one guy virtually guaranteed to undo everything he's built while here. We have a team of high character guys who will do anything asked to win together. TO represents exactly the opposite of the guys Parcells has been so careful to draft and sign. He doesn't care about winning, he only cares about TO - he's never been about anything else. And before you go on about how great he was to play in the Superbowl, that was all about TO as well. He just wanted to put himself on the biggest stage, and make himself the center of the universe. Even after they lost the game, instead of being upset or angry all TO could talk about was the fact that he came back when nobody said he could. It's as if he didn't even know they lost, he was so busy talking about himself that he probably didn't notice the score. If he was on the team I wouldn't watch. It's not a knee jerk reaction, I don't do that. Anyone here who's read my posts for years knows I'm not one of the over-reactionary crowd. But I can't bring myself to root for Owens and never will, not in any capacity. Whether the people here think I'm lying about it, or deluded, or that it makes me something less than a true fan is irrelevent to me.
Compacity said:
T.O. would be a big plus in Dallas... when he gets here and start getting touchdowns, fans going to forget what happen with T.O. in the past..

Wait long enough and he will then remind everyone what he did.
This sign looks as if it belongs in Minnesota.

Humm............ Minnesota..............


Why? There's no stripper included. :)

jumanji said:
your question is why you think to will become a cowboy? the answer....you're an idiot...that's why :)

no offense, but its not happening.
Ah, the stink of self-righteousness. Stinky, ain't it.
I hate T.O. I dispise T.O. I have even advocated Roy Williams giving him "the business" on this board somewhere. That being said he is a dominant player with not much shelf life left. He has no more than 2 or 3 years of "prime" left.

The original poster got blasted for offering reasons why it might happen. His reasons are reasonable, if not necessarily likely.

Many thought that Keyshawn was a cancer before he came here but he has proven to be a real asset. it is possible, that Owens would be the same way. (I doubt it, but it's possible).

The one thing that leads me to think that T.O. might do OK here is I personally believe he is PURPOSEFULLY antogonizing Philly to get out due to monetary issues. Philly called his bluff, which they had the right to do (and I applaud them for it). The trouble is when you are a superstar, the superstar really holds the cards, not management, so long as the player is able to take the financial hit in the short term for jerking the team around.

T.O. is going to be a headache for most any team that picks him up, but he will undoubtably be less of a headache to that team than Philly who he is intentionally agitating.
deadrody said:
Ah, the stink of self-righteousness. Stinky, ain't it.
Yeah maybe, but even smellier is the stink of regret. Just ask Andy Reid and Donovan McNabb.

We have a corps of fine young players who are also fine young men, drafted on intelligence, leadership, and responsibility as well as ability to run and catch. Julius Jones, Jason Witten, Terence Newman, Rob Petitti, Roy Williams, Patrick Crayton, and the rest...all of them accountable individuals on which you can build a team that plays like one. Certainly they are not so impressionable that a joke like Terell Owens is going to influence them, but why even make them suffer the 'tude, the strutting, the potential for a meltdown, and even a fistfight.

Last year we rid ourselves of a young receiver with potential who was too selfish to fit in..one drafted a Cowboy...to bring in an aging egomaniac now makes little sense.

We have young stars like JJ who publically proclaim they don't mind sharing the ball with MBIII and TT, vet receivers who refuse to compete with each other for touches, defensive players the quality of Glover and Ellis and Dat who not just got with the rotation program, but are embracing it. We have LA tutoring Tucker, and Marco, Rob. We have Aaron Glenn taking Tnew under his wing.

This team is demonstrating, man to man, more unselfishness than I can remember on any team. And they aren't just paying lip service to 'team', they are living it. This didn't happen overnight - it's taken Bill and Jerry three years now to create the right mix.

It's too good a chemistry to fool with. Folks can and do change, but Owens has done nothing to merit the benefit of the doubt. I don't wanna see this guy within 500 miles of Valley Ranch...not out of self rightousness but out of love of the players we already have.

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