Why I think Terell Owens will be a Cowboy.

Alexander said:
I have no doubt that most of them don't and are probably glad to see him go. That is not the issue. This idea of a "Survivor Tribal Council" where they took a vote is what I question.

It was reported, as I said. If you choose not to believe it, fine. Then it never happened.
I Officially Want Nothing To Do With To Wearing A Dallas Uniform.
Alexander said:
Is this a fact?

If so, could you provide a link, because this is the first I have heard about the Philadelphia Eagles' version of Tribal Council.

Sorry, couldn't resist:

This guy has made it abundantly clear he's all about the money. But even a dumb*** like TO has to grasp that he's not going to get the contract he's been fishing for with the Eagles. So if he's this unhappy with what he's getting now, how likely is it that he will be thrilled for the inevitably much smaller deal he'll be offered after the season? I'd say slim to none and slim just left town. And no matter how he starts off with his new team it's just a matter of time before he stabs his new QB in the back like he did Garcia and McNabb. Pass.
JDSmith said:
It was reported, as I said. If you choose not to believe it, fine. Then it never happened.

Sorry you have a problem with me questioning you. No need to get defensive.

You suggested there was a player's "vote". And nobody can verify that. Just some off the cuff comments that "players wanted him gone". Well of course many of the players wanted him gone. That does nothing to validate that there was a "vote", which Reid's comments also deny.
Our image the last few years was to get away from the Drug using America's Team image of the mid-90's. Yet where has that gotten us? A few playoff appearances and exits. There are other players in the league who have had legal problems (Jamal Lewis, Sean Taylor and Ray Lewis) who havent been critcized and even though it was legal it wasnt blown out of proportion. TO is a bad teammate, plain and simple. But would you cheer for him if he was straightened out like his first few years in the league.
IMO we wont sign him, but if for some reason he is traded/signed by us it will be because BP wants to win and a 1 year deal worth plenty of money in bonuses wouldnt be out of the question. The Eagles wont trade him to us just because BP has the ability to control him. And if he couldnt we would cut him. So, we wont trade for him because we would be losing someone or a DP. We would have to sign him and I think Dallas is somewhere TO wants to go because we are improving. He would make our offseason. IMO if you stop because you hate TO, doesnt that make you a bandwagoner? Anyways, this is an idea that BP wanted us to consider and there is a small chance we will sign him, but we wont trade for him.
Richmond Cowboy said:
Sorry, couldn't resist:




That is what I envisioned too when it was mentioned this "vote" took place. One by one, the Eagles players marching to drop their piece of parchment with T.O. scrawled on it and then Andy Reid saying "T.O., the tribe has spoken."
Alexander said:
Sorry you have a problem with me questioning you. No need to get defensive.

You suggested there was a player's "vote". And nobody can verify that. Just some off the cuff comments that "players wanted him gone". Well of course many of the players wanted him gone. That does nothing to validate that there was a "vote", which Reid's comments also deny.

Actually one other person did verify that Sal Pal reported it. The fact that Reid denied it means nothing, head coaches lie to the media all the time. You think Reid always tells the media the truth? Also, if it hadn't been reported why were they asking Reid about it?
JDSmith said:
Actually one other person did verify that Sal Pal reported it. The fact that Reid denied it means nothing, head coaches lie to the media all the time. You think Reid always tells the media the truth? Also, if it hadn't been reported why were they asking Reid about it?

And you think the media knows the truth? That might be a first.

The media can also twist and spin nearly anything to make it seem more dramatic.

What is more juicy?

Joe Banner, Andy Reid and Jeffrey Lurie sitting in a room and deciding to suspend Owens?

Or a player's "vote" conducted by torchlight and then the results are then taken to management which then uses that to make their decision?

Owens is the one who needs to lie. I really don't see how lying about this would serve the organization's purpose. Because if it were true, I don't think anyone would fault them for listening to their players.
I also heard a report about a team vote (on ESPN) but then Reid denied that it happened or at least that that was not what influenced the decision, which he made alone.
Wolverine said:
This will be a long post so I hope you read it. I have no proof Owens will be a Cowboy. This is all just my opinion and thoughts. Go ahead and read around and you will see this is MY thinking.

I know we could pass on T.O. His behavior could be one of TWO reasons we do not get him. The other reason could be that Philly will trade him for nothing to make sure T.O. never becomes a Cowboy.

First, we know nothing about what the off season brings, but unless Philly outright releases T.O. there will be no play for Owens unless someone will take over the contract.

Well first take a look at this post Woodys Girl put up.

Read real close what a few Cowboy players and Parcells said. I guess you can get what you want from it but to me I think they are being very careful what the say. And IMO for one reason. They all know we are gonna make a big move for T.O.

Think about this.

Unfortunately the URL is no longer valid. Not your fault. Please give us the Cole's Notes version of the thread.

Parcells is near the end of his contract. My guess is he extends it another 2 years and then calls it quits for good. He would love to go out winning 1 or 2 more Super Bowl. Terell Owens is the one player that can give this team such a big impact player that it would make us into Super Bowl contenders right away.

There are others who may be available that could possibly push this team over the top in both free agency and the draft. I would put OL has the higher priority need before WR and believe that more protection and better run blocking could be the key to more bowls.

Look. We fix our biggest weakness the OL and that can be done. We get T.O. and now we have one of the best 3 WRs in the game. He will give us a huge WR that is a very dangerous deep threat. A WR that can take any catch to the house at any time.

You said it best when you stated what was our biggest need. 3 wrs in Key, T.O and Glenn would leave Witten and Crayton fighting for touches also. It would mean a serious imbalance in our offence. One I don't think anuone including Parcells could fix.

He will open up our running game. He will open up our other WRs to.

Like what Irvin said or not....we do not have a real #1 WR. We have a bunch of #2 WRs.

Glenn and Keyshawn do not give DCs nights where they can not go to sleep. Terell Owens does.

I will grant you the comment that T.O.'s talent does have to be considered, but Terry Glenn can be a problem for some also. What makes a WR good is not only his individual talent, but the fact that an opposing team has to consider the other players on his side. The balance. It's what made the offence of the early 90's so good. If it wasn't Irvin or Smith, then it was Novacek or Johnson.

If Owens goes to the Cowboys I think he will behave good. And for 2 reasons

1. Parcells might be the only coach who can control him and that Owens would respect.

There has been nothing in T.O.'s past that has shown me that he's about nothing less than himself. Parcells couldn't controll Ross, Carter or Davis for that matter. What makes anyone think T.O. is going to be any different for Bill than Andy Reid or Steve Mariucci? T.O.'s humility isn't at that stage yet.

2. I do not think Owens would wanna do something to let Michael Irvin down. Oh yeah I know it sounds silly here but who is one of the few people who is defending Owens. It is Irvin. If Irvin tells him to go to Dallas and I bet he does then I think Owens will do good here and behave.

There has been nothing over the past three years that shows me that Irvin has any influence over how BP or Jones thinks to feed the theory that T.O. would be welcomed here if he came.

Also. Dont think Parcells does not see what a hard worker Owens is. I can guarentee you BP saw the super hard work Owens put in just to make it back to the Super Bowl. You can bet things like that could make him a Parcells Guy!

Last I heard a Parcells guy was a hard working veteran who had proved his stripes while working for him in some other capacity or team. More often than not this was a vet brought in to teach the ropes to younger players. Is this your present opinion of T.O.??? He's far from a Parcells guy in my opinion.

Yeah T.O. wants money but he also wants to win. He also wants to win Super Bowls. Dont fool yourself.

This guy is all about the money. Before the season started how could he know that the Eagles were not going to go back to the big dance? All media pundits were giving the Eagles as good a chance as anybody. T.O.'s issues began in the off season becasue he was more about himself and less about the team. he couldn't live with the fact there were other shining stars on the team other than him. You don't have to look any further than McNabb to see where the envy was targeted.

I also think Owens would like to be here for some reasons.

1. He sees this team is on the up and he could be a big part in it winning Super Bowls.

Can say the same for Indy, Giants, Cincy, SD, Seattle, Atlanta or a number of teams in this post salary cap era.

2. He hates the Eagles and their fans. What better way to get back at them then to be a Cowboy and win Super Bowls as a Cowboy. And get to taunt them 2 times a year. Oh believe me....Owens knows being a Cowboy would p*ss off Eagle fans more then going to any other team.

Same applies for going to the Skins or the Giants.

We seriously are a big play WR and improved OL away from being maybe a dynasty team. We get Owens and improve that line....well it can be done.

If we don't improve the line will T.O. come? Big "ifs" in the way of your opinion. Especially in light of Adams' injury, Rogers' flameout, Allen's bloated contract and Gurode's relegation to second string. No one can say this line is ready to go, especially in light of the moves Parcells has made in the last few weeks to shore it up.

Now think about this. Here is how we give Owens his big contract.

Make it for 3 years.

1st year is guarenteed. each year after is a option. Now the way it works is this. He makes the smallest amount of money his 1st year. Then gets a huge jump in $$$$ year #2 and a bigger jump in year #3. He will get his money IFFFFFF HE BEHAVES!!! And then give him a special bonus for every Super Bowl the Cowboys win.

Considering that Roy almost ripped his ankle out of its socket why would he go through all the aggravation this past few months to lose his salary to take less to enter the playing field and risk his career. I know Rosenhaus is a jerk, but I don't think he is an idiot. The past five months for T.O. is all about money and if you have forgotten "his family needs to eat"!!!!

If he becomes a problem his 1st year here we can cut him and not use the options.

A contract can be done to get him $$$$ and make him a good player here.

This is the single biggest reason why he won't come here. No guaranteed money. The backbone of all contracts negotiated in the NFL because regular salaries are not guaranteed. Terrell will not make contract history in the NFL jsut because he loves the Cowboys. Heck, none of the Cowboys stars, Roy, Newman, or even Witten will sign a contract that undervalues themselves in their prime earning years.

I do not know about the rest of you but if we sign T.O. and I think we will. I back the move cuz I know it will be very good for us.

Think about it. BP will be around 3 more years after this at the most. T.O. is a money player that can win him some Super Bowls on his way out. My guess is he is not gonna pass this one up. Maybe I am wrong.....but with this what I bring up you now have to think I have a good point.

BP is going to target needs with availability holding an eye on value, he's always done that. Why he passed on Berry then signed Henry. I don't think he thinks this a position to break the bank on and I would think he is looking to create a bigger legacy for himslef than to saddle the team with a bloated contract for T.O. Every one can see the mistake that the Eagles have made, why would JJ and BP copy that one?

T.O. isn't coming here on the cheap, and the Eagles are going to try to retain whatever value they can from him. Trade would be the first option, the outright release. When released, T.O. is selling himself to the highest bidder. ONly a complete and humiliating fall from grace would lead to him crawling to such a contract as you propose. If he gets to those lowly depths don't think some other "up and coming" team won't jump at him. Then starts another bodding war for the "humble" version of T.O.

Whew! I'm exhausted! I need a nap!
TO is a joke, we dont want him, we dont need him.

Take no stock in Wolverine's thoughts. He is a 15 year old who is impressed with flashy players who love the spotlight. This is the reason he thinks Mike Vick is the greatest thing in the NFL. He doesnt grasp the team concept, just the entertainment concept.
This is one issue where i don't know whether i would like T.O on this team. Yes we all know he has been a terrible teammate everywhere he has been, but still he is probably the best WR in football. I do believe Parcells could somewhat control him because he would be probably the first coach that ever demanded respect out of him and Parcells would instantly cut him if T.O couldn't comply with that. And you know you made a great point when you said that he wouldn't want to let Irvin down if he came to Dallas since Irvin is the only person in the media that shows continuous support of Owens and they appear to be great fans. But T.O hasn't showed anything ever that would indicate he would change in a certain situation. So i wouldn't mind if the Cowboys signed Owens but they better be certain that they can at least somewhat get him in control.
Alexander said:
And you think the media knows the truth? That might be a first.

The media can also twist and spin nearly anything to make it seem more dramatic.

What is more juicy?

Joe Banner, Andy Reid and Jeffrey Lurie sitting in a room and deciding to suspend Owens?

Or a player's "vote" conducted by torchlight and then the results are then taken to management which then uses that to make their decision?

Owens is the one who needs to lie. I really don't see how lying about this would serve the organization's purpose. Because if it were true, I don't think anyone would fault them for listening to their players.

Like I said, it was reported and that's been confirmed. You can choose to believe it or not. You clearly don't want to believe it. You want to pretend that it's just management picking on poor TO - because otherwise it's pretty obvious that TO is a headcase who we wouldn't sign if he was the last player on earth. I never said there was any ballot or anything about torchlight. For all I know when TO walked out of the room after fighting with Douglas someone asked if anyone else was sick of this and people assented - that would be a vote, although it wouldn't feed your survivor dream scenario quite as well.

Vote or no vote, the players on his own team don't want him back. It's been made clear by various sources including many former players - many of whom might just talk to one or two of the Eagles current players. You can spin that any way you want, but the guys on his current team clearly feel that his talent isn't enough to overcome the discord he brings to the team as a whole.
JDSmith said:
Like I said, it was reported and that's been confirmed. You can choose to believe it or not. You clearly don't want to believe it.

It was reported that members of the team did not want him back. I am not disputing that. Just this overly dramatic and yet to be verified vote which you claim happened. It was "verified" by Sal Paolantonio, yet denied by the head coach himself. But I am supposed to believe Reid has an agenda and some writer from ESPN who is paid for news/rumor doesn't?

You want to pretend that it's just management picking on poor TO - because otherwise it's pretty obvious that TO is a headcase who we wouldn't sign if he was the last player on earth.

I never have absolved Owens of any responsibility. He made his own bed. But again, the automatic assumption is by laymen (you, me and everyone else) that we would NEVER EVER have anything to do with him. Fact is, we don't know. Chances are we wouldn't. But I have a feeling the only doors being shut are by fans moreso than the organization.

You can spin that any way you want

I am not spinning anything. I am just trying to get to the facts which are few and far between in this soap opera.
Alexander said:
It was reported that members of the team did not want him back. I am not disputing that. Just this overly dramatic and yet to be verified vote which you claim happened. It was "verified" by Sal Paolantonio, yet denied by the head coach himself. But I am supposed to believe Reid has an agenda and some writer from ESPN who is paid for news/rumor doesn't?

No, the vote was reported. There have been at least 3 people on this thread verifying that the vote was reported. Andy Reid was also asked about the vote, which means there was clearly a report of a vote - see, that's why they asked him. So I claim nothing that isn't true, the vote was reported to have taken place. If you doubt the veracity of the report that's fine, you are entitled to an opinion. But don't pretend that I claim anything and act as if it hasn't been verified.
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!




(My mother said don't call people names, so I won't. But know that the contempt I have these people is enormous and they are disgrace to the idea of fans of the TEAM).
Alexander said:
I am not spinning anything. I am just trying to get to the facts which are few and far between in this soap opera.

Fact: Terrell Owens is a world class athlete and one of the best WRs in football.

Fact: His teammates don't want him back and feel that whatever he brings to the table as a receiver isn't worth it.

Those should be all the facts anyone needs. When you are one of the best at your position and your own teammates don't want you around, something is VERY wrong.
I heard it too.

The vote took place immediately after a victorious TO taunted "Anyone else want some? Huh! I thought not!", following his thrashing of the oaf-like Hugh Douglas.

None of the craven Eagles were willing to take the valiant warrior up on his challenge, but once the vindicated TO strode confidently from the locker room, the little people crept out and formed a hesitant circle.

"He's crazy", they whispered. "Let's vote him off the island before he comes back and pummels some more of us'. Looking for support to their winded and dry-heaving leader McChunky, who had slunk behind a locker during Braveheart's challenge, the gutless wonders one by one turned their puny thumbs down. McChunkey, soaked in the sweat of his TO fear, voted twice.

Thus was Valiant TO, hero of the 2004 season, exiled from his own tribe, less than a year after his glory. The decision was unanimous, and Momma McChunky made a hearty pot of soup for all.
Listen guys there are a couple sayings that fit this topic.

Guy takes advantage of you the first time shame on him, a guy takes advantage of you the second time shame on me. This is the second time this has happened 2 different teams, 2 different QB's same results.

As for this thread and the people who wish for him to sign with Dallas...

Ben Franklin said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Simply put you guys are insane.

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