Why is the NFL committing suicide?

So you can say our country is not great but players protesting things they believe are not great you won't stand for?

Some people can say the country isn't great. Others cannot.

I assume the irony will be lost on you
Dude, players can protest all they want...who really cares about what they protest. The argument is about protesting on the owners dime during a sporting event. I watch football to get away from the everyday bs, if I wanted that then I have many options. I prefer not to see politics and people making their statements when I watch sports or go to concerts etc. Politics is one area where it is guaranteed that everyone will disagree, I prefer not to have to deal with that while tuning out to watch a football game. You obviously enjoy it so please enjoy further. Ty Jerry...
I'm completely uninterested in the discussion that will follow.

Let me summarize how it will go. I will detail how historical patterns of discrimination limit opportunities leading to cycles of poverty.

You will shoot back with some Horatio Alger nonsense. Then you'll deny the existence of discrimination.

Then I'll likely get benched for my comments while your political statements are, for some reason, tolerated.

Yeah, not interested.
Why would you or Kaepernick waste time on the truth when you can complain and get attention pointing fingers at somebody else.

Accusing someone of discrimination is different than accusing police of intentionally killing people because of their race.

The fact that people like you and Kaepernick refuse to have an intelligent conversation about the subject and just resort to finger pointing makes you part of the problem.

There is significant governmental support for minorities to go to college both from a financial aspect and an admissions aspect. The problem is that very few people encourage minority kids to go to college. Kaepernick could use his platform to encourage those kids but instead he just wants attention and wants to point fingers at others.

The government gives significant preferencial treatment to minority owned businesses in terms of getting government contracts.
Why would you or Kaepernick waste time on the truth when you can complain and get attention pointing fingers at somebody else.

Accusing someone of discrimination is different than accusing police of intentionally killing people because of their race.

The fact that people like you and Kaepernick refuse to have an intelligent conversation about the subject and just resort to finger pointing makes you part of the problem.

There is significant governmental support for minorities to go to college both from a financial aspect and an admissions aspect. The problem is that very few people encourage minority kids to go to college. Kaepernick could use his platform to encourage those kids but instead he just wants attention and wants to point fingers at others.

The government gives significant preferencial treatment to minority owned businesses in terms of getting government contracts.

How cute.

You think this is still just about the police
Dude, players can protest all they want...who really cares about what they protest. The argument is about protesting on the owners dime during a sporting event. I watch football to get away from the everyday bs, if I wanted that then I have many options. I prefer not to see politics and people making their statements when I watch sports or go to concerts etc. Politics is one area where it is guaranteed that everyone will disagree, I prefer not to have to deal with that while tuning out to watch a football game. You obviously enjoy it so please enjoy further. Ty Jerry...

Most of the league's owners have come out in support of the players doing this on "their dime" - yet you continue to complain
not sure how in 30 seconds you're able to adsorb what was truly said, I've realizing you're not interested in fairly discussing, or at least even hearing others

At least he didn't call you a white supremacist. I wasn't aware I was one until he told me I was.
not sure how in 30 seconds you're able to adsorb what was truly said, I've realizing you're not interested in fairly discussing, or at least even hearing others

I don't have to move my lips when I read or have to sound out words
how do you interpret these facts? Please share as I don't recall you adding any substance to this dialog - mostly finger pointing and name calling, identity stuff??

X number of African Americans **** by police had an illegal weapon. Meaningless. White folks don't have illegal weapons when they interface with police? Where's the comparative data to support the claim? Absent.Data do not exist in a vacuum

Couple that with high profile and completely unjustified killings and you should be able to understand the anger.

Unless, of course, you work from a default setting that people of color are stupid, emotional, and too dumb to understand facts. If that's the case, I certainly understand how you've come to a certain conclusion
I'm completely uninterested in the discussion that will follow.

Let me summarize how it will go. I will detail how historical patterns of discrimination limit opportunities leading to cycles of poverty.

You will shoot back with some Horatio Alger nonsense. Then you'll deny the existence of discrimination.

Then I'll likely get benched for my comments while your political statements are, for some reason, tolerated.

Yeah, not interested.

Of all homicides of black people, about 3% are by Police. For unarmed blacks killed by police it's less than 1% of the total homicides. The number gets down to 1/10th of 1% for unjustified/questionable police killings.

As mentioned about 3% of black homicides are by police. In contrast about 12% of non-black homicides are by police.

Tell me again why the focus is on unjustified police killings and not on murder rates of blacks not by the police?

If low income is the primary reason then why isn't the focus on that?

The number of unjustified or questionable police killings are below about 30 per year. Reducing the problem by 90% would save less than 30 people per year. Reducing the black murder rate by 50% would save about 4000 per per year.

Reducing poverty could help millions of people.

Kaepernick could choose a cause that would save thousands of lives per year or improve the lives of millions but instead is focused on saving less than 30. If you assume that all unjustified police killings of whites is just incompetence and apply that rate to the 30, then you get down under 10 unjustfied killings that might be due to race.

Even if race was magically eliminated as an issue with millions of police interactions with people each year there will always be some mistakes made.

Police are not highly paid. The best and brightest young people generally don't strive for low paying jobs where the death rate is much higher than most other jobs. There is always going to be mistakes made due to both emotion and incompetence.
I'm completely uninterested in the discussion that will follow.

Let me summarize how it will go. I will detail how historical patterns of discrimination limit opportunities leading to cycles of poverty.

You will shoot back with some Horatio Alger nonsense. Then you'll deny the existence of discrimination.

Then I'll likely get benched for my comments while your political statements are, for some reason, tolerated.

Yeah, not interested.
Third topic...

The murder rates of blacks spiked 17% in the 50 biggest cities after the beginning of Black Lives Matter. They attribute it to police staying out of those areas due to the increased hatred towards them. Basically Kaepernick is contributing to more deaths of black people than the police.
X number of African Americans **** by police had an illegal weapon. Meaningless. White folks don't have illegal weapons when they interface with police? Where's the comparative data to support the claim? Absent.Data do not exist in a vacuum

Couple that with high profile and completely unjustified killings and you should be able to understand the anger.

Unless, of course, you work from a default setting that people of color are stupid, emotional, and too dumb to understand facts. If that's the case, I certainly understand how you've come to a certain conclusion

We were told that Mike Brown was unjustly killed and scientific forensic evidence proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that was a lie. And we are still told that Mike Brown was unjustly killed. So yeah, I think some people are too stupid and emotional to understand facts because no matter the mountain of evidence against Mike Brown...they still cover their ears like a child and cry that he was murdered.

That statistic of blacks being killed by police having an illegal weapon shows that, by and large, blacks killed by police were likely done justly so. Just like whites killed by cops are, by and large, justly killed in the name of the law. Yet, for supposed systemic racism with police, Asians are the least likely to be killed, either justly or unjustly, by cops.

Of all homicides of black people, about 3% are by Police. For unarmed blacks killed by police it's less than 1% of the total homicides. The number gets down to 1/10th of 1% for unjustified/questionable police killings.

As mentioned about 3% of black homicides are by police. In contrast about 12% of non-black homicides are by police.

Tell me again why the focus is on unjustified police killings and not on murder rates of blacks not by the police?

If low income is the primary reason then why isn't the focus on that?

The number of unjustified or questionable police killings are below about 30 per year. Reducing the problem by 90% would save less than 30 people per year. Reducing the black murder rate by 50% would save about 4000 per per year.

Reducing poverty could help millions of people.

Kaepernick could choose a cause that would save thousands of lives per year or improve the lives of millions but instead is focused on saving less than 30. If you assume that all unjustified police killings of whites is just incompetence and apply that rate to the 30, then you get down under 10 unjustfied killings that might be due to race.

Even if race was magically eliminated as an issue with millions of police interactions with people each year there will always be some mistakes made.

Police are not highly paid. The best and brightest young people generally don't strive for low paying jobs where the death rate is much higher than most other jobs. There is always going to be mistakes made due to both emotion and incompetence.

Of all the people killed by police, 25% are African American males. They comprise 6% of the US population.

What do disproportionate mean?
Why would you or Kaepernick waste time on the truth when you can complain and get attention pointing fingers at somebody else.

Accusing someone of discrimination is different than accusing police of intentionally killing people because of their race.

The fact that people like you and Kaepernick refuse to have an intelligent conversation about the subject and just resort to finger pointing makes you part of the problem.

There is significant governmental support for minorities to go to college both from a financial aspect and an admissions aspect. The problem is that very few people encourage minority kids to go to college. Kaepernick could use his platform to encourage those kids but instead he just wants attention and wants to point fingers at others.

The government gives significant preferencial treatment to minority owned businesses in terms of getting government contracts.

Oh, the I'm so disadvantaged because minorities get so much nonsense. They just don't take advantage of it.

If you come from an area with crap public schools you face far more barriers than not having the money for college.w

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