Why is the NFL committing suicide?

Nope, you're not attempting to comprehend what I said.

I offered low income as a possible reason for high crime rates.

If it is low income that causes high crimes rates among blacks and high crime rates put them in more danger of being killed, then shouldn't Kaepernick protest low income?

I'm completely uninterested in the discussion that will follow.

Let me summarize how it will go. I will detail how historical patterns of discrimination limit opportunities leading to cycles of poverty.

You will shoot back with some Horatio Alger nonsense. Then you'll deny the existence of discrimination.

Then I'll likely get benched for my comments while your political statements are, for some reason, tolerated.

Yeah, not interested.
I'm completely uninterested in the discussion that will follow.

Let me summarize how it will go. I will detail how historical patterns of discrimination limit opportunities leading to cycles of poverty.

You will shoot back with some Horatio Alger nonsense. Then you'll deny the existence of discrimination.

Then I'll likely get benched for my comments while your political statements are, for some reason, tolerated.

Yeah, not interested.
Put on your Pink P hat, it suits u well.
Trump has done the seemingly impossible: he has united the players and the owners.
MAGA...That is all. All others can join the pink hat brigade at Costco sucking up to a two time Loooser!
MAGA...That is all. All others can join the pink hat brigade at Costco sucking up to a two time Loooser!

So you can say our country is not great but players protesting things they believe are not great you won't stand for?

Some people can say the country isn't great. Others cannot.

I assume the irony will be lost on you
I was trying to watch the Packers/Bengals game, but it became the National Anthem report.
So you can say our country is not great but players protesting things they believe are not great you won't stand for?

Some people can say the country isn't great. Others cannot.

I assume the irony will be lost on you
If you're saying it's not great that a small few are protesting something that is great, oh....I agree! ;)

It is comforting though to see so far this, IMO, ill aimed protest has been insignificant, and cooler, calmer minds prevailed to see the big picture.
You don't think it's important. Seems like the nation in general does
it is important but was wrongly turned into an identity issue. You didn't get the anarchy you wanted today, the nation is speaking back and doesn't agree. Maybe time to look in the mirror.
Originally it was just a few guys kneeling. If people ignored them, it would've faded away. Instead, people made a big deal about it. Naturally, it's escalated because of all the attention it brings. If the protests bother you, and you've been losing your mind over them, pat yourself on the back for causing them to grow.

Personally, I think it's silly - the notion that we can't have a sporting event without singing the anthem first. But if you claim it's a celebration of freedom, or respecting those who have fought to protect it, then guess what? People have a right to exercise that freedom in ways you may find distasteful. If you want them forcibly stopped, then you're not really about freedom - you're about your own freedom.
it is important but was wrongly turned into an identity issue. You didn't get the anarchy you wanted today, the nation is speaking back and doesn't agree. Maybe time to look in the mirror.

We've seen statements from 2/3rds of the teams and widespread shows of unity. That's a tremendous statement - downplaying it doesn't make it untrue

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