Why is the NFL committing suicide?

read up on "redlining"/segregated housing in places like chicago, the structural racism within banking institutions - wells fargo, the ferguson report, the countless inequalities in policing and sentencing for the same crimes...you come off as a fairly sophisticated guy on here, there's no way you believe institutional racism is some fairy tale. this country's history (old and modern) is littered with examples of it. it's a big reason why some start on 3rd base while others are born into a situation where they have to dig themselves out of a hole.

#1 - No one disputes that there are racist cops or or that racism toward the Black community isn't widespread.

#2 - I really disagree that Housing is the right example. Basically everyone on all sides was responsible for the Housing Collapse in 2008. A major reason the big banks targeted Low Income and Minority Loans was a Law called the Community Reinvestment Act that made it a crime to NOT make a certain amount of loans to those communities. Another factor was that Fannie Mae had set itself up to buy every home loan that was made - for the immense profit of the people running it - which took all the risk out of the Housing market until it collapsed.

If you do want to read up on this there is a good book called "Reckless Endangerment" by Gretchen Morgenson, who is a progressive NY Times reporter that started the book intending to show how Wall Street screwed the little guy. After a lot of research she found that it was Wall Street, and Fannie Mae, and paid off Congressmen, and Banks, and Mortgage Brokers, and House Flippers........

Basically its a long list and in the end, the little guy got screwed. But that doesn't make it a racist effort directed against the Black community.
Yes I do, and the distinction you are trying to draw is silly. He refused to stand when every other NFL player did, and had for years. Then talked endlessly on national television about why he did it.

You are acting like it was an accident, when in reality standing for the Anthem is literally in the CBA.

"Hey, I'm not a tax cheat, I simply didn't participate in the IRS".

So when the anthem comes on TV you stand? ARE the people who do not --most of us-- disrespectful when we don't?

It is not in the CBA. That is a whopper. The NFL does not punish players for not participating.

“Players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the National Anthem,” the NFL said in a statement issued Saturday, in response to the controversy that emerged when 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick opted not to stand during the playing of the national anthem on Friday night in Santa Clara, prior to a game against the Packers.

Oh. More encounters with police. That's the issue.

An African American congressman was stopped by police seven times last year.

More contact with police because police seek them out.

You continue to make me sick with your crap. **** and get back to your Parnell is the best posts
Funny how I was a Parnell fan and despised Free...

13% committed over 50% of murders. That's not police seeking somebody out.

Other crimes the rate is way over 50%.

Police were much more likely to be killed by blacks than non-blacks. Obviously they're going to do some profiling because it's an efficient method of operation.

I should be protesting those crime rates. It's absurd.
#1 - No one disputes that there are racist cops or or that racism toward the Black community isn't widespread.

#2 - I really disagree that Housing is the right example. Basically everyone on all sides was responsible for the Housing Collapse in 2008. A major reason the big banks targeted Low Income and Minority Loans was a Law called the Community Reinvestment Act that made it a crime to NOT make a certain amount of loans to those communities. Another factor was that Fannie Mae had set itself up to buy every home loan that was made - for the immense profit of the people running it - which took all the risk out of the Housing market until it collapsed.

If you do want to read up on this there is a good book called "Reckless Endangerment" by Gretchen Morgenson, who is a progressive NY Times reporter that started the book intending to show how Wall Street screwed the little guy. After a lot of research she found that it was Wall Street, and Fannie Mae, and paid off Congressmen, and Banks, and Mortgage Brokers, and House Flippers........

Basically its a long list and in the end, the little guy got screwed. But that doesn't make it a racist effort directed against the Black community.

The issue that Kaepernick has raised is not that there are racist cops. His issue has been that organizations and institutions enable and excuse bad cops preventing a solution. He's right.
Funny how I was a Parnell fan and despised Free...

13% committed over 50% of murders. That's not police seeking somebody out.

Other crimes the rate is way over 50%.

Police were much more likely to be killed by blacks than non-blacks. Obviously they're going to do some profiling because it's an efficient method of operation.

I should be protesting those crime rates. It's absurd.

You've said that africans were better off before they were freed from slavery. That is the same justification that the slavers in the 19th century used to justify their actions. The whole white man's burden excuse. It is what it is. That you recognize that a particular black man as more athletic does not detract from that.

When you normalize for socioeconomic factors all those racial crime disparities disappear. When you consider police interaction rates of races that goes away too.

You do protest those crime stats every chance you get. It's your go to argument in these discussions.
So when the anthem comes on TV you stand? ARE the people who do not --most of us-- disrespectful when we don't?

This is even sillier. When I'm at a game, I stand. So do all the fans and all the players in the Stadium, as they have my entire adult life until Kaepernick decided he could draw attention to himself with this stunt.
This is even sillier. When I'm at a game, I stand. So do all the fans and all the players in the Stadium, as they have my entire adult life until Kaepernick decided he could draw attention to himself with this stunt.

So why is not standing when you hear the song being played at home not unpatriotic? You should stand and show your respect or do you only do that because people are watching?

I note you've given up on the other Kaepernick slanders.
I note you've given up on the other Kaepernick slanders.

Yes, I took everything back when I realized Kaepernick protested Ray Rice coldcocking his wife and Rae Carruth killing his wife.

Oh, I forgot. He "failed to participate" in those.
I understand the outcry against unnecessary police violence.

But where has the outcry been about all same-race violence in our urban areas... The number of deaths via that manner greatly dwarf the other– Yet where's the protest over that?

Or the protest over the disintegration of the family unit where young men feel no obligation to actually being fathers and being monogamous?

1. Who says there is no outcry? Don't see it on the news so it doesn't happen, right?

2. Why is this question such a staple of the discussion? Does it really need to be spelled out? Criminals will do criminal things. Violent people will commit violent acts, regardless of race. Are we not supposed to hold public servants to a higher standard than violent street criminals? This question is such a diversion and is so damned lame it's nearly laughable that people think it's a legitimate talking point. Yes, black-on-black crime is problematic. Yes, it is more prevalent than police violence. That doesn't mean that it should receive equal attention because there is little you can do to counteract criminal behavior aside from imprisoning people after the fact. Police violence shouldn't exist AT ALL and there is much we can do to curb police violence. While I'm no expert, I'd bet the farm that the psychology behind each type of violence is so far removed from the other that it's not even funny.

It's just absurd. Almost like people can't distinguish between criminals, and civil servants who have sworn to uphold the law and protect and serve. Reassess your expectations of both parties and you'll answer your own question.
This is even sillier. When I'm at a game, I stand. So do all the fans and all the players in the Stadium, as they have my entire adult life until Kaepernick decided he could draw attention to himself with this stunt.

I see people all the time that are to busy eating and have those big giant cardboard food trays in their lap and dont get up. I have seen people talking on the phone, getting beer...which is another weird quirk how come the beer guys still go up and down the aisles during the anthem and will happily sell you a beer during the anthem without blinking an eye?
So why is not standing when you hear the song being played at home not unpatriotic? You should stand and show your respect or do you only do that because people are watching?

I note you've given up on the other Kaepernick slanders.
So weak.......please stop looking so dumb..... it is beneath you
Funny how I was a Parnell fan and despised Free...

13% committed over 50% of murders. That's not police seeking somebody out.

Other crimes the rate is way over 50%.

Police were much more likely to be killed by blacks than non-blacks. Obviously they're going to do some profiling because it's an efficient method of operation.

I should be protesting those crime rates. It's absurd.

Or you could devote some introspection to how you spend so much time seeking information that justifies your views.


"Oh I don't hate black folks it's just that ..."

Good Lord. You are the prototypical modern racist. (Note: I'm not calling you a racist, just noting that most fields in the social sciences have had your number for 30+years)
Or you could devote some introspection to how you spend so much time seeking information that justifies your views.


"Oh I don't hate black folks it's just that ..."

Good Lord. You are the prototypical modern racist. (Note: I'm not calling you a racist, just noting that most fields in the social sciences have had your number for 30+years)
Can't argue facts so you start name calling....... classic AbeBeta

we are all just wife beating racist teetotalers....... give it a break
So weak.......please stop looking so dumb..... it is beneath you

Ad hominems are not an argument. Pettiness is apparently at your level.

If it is disrespectful to not stand for the anthem then why do you not do so at home? Or do you only honor something because others are watching?
For the same reason that pissing in my toilet at home is viewed differently than pissing on your leg at a Cowboys game.

Pissing on someone's leg is disrespectful anywhere. Just as not standing for the anthem is not disrespectful anywhere.
I understand the outcry against unnecessary police violence.

But where has the outcry been about all same-race violence in our urban areas... The number of deaths via that manner greatly dwarf the other– Yet where's the protest over that?

Or the protest over the disintegration of the family unit where young men feel no obligation to actually being fathers and being monogamous?

The outcry against violence in Milwaukee and Chicago has been widespread for years now. There have been rallies and meetings in both locations over the issue.

I like the philanderer and family deserter stereotype. :rolleyes:
More black men are murdered in the city of Chicago alone each year on the weekends of Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day than all of the black men across the country that are unjustly murdered by police in a year.

So every year, on 3 distinct weekends of the year...activists could save far more lives of black people in one particular defined area than they could save of all of the black men unjustly murdered by police. But, they will never do it.


I like the moral equivalency of gangbangers and the police.

Further those murderers in Chicago when they are caught have the book thrown at them. Shall we review the conflicts of interest and extra rights police officers have that prevent a similar investigation or prosecution?
Yes, I took everything back when I realized Kaepernick protested Ray Rice coldcocking his wife and Rae Carruth killing his wife.

Oh, I forgot. He "failed to participate" in those.

Rice was charged with assault and had to deal with both the US justice system and the NFL's punishment. Carruth is still in jail.

Meanwhile cops avoid similar scrutiny. They get investigated and prosecuted by their friends and coworkers. They enjoy dozens of extra protections in being investigated and prosecuted that Rice Carruth nor Ray Rice nor any other citizen enjoys. They can break procedure, policy, and training, kill you and get off by saying they were scared. They can seize your property and keep it without a trial or conviction.

You guys attack the messenger and ignore the legitimate issues he is bringing up.

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