Why is this so complicated for the NFL? Improve the terrible officiating!

Problem I have with that is it happened already. Saints vs rams playoff game. The non PI call. They didn’t call that and it influenced who went to the SB. They didn’t care then. And that was the biggest non call ever.
That really gave me the vibe that the NFL is rigged. They definitely rigged that game so the Rams could get to the Super Bowl in Los angeles.
Poor officiating generates news for the league and also helps control gambling. It is by design.
Every flag should be reviewable by refs upstairs!

If it is a BLATANT mistake, like a ref calling the wrong team for a tripping penalty, the refs in the both calls down immediately, and tells the head ref to pickup the flag. I also believe BLATANT non calls, that EVERYONE at home can see, should be called by the ref upstairs. This extra official reviews the play, between plays, and makes a decision quickly to not hinder the flow of the game and to not increase the length of the game by too much. GET THE CALLS RIGHT!!!!

Also, coaches should be able to review everything, including judgement calls ( holding, pass interference, roughing the passer, etc.) Refs screw up on these calls all the time. The refs are moving fast and things are happening quickly. Sometimes they do not see what they think they see. If the refs upstairs are doing their job coaches will probably not have as many challenges.

Also, refs on the field, should never go under the hood to review a play. Let the refs upstairs, who are only focusing on penalties make the call. Refs on the field are focusing on a lot of different things. Let the refs in the both focus on the reviews AND the blatant mistakes( wrong player called for tripping etc.)

Blatantly bad calls that EVERYONE sees at home MUST be fixed!!!!! There is no excuse in the year 2024, with the technology the NFL has( camera angles everywhere etc.) to allow BLATANTLY BAD calls to go unfixed!!!!
that would be nice lol.
I think the nfl likes it with all of what you want to get rid of! It makes it easier to get away with manipulating outcome to be in line with what vegas wants.
It isnt that refs want a team to lose, thats silly. they are trying to please vegas, with over unders moneyline, pt spread and sometimes who will win.
Who gets in playoffs , who goes to champ games and then who goes to SB.

If someone fixed the ref call situation like you suggest, they could not do all that, each game would be fair and who knows the scores or who wins?

To get them to fix it would mean fans boycott the nfl till they do fix it, and that wont happen because we all are addicts, cant stop watching , going to games,and buying merch.
I dont go to games anymore, and dont buys merch, but I do watch games thru tv and other means, but I am not part of the ratings.

Tv ratins are all just estimated from nielson company that monitors small group of people and if %10 of that group watches a game they estimate
that %10 of homes do to and that would be 25 mil people watched it, and really no one knows, but it works, advertisers and the public believe those are real #s lol.
So nfl has good tv ratings locked up.
Only if those nielson people stopped watching would the ratings go down , and that is a small # of people , specific people who would have to not watch games.
If all other fans stopped, it would not matter ratings would still be the same.
that would be nice lol.
I think the nfl likes it with all of what you want to get rid of! It makes it easier to get away with manipulating outcome to be in line with what vegas wants.
It isnt that refs want a team to lose, thats silly. they are trying to please vegas, with over unders moneyline, pt spread and sometimes who will win.
Who gets in playoffs , who goes to champ games and then who goes to SB.

If someone fixed the ref call situation like you suggest, they could not do all that, each game would be fair and who knows the scores or who wins?

To get them to fix it would mean fans boycott the nfl till they do fix it, and that wont happen because we all are addicts, cant stop watching , going to games,and buying merch.
I dont go to games anymore, and dont buys merch, but I do watch games thru tv and other means, but I am not part of the ratings.

Tv ratins are all just estimated from nielson company that monitors small group of people and if %10 of that group watches a game they estimate
that %10 of homes do to and that would be 25 mil people watched it, and really no one knows, but it works, advertisers and the public believe those are real #s lol.
So nfl has good tv ratings locked up.
Only if those nielson people stopped watching would the ratings go down , and that is a small # of people , specific people who would have to not watch games.
If all other fans stopped, it would not matter ratings would still be the same.
I can’t believe how many fans on this site think the games are fixed. The refs are making mistakes on purpose to effect outcomes.

I’ve said this already. Why would you watch the NFL if you think it is fixed?

I wouldn’t waste my time if I thought it was fixed. I think the refs are terrible and maybe a little biased against certain teams, but I don’t think they consciously try to fix games.
Human error will always be part of the equation. It’s part of life. You can’t review every single flag that’s thrown, it would take too much time and slow up the game. The officiating is never going to be perfect because most calls involve judgment and some of you need to stop complaining and accept it.
Maybe it’s by design and the NFL is happy. Why aren’t certain rules challengeable? If you cannot define a rule that is non subjective then maybe it should not be a rule.
Money fuels competition, and attracts the best talent. Back in the 60s and 70s you have mostly players playing that loved to play football. I was in my prime in the 80s, but I could have probably started on a team in the 60s. As the money grew larger, the players got better.

If the NFL truly wanted talent at the referee position, they have to dig into their wallets. Make it a full time job. Make it a very high paying job. That will attract more people. That will attract younger talent. But they don't want to spend the money. If it was a really lucrative job, we'd see a lot more 25-30 year old refs. Refs probably not calling tripping on the wrong team.
How did we ever enjoy the NFL before there were any reviews, when instant replay was only used to show the great offensive or defensive plays. Sometimes I think the NFL was more enjoyable and fans were less annoying when we just accepted the results and calls on the field without all the second guessing every close call and arguing over the ones where no one really knows what happened. Remember SB V and the controversy over the Mackey 75 yard TD reception that was the difference in the game? Was the ball tipped by a second player or not? No one really knows to this day.

No one liked it, but everyone in that era accepted that there were plays all throughout the game that also contributed to the loss. The idea that the game should be officiated perfectly and every play analyzed under a microscope on film takes the focus away from the play on the field and puts it on the refs. Then the replay official. Then the poor film angles. It will never end because sport is not supposed to be perfect.

Should the NFL pay refs as professionals and have training all off season and even during the season? Yes! But at some point we have to get away from wanting every play analyzed ad nausium in a desire for perfection. We already want to review the ball spot and have it perfect to the inch; now we want to review penalties. Eventually the game itself will be unwatchable and less fun, but I guess all the pauses in play will allow the sponsors and stadiums to sell more crap while we watch a dozen replays and wait for some film analyst reconstructing the play frame by frame, removing players from the negative so we can see if the football moved a mili-second before the player’s left buttcheek grazed the turf.
I can’t believe how many fans on this site think the games are fixed. The refs are making mistakes on purpose to effect outcomes.

I’ve said this already. Why would you watch the NFL if you think it is fixed?

I wouldn’t waste my time if I thought it was fixed. I think the refs are terrible and maybe a little biased against certain teams, but I don’t think they consciously try to fix games.
Because I am well aware that we do not live in a perfect world and I accept it for what it is. All facets of our society have some shenanigans involved, and to blackball everything that has notes of crookedness would mean you would have nothing in life.

It's quite actually the opposite. To think there are no shenanigans going on is quite naive. There always has been and always will be, especially when big money is involved. You think the Black Sox were the only ones to take bribes to throw games?

Seriously, go get a copy of the complete game of the 2017 AFC championship game and watch it. It must be a complete game, as you've got to see the plays called back as well as all penalties.
as long as the money is rolling in they do not care

so they do nothing
Are you kidding? They call to keep the games close which ensures that the money keeps rolling in. Problem is, in the NO/LA playoff game, they got their hands caught in the cookie jar w/ that horrific non-call. Horrible mistake by them, and they've been rushing to put bandaids over it ever since. Even made PI calls reviewable. And how many got overturned? Pretty sure it was zero. Why? Because the refs would not allow it. Making PI calls reviewable was strictly to keep the fan's money in the game. They don't care about fairness and integrity, they only care about the money train. When you look at it through the money lens, suddenly it all starts making sense.

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