Why not Block in the back on the INT return for a TD?

The NFL rule book clearly states that when a player is about to make a game winning play against the Cowboys no official shall ever throw his flag for any reason and if he does he will be overturned by New York. Yall aint learnt the rules yet?
Dang it, I forgot they updated that.

Thanks, man. Good looking out.

Just something I noticed during the end of the game and haven't seen it mentioned once.

Why didn't they call the clear and obvious "Block in the Back" on Dak during the return? Happens at about the 38... 10-yard penalty. Could have changed the outcome.

look at that weak *** route Schultz ran though smh
It wasn't a block in the back. Dak turned his back to the defender keeping himself from absorbing the force of the whole blow. It was a good no call.

Spilled milk.

You called it but the victim train is undefeated on these boards. I'll never forget the emotional puddles people made when they changed the catch rule and people needed it to be that the NFL admitted they ruled the Dez play wrongly when it was just a simple rule change.

Blocking is the act of obstructing or impeding an opponent by contacting him with a part of the blocker’s body.
A Block in the Back is a block that is delivered from behind an opponent above his waist. It is not a block in the back:

(a) if a player is making a personal attempt to recover a loose ball;
(b) if the opponent turns away from the blocker when contact is imminent;

(c) if both of the blocker’s hands are on the opponent’s side. (If either hand is on the back, it is a foul.)
A Block Below the Waist is when the initial contact with any part of the blocker’s body is below the waist of an opponent, other
than the runner, who has one or both feet on the ground. A blocker who makes contact above the waist and then slides below the
waist has not blocked below the waist. If an opponent uses his hands to ward off a block creating contact below the waist, it is not
a block below the waist.


<sarcasm> Blocked from the side. Couldn't be clearer. </sarcasm>

Dak was attempting to get in position to make a tackle.

Not mad. Not crying. Just observing. Shoulda been called.

Lol. More slanted still shots used to try to ignore video (and the rules). I have a still shot of my own. How do the players get into the positions you show from what I show where the defender starts to make his block on Dak? Oh yeah, Dak turned his back. Per the rules in the rulebook, if a person turns his back when contact is imminent, that is not a foul.

Lol. More slanted still shots used to try to ignore video (and the rules). I have a still shot of my own. How do the players get into the positions you show from what I show where the defender starts to make his block on Dak? Oh yeah, Dak turned his back. Per the rules in the rulebook, if a person turns his back when contact is imminent, that is not a foul.

This is some silly clown crap bro.

It's, in part, why I shared the VIDEO.

Why do people hold, or block in the back? Because they GET OUT OF POSITION. If you watch the video, the Jags DEFENDER takes a poor angle to cut off Dak, he gets out of position and ends up behind him blocking him in the back! SMH.

Your still shot is of the DEFENDER two yards from Dak...
Lol. More slanted still shots used to try to ignore video (and the rules). I have a still shot of my own. How do the players get into the positions you show from what I show where the defender starts to make his block on Dak? Oh yeah, Dak turned his back. Per the rules in the rulebook, if a person turns his back when contact is imminent, that is not a foul.

HAHAHA... the more I look at this the more i LAUGH. I mean by this pic, it looks like he should just beable to put his shoulder in Dak's chest. Until you watch the video and realize Dak is running to the LEFT and not towards the defender.
This is some silly clown crap bro.

It's, in part, why I shared the VIDEO.

Why do people hold, or block in the back? Because they GET OUT OF POSITION. If you watch the video, the Jags DEFENDER takes a poor angle to cut off Dak, he gets out of position and ends up behind him blocking him in the back! SMH.

Your still shot is of the DEFENDER two yards from Dak...

I referenced your video. And if you watch it, you'll see that this still is taken AS the defender lowers his head to make a block on Dak (contact is imminent). Dak then "turns away from the blocker." Not 2 yards away, he's on him and starting the throw the block. And he's in front of Dak. So how do they get into that position from the still shot way later? Check your video. As he approaches, Dak turns his back to him. You saying the rule exception doesn't apply here?

(b) if the opponent turns away from the blocker when contact is imminent;

Your OP asked a question: "Why not ...?" I answered it. Undeniably. Just say you only wanted one answer (we wuz robbed) instead of the truth and we can end this little pretend tap dance of yours.
HAHAHA... the more I look at this the more i LAUGH. I mean by this pic, it looks like he should just beable to put his shoulder in Dak's chest. Until you watch the video and realize Dak is running to the LEFT and not towards the defender.

Does the rule say the two players need to collide face to face for a legal block? It says you can't push a guy above the waist from behind. They are on opposite sides and facing each other as the defender starts to throw his block. He is clear to do so no matter what Dak does at that point. Was the defender aiming for Dak's back or did Dak have to turn, run past, or whatever to then have his back exposed? Again, READ THE RULES:

A Block in the Back is a block that is delivered from behind an opponent above his waist.
Did the defender deliver his block "from behind his opponent?" Looks like he's in front, doesn't he?

Just something I noticed during the end of the game and haven't seen it mentioned once.

Why didn't they call the clear and obvious "Block in the Back" on Dak during the return? Happens at about the 38... 10-yard penalty. Could have changed the outcome.

Yep, I saw that when it happened and wondered the same thing myself. But there would be no way the refs would reverse that game winning pick. If the Texas chainsaw killer were on the field with a Poulan Pro PR4218, 18 in. 42cc 2-Cycle Gas Chainsaw & Oregon S62 AdvanceCut Chainsaw Chain for 18-Inch Bar, lopping off the legs of every Dallas player that comes near, the refs would eat their whistles, and call their bookies after the game to drive by and pick up their winnings.
The NFL rule book clearly states that when a player is about to make a game winning play against the Cowboys no official shall ever throw his flag for any reason and if he does he will be overturned by New York. Yall aint learnt the rules yet?
Additional chat just makes fans even madder.
Nothing is going to change the call.
It's over.
Jags won.
Up next: Philly.

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